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Lantana, Blessed by the Seas

2024 Comic Lily League Lantana and Tressa XIV

  And does controlling the sea mean that they own the sea’s people as well? -- ...

Updated 5 months ago by Xemthawt112

PROMETHEUS 2024 SumLeague Page

2024 Comic Camellia League Tony, God of an Empty Vault

    TONY, THE GOD OF THE EMPTY VAULT Reference Sheet Audition ht...

Updated 5 months ago by Prometheus


2024 Comic Camellia League Shiori Okagami

   [Shiori and Sana Okagami] Reference Sheet Audition - Audition (...

Updated 5 months ago by StarDustJarr


2024 Comic Camellia League Tony, God of an Empty Vault

  Name's Tony, W'vatsit Touyah? -- Tony W'vatsit Touyah     Tony is an Oni t...

Updated 5 months ago by Prometheus


2024 Comic Camellia League Jasmine

    Jasmine Reference Sheet Audition [Click Here!] Round 1 ...

Updated 5 months ago by greggear

Mio Mifune

2024 Comic Camellia League Nekomata

  This city's full of insufferable fakers, but I'm afraid one of them will convinc...

Updated 5 months ago by Screen_Boy

Creator: Screen Boy

2024 Comic Camellia League Nekomata

    [Mio Mifune] Reference Sheet Audition

Updated 5 months ago by Screen_Boy

Spectator - Outlaw [WIP]

2024 Comic Camellia League Dave the Dummy

  In my hayday, Everyone knew me by the sound of the bullet bouncing in their skul...

Updated 5 months ago by Faraam


2024 Comic Camellia League Cadet

    Cadet and FAIR-E Reference Sheet Audition Black Hearted Evil...

Updated 5 months ago by MillsV2


2024 Comic Camellia League Cadet

  An Artificial Intelligence program of my own design... She can infiltrate anythi...

Updated 5 months ago by MillsV2

Spectator - Hyena [WIP]

2024 Comic Camellia League Dave the Dummy

  I'd rather throw away every cent i made making music then betray the people who ...

Updated 5 months ago by Faraam

Spectator - Iso Arashi [WIP]

2024 Comic Camellia League Dave the Dummy

  The Strong decide the future of the Weak, that is why I dragged myself through h...

Updated 5 months ago by Faraam

Creator - [Faraam]

2024 Comic Camellia League Dave the Dummy

    Dave the Dummy Reference Sheet Audition

Updated 5 months ago by Faraam

Competitor - Dave The Dummy

2024 Comic Camellia League Dave the Dummy

  Villains and Heroes aren't too different from one another, Trust me, would a bad...

Updated 5 months ago by Faraam

Masaru Fukuzawa

2024 Comic Camellia League Kazuya & Masaru

  With what he’s capable of, the world is lucky there isn’t a hint of malice in hi...

Updated 5 months ago by Agent Cheshire


2024 Comic Camellia League Kazuya & Masaru

  I was worried he would be a bad influence on Masaru, but it seems like Masaru’s ...

Updated 5 months ago by Agent Cheshire

Adriel Spiros Reference

2024 Comic Camellia League Adriel Spiros

  Eat it bitch! -- Adriel     An angel with a big mouth and an even bigger e...

Updated 5 months ago by Brandini Panini

[KuaDeul ‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda] Reference

2024 Comic Sakura League Shrahm & Deul Rlakda

  There are many ways to make someone lose their ‘face’,  and one is asking such d...

Updated 5 months ago by MoKuzuu

[Kamaal ‘ShRaham’ Rlakda] Reference

2024 Comic Sakura League Shrahm & Deul Rlakda

  Who can love a man if he cannot love himself? So, chin up, little cactus! For a ...

Updated 5 months ago by MoKuzuu

Creator Page

2024 Comic Sakura League Shrahm & Deul Rlakda

    [Shrahm & Deul Rlakda] Shrahm & Deul Rlakda Audition R0. Bre...

Updated 5 months ago by MoKuzuu