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22 total results found
2023-24 Recap & Extras
Banafsaj Safi and Maduabuchi
A lotus that blossomed in a pool of blood. An impossibility.
Dale Holte & Grim-Puppy
Lord Plague & chibosiree
Dave the Dummy
Stanley Steele & Remmington Steele
Musubi and Ts'ui Mei
Vivian Huang & Jian Er'Ziu
Life is the greatest show, and she is but a humble audience member.
Red Hood
Hey, I've seen this one! This is a classic! (By Gun-ho Guy)
Varila Na'tara
A battle-worn bunny girl attempting to reclaim what she has lost. Character by Hooshey!
Marta and Seth
Two broken spirits, crossing paths in their attempts to mend.
Nalagrom and Baladeth
NPC Side Stories
Spec content created by judges!
Side Stories - Literature
Side Stories - Comics
An ashen snowflake seeking a familiar warmth.
Tressa XIV
Tressa XIV is a robot created in the distant past by ancient means. Her fellow robots were made to live in paradise on a floating city, needing to only consume simple clean water to enjoy their days. Due to an accident, she has fallen from...
Lantana, Blessed by the Seas
And does controlling the sea mean that they own the sea’s people as well? -- Lantana Lantana, Blessed by the Seas, is potentially the last of a mysterious group of supernaturally gifted inventors called the Clockmakers. The daughter ...
Audition: Two Paths Paved
SL23 Audition - Marta Prologue.pdf SL23 Audition - Seth Prologue.pdf
Simon Keyes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua... -- [Quote source] [Describe your character briefly.] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli...
Let me guess, you're new around here and require my services? No? Then there's no reason for you to be here. Come back when you need something. I've got more important things to do. -- Nephro Table of Contents Backstory ...
Creator Page
Kazuya & Masaru Reference Sheet Kazuya - Masaru Audition Passed Round 1 vs Tony Round 2 Round 3 Tournament Status: Round 2 in progress Agent Cheshire Aliases/...