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2021 Tournament - How to Join

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How to Join

It is highly recommended that everyone join our Discord server! This is how we’re organizing the tournament between platforms and where announcements will be made.

You’re allowed to join the tournament as a competitor OR a judge. See the following for how to submit applications.

Competitors (Writers, Comic Artists, Animators)

Hey there! Glad you’re interested in the competition. We’re trying to get as many people to participate as possible. Whether you’re brand new to OCTs or an old vet, we welcome you to try out!

1. Create an audition and character reference(s)

  • This tournament is divided by multiple medium types. You’ll have to pick which one you want to submit and stick with it. If your entry is accepted into the tournament, you’ll be placed into a league of the same medium-- writers will be paired with writers, comic artists with comic artists, and animators with animators.

  • So, you have your character(s) ready and created an audition-- how do you submit it?

2. Submit your entry by the deadline using this form

Deadline: Saturday June 5th, 2021 @ 11:59PM EST(GMT-5) -- Grace Period of 12 hours after

  • To be eligible for the additional submission time of the grace period, you must submit that Audition form using the "applying for grace..." option by the regular deadline! Thank you!

  • Since this tournament is cross-platform, we’ll be collecting the entries through a nifty form. Deviantart (DA) will mainly function as a gallery for viewing and hub of information, while more of the interactions will happen over at the Discord server. An offsite account ( ) will be used to post entries to the DA gallery for competitors who lack a DA account-- with approval, of course. If you wish to have an offsite work added to the DA gallery, please use this form.

  • After auditions are over, you will be informed if you got in, and for what league. Congrats!


Interested in being a judge? Great! We’re probably going to need the help, and we really appreciate everyone willing to dedicate time to make this OCT work!

This is a 2-step process. We’re looking for people that have critical judgement abilities similar to our own (the organizers) so that judging will be fairly consistent across the various leagues. You don’t need to have judged for a prior OCT to apply! Previous OCT experience (as a competitor) is preferred, but not necessary.

1. Fill out our Judge Application

Deadline: Saturday May 15th, 2021 @ 11:59PM EST

  • This takes contact info, has a judging challenge, and [OPTIONAL] allows you to submit an idea for a judge NPC that will be used in your respective league (see Rules for guidelines on NPCs). Then wait for a response.

  • The organizers will get back to you as soon as possible and inform you if you are a candidate to be a judge, and if so, give some feedback on your NPC idea if one is submitted.

2. [OPTIONAL] Make your NPC ref-- after being accepted & getting the greenlight. Deadline: Saturday June 5th, 2021 @ 11:59PM EST

  • If you are a candidate and get greenlit for your NPC idea, make a ref! (Drawn refs are preferred, but if you’re judging for writing they are not required in that league.)

  • Submit the reference over Discord in the #npc-submission channel by the deadline and it’ll be added to the DA gallery, either with your own account or an offsite submission. If you had an NPC idea but did not finish a reference by the deadline, it won’t count against you as a judge candidate when sorting out roles-- you’ll just be NPC-less for the tournament.

  • After auditions are over, you will be informed if you will become a judge, and for what league. Congrats!
