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[Angelique & Vivi] Round 1: Don't Call Us Similar

Original doc

Damn it...this place seems even more interesting now with the sun going down...but how can I trust any of it? It’s a tournament location...the other shoe is going to drop eventually. But...maybe...

Angelique Tarrow - disabled, despondent and deceptive dealer of dark divination damage, desired to explore - despite her previous claims of not wanting to. The only time she left the Kit Inn room was to have dinner. The rest of that day was split between meditating and the other half fuming over that arrogant Crossguard. Now night had set in and the place only grew more inviting due to her magical attachment to the darkness. 

Vivi’s room next door was quiet - so she either was sleeping or out drinking and looking around, with Angelique’s claim she wasn’t going anywhere likely kept well in mind. It’s not like Angelique didn’t appreciate all Vivi had done - but even if she decided to change her mind earlier than this, the demon deserved time to explore without a killjoy human attached to her hip. 

Vivi had urged her to at least look around, so she would. Just not how the demon envisioned it. Out the window she went with shoes in hand and shadows to slow her fall. It wasn’t like she was on the top floor anyway. 

After slipping her footwear on and pulling her hood up, Angelique took a deep breath. She was going to walk around, so there was a chance people would talk to her. She had to be prepared for that. But the night would help her anxiety about the whole affair.

Just enjoy this now before you lose tomorrow and can get the hell out… May never see this place again if we’re lucky...

Mapping out the place was easier than Angelique thought it would be - mostly due to her overhearing conversations and remembering earlier events. But even she knew how incomplete it was still.

There are five gates of the city proper. The gold fox is the main because of course it is. The vermillion bird is the south gate...that’s the direction of the beach, the port where I had to deal with rat boy, and an urban area… Crossguard HQ is above that. To the north is some kind of village and a river...and that colosseum right in the center---

Angelique’s thoughts were interrupted by someone crossing in front of her, forcing her to break so they didn’t collide. She briefly felt an urge to call the stranger out, but she held her tongue as she didn’t care for an additional encounter that day. She settled for getting a look at them to remember their face for when she was out with Vivi tomorrow.

He was about a couple of inches taller than her with a similar skin tone. He seemed about the same age range as well. His black hair was short and slicked back. His eyes were a paler shade of blue than hers. And despite the weather, he was dressed in a white tux with a powder blue tie. 

Angelique was mixed on what to think of this. A whole suit seemed a bit much - but that comment was colored by her own...lax fashion that was maybe a step above Viola’s. 

Could be read as pompous….arrogant...but also suave and cool. A professional...or aspires to be. Almost--

Then her thoughts stopped due to one mental word. Princely. Now she hates the sight of him. Things typically went into only two boxes with Angelique; the guy before her fell on the other side of the divide due to that mental descriptor. Unfortunately for Angelique, their eyes met and he chose to stroll over for some reason. She could only hope this would be quick. 

"So I'm in the right place after all," he said once close enough.

" I supposed to know you?" Angelique grumbled lowly in response. 

"This is Crossroads, correct? A land ruled by a wish-granting Kitsune?"

"That's what locals say at any rate. You really that lost?" Angelique couldn't help but add a sneer to her reply.

"I had figured it to be so. Because it seems that divine fox has granted my wish - meeting one as lovely as you~"

Angelique let out a noticeable exhale before turning around to leave. She couldn’t believe she just heard that. She couldn’t believe that said line was directed at her. The impeccably dressed young man got in front of her before she took another step. 

“Forgive me for being so forward,” he said, looking slightly apologetic in the face of Angelique’s scowl, “but I was taught to express my feelings openly. And looking at you, I feel quite taken aback.”

“You want to save that hot air for any balloon rides that need it?” shot Angelique. 

“Pardon?” He didn’t seem to understand.

“Just get out of my way,” said Angelique.

The tuxedo-clad flirt was surprised at how fast Angelique moved between various shops in the business district, weaving in and out like a shadow before he could finish his next statement. She wished she could be facetiously gracious about someone walking up and doing such a thing, but it only unsettled her how someone could tell such obvious lies. 

Lies. She was often undecided if to say “lies” or “falsehoods” when it came to that kind of thing. Guess it depended on how hidden she was that day.

In either case, she couldn’t go back to the inn  right away with the slight chance he’d follow with more lines, so she looked for a place to loiter until she was sure he was gone. That was when she noticed it. A bit past the Fox Den tavern was some sort of forest.

Sounds perfect. Plus another thing to explore.

She ran over to said forest, quickly going through a blue gate topped with a dragon of the same color. It was incredibly difficult to see the sky once within it except for sparse spots in the canopy. Angelique didn’t mind. There was enough light to look around. And for her, the darker the better.

He’d be a moron to follow me here. Just need to hang out for a little. Now...what’s so special about you?

Angelique found out soon enough as a wisp darted between trees out of the corner of her eye. Then another. Then another. Angelique had no way of knowing this forest was called the Sacred Forest and that it was teeming with wandering spirits.

They gathered around her, but Angelique wasn’t fearful. She was mesmerized by them. They too, in turn, seemed surprised that a human with an odd magical presence was simply walking around in their domain. Neither spoke to each other; they simply watched each other, thinking of getting closer out of curiosity but didn’t...all except for one. 

“You squander your life...coming here, huuuuumannnn…” The ghost was quite grotesque looking, shrieking through a stretched mouth that didn’t seem to have a jawbone. “Not all of us...are so simply watch you…”

“So you call this living...?” She grumbled. “Good to know. Any life is a life, right?”

The spirit felt disrespected. Angelique couldn’t care less. As far as she was concerned, it was too easy to be on the outside looking in and claim that any complaints didn’t matter.

“I should take it from yooooou,” howled the ghost. 

Angelique pocketed her hands. “I live by accident...this world is nothing but cruel to me. If you want this life, go ahead and try. But I tend to fight back out of instinct.”

The other ghosts gave Angelique and the sinister specter room - circling around what they expected to be a fight. Angelique barely moved as her ghostly opponent started to summon forth its power.

"It's too late to beg for forgiveness!" It howled.

"Wasn't planning to, you Scream wannabe," Angelique dryly retorted.

Before it could do anything, a beam of light cut across the forest and pierced it through the middle. The gathered disembodied souled fled at the sight while Angelique’s spectral opponent hissed like it was wounded. It too eventually fled with the rest.

Angelique didn't feel relief at all. She wasn't some damsel to be rescued. In fact, once she heard her "protector's" voice, she only grew irritated.

"That was close, wasn't it?" It was the guy in the white tux. An orb of light was in his right hand.

"You define close as hasn't even started?" shot Angelique, mentally grumbling about how he used light magic. Not that she hated Light Magic, but she was on the other side of the fence as it were. "I don't remember shrieking for a white knight."

"You appeared to be in danger!" The stranger replied. "This forest is quite dangerous for the living to dwell!"

"I don't know - I feel pretty dead inside," quipped Angelique. "What's your excuse for running in here then? You starting to go braindead?"

"I've come to help you - the one who has stolen my heart!" He proclaimed.

"So yeah, braindead then," was her reply.

Unlike last time around, the insult registered with the young man and he looked quite stung. "Your words wound the living and the dead like a spectral rose.”

“What can I say - these days, I live in the shade,” shot back Angelique. “And I don’t need to be babied.”

Angelique started to walk away, but paused the moment she heard him start to follow.

“WHAT!? Are you asking for a fight!?”

“No, I… I simply wish to apologize before you disappear again. My name is Gabriel. I truly didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Why does that seem so...what’s the word...not believable? But whatever - apology accepted. Get lost.”

“There’s something I wanted to tell you before you ran off. Can I say that first?” asked Gabriel.

“Ugh, fine. Get it over with.”

“Beware - there is danger and deception in your future regarding this tournament.”

Angelique paused. Her tag, as usual, was hidden under her shirt and hoodie and not visible in the slightest. And as far as she or Vivi noticed, the entrants in the tourney weren't fully advertised - just teased with the tagline “magic, machines, and martial arts”. Angelique went from irritated to simply suspicious. 

She also didn’t get what he was trying to “warn” her about. Every tournament or trial she’s been to or heard about had some secret stuff happening. She was more familiar with that fact than oxygen.

“What are you - psychic? Or telling a little white lie for me to pay more attention to you?”

“I would never deceive you,” said Gabriel. “And if I could glimpse the future, I would see if we had a future.”

A mild sigh. “You really need to quit while you are behind. I’m starting to think the deception has already begun.”

Angelique noticed this particular shot really stunned Gabriel - the light in his eyes briefly dimmed for some reason - so she took the opportunity to disappear once more. This time, it seemed to stick. She couldn’t sense him follow, so she snuck back to her room. 

However, she didn’t settle right to sleep. And no, it had nothing to do with Gabriel; that thought had already been put away. She was choosing until everyone had left the hot springs before getting clean and taking a dip of her own before bed. She had never experienced it before and deep down, she wanted to try it once. 

One pleasant experience before - as she assumes - everything inevitably goes to hell.


“Yo, Angie! You asleep?”

Vivi was outside of Angelique’s room, making sure she was getting prepared and wasn’t sleeping in like she would back home. Mornings weren’t the blonde’s favorite things.

Vivi’s answer was a couple of explosions. Seems Angelique was very much awake -  meditating and doing her magic practice.

“Sorry - just we never got told when the matches were starting, so--”

“It’s fine.”

“You don’t sound--”

“I’m fine. Just want to get this over with.”

“Calming down and making sure you’ve eaten properly may help you now more than meditating until you’re blue.”

“Yeah...I guess. Sorry, V. Just yesterday wasn’t the best.”

“I know you’re really suspicious, but that doesn't mean it will all be bad. Just keep an open mind!”

Vivi’s smile dipped briefly upon not hearing a reply back for quite a time.

“I want to practice just a little longer. I’ll be down for breakfast in a while. You’re going back there, right?”

Vivi relaxed again. “Good food and Saki’s cool to talk to.”

Viola and Angelique had dinner at the Fox Den the previous night. While Angelique didn’t drink any alcohol that night like Vivi encouraged her to, she agreed with the sentiment that eating most of their meals there was the better idea.

The tavern was usually busy constantly due to the kind of people who passed through. Yet every table was clean and polished, especially the well-stocked bar. Vivi wondered how much the owner of the place slept. In either case, Saki, said owner and bartender, was behind the bar once more like she never left it with the only difference being it wasn't as packed. She was the most relaxed Oni one could ever meet. She was dressed like a typical waiter with the exception of the red tiger print apron around her waist. Her hair was pulled back to reveal her cone-like horns.

"Yo, cousin."

"Morning... cousin. You're actually alone this time?"

The night Angelique first met Saki, she admitted she briefly thought the bartender and Vivi could have been related - demons and onis are close beyond cultural divides and they both are quite muscular and surprisingly mellow. None of the three took it very seriously, but Chifu, drinking nearby, found this hilarious and started claiming them to be distant cousins despite that being false.

"She's meditating and stuff, but I'll order for the both of us," said Vivi. "By the time it’s done, she’ll be down here."

"Fine with me," said Saki.

After figuring out what to order - there was no point in getting Angelique a typical breakfast she would have back home - Vivi parked herself at a table and waited for the food and her roommate to show up. She ran a hand through her hair in boredom, wondering why she didn't think to comb it a bit more than she did.

"Are you eating alone, miss?"

Vivi glanced back to see a figure approaching her -  a male who was of similar complexion to Saki, but noticeably younger than the bartender. His black hair was cut short and behind his glasses were mismatched eyes - the left a bright gold and the right a shade of purple. He was very slim, handsome and impeccably dressed; a crisp white shirt, black vest, tweed jacket, black dress pants, and Oxford shoes. A bowler hat topped his head.

“Waiting for someone,” Vivi said with a wide smile. “Now who are you supposed to be?~”

“A wordsmith and intrepid inquisitor yclept Forte.” He then bowed in an extravagant manner, tipping his hat just barely. “I take it you’re from otherwhere, taking a chance to be another beholder of the bread and circuses present here?”

“You could say that,” replied Vivi, only partially sure of what he said due to him vainly vomiting vocabulary. “Call me Vivi. But couldn’t anyone say the same of you since you’re here? Like all this didn’t draw your interest.”

“Forsooth, it tempts the soul of one who seeks inspiration,” replied Forte. “Though such violence isn’t my cup of tea. Couldn’t imagine hurting a soul even if they do deserve it.”

“Anyone who says ‘cup of tea’ too often usually doesn't have much fight in them.” Vivi chuckles. “I bet I could lift you above my head with one hand~”

“No need for such a display--”

Despite saying that, Vivi had gently held Forte by the wrist with a mischievous grin like she would do just that. But before anything occurred, she let him go while glancing towards a corner of the tavern.

“That your friend getting all worried? They might as well join us! I want to meet them!”

Stepping out from a shadowy corner of the tavern was another very similar to Forte, but female and with two mismatched horns - one much longer than the other. Where his hair was short, hers was long and tied in a ponytail.  The heterochromic colors matched, but were in opposite eyes and she wore no glasses. Where Forte’s features were sharp and he was confident, hers were softer and she was more demure - or adorable as Vivi herself would put it. Even their clothes seemed the opposite with her dressed similarly to an attractive stage magician’s assistant. An elaborate lilac coat, golden vest, white dress shirt, fishnet stockings, high heels that matched her coat - all that over a violet leotard. She didn't dress like the type to be in the shadows, yet she was.

"My dear sister, Piano," corrected Forte while gesturing for her to join them. It certainly wasn't planned for her to join the conversation, but it was much simpler for her to do so than have attention drawn in two different directions. "I must say, your senses must be highly tuned. I hadn't even noticed she was there until you had pointed her out - and with expert ease it was executed. This character of yours is clearly mere subterfuge with your clever intellect ready to chicane clerk and chapman alike."

"Got to be the first time I've had someone buttering me up before breakfast," Viola snickered before turning her attention to Piano. She noticed the coat was more elaborate once she got closer. She had never seen a coat with coattails in the flesh before this point. "And you - if this place was even slightly busier, I might not have noticed you at all! That another trick you practice a lot?"

"Somewhat," replied Piano in a quiet voice. 

"One could ask such the same of yourself," continued Forte abruptly. “A star of the land you hold dear, I am sure.”

A slight raspberry from the demon. “I don’t have a land to hail from anymore. I just do what I will.”

“And what is it thou will? You prove yourself recklessly free to err as thou will and traveling to distant lands like a free spirit yet tether yourself to a slugabed? Not that one could judge one such as yourself as one without ambition. I wouldn’t dare cause such trepidation upon your youthful spirit.”

Viola was growing more confused with Forte’s wording but she caught most of it. “When I want to do things, I just do them. Are neither of you spontaneous?”

“I’d rather not be,” said Piano.

“Perhaps on occasion,” adds Forte... “It depends on who I am with. Like you, I find myself a mummer to my muse.”

Forte continued to chat with Vivi right until the food arrived. It was a more typical breakfast for the area with a couple familiar things - grilled fish, rice, eggs, and soup with Vivi having larger servings for herself. 

Vivi did say she was waiting for someone, but in the end, she let them sit before this point. Couldn’t be rude and let them stand the whole affair. But eventually, Angelique arrived with her hood over her head and hands pocketed.

“I hope you didn’t just invite random people over to our table,” she said once she was in range, distinctly looking away from the two Devil Blooded.

“Eh, yes and no,” said Vivi with a hand through her hair. “These two are--”

“Just leaving, right?” Angelique said, half hiding behind the demon.

“You don’t have to be like that, Angie,” insisted Vivi. “Just give it a chance? For me?”

“I assure you that we shall not be troublesome, miss...Angie, is it?” Forte stands to bow once more. Piano nods while adjusting herself to be slightly further away from the table.

A groan from Angelique. “Don’t make me regret this, Vivi.”

Vivi ate while being questioned by Forte while Angie simply ate and did her best to ignore the others at the table while keeping her hands mostly covered. Her best in that regard wasn’t enough as she occasionally tugged her head up to gaze at the guests at the table. Forte didn’t interest her too much, but Piano - much like other things involving her brother - was quite the opposite. Though Angelique couldn’t tell if it was curiosity or flat-out jealousy, it was still filed under interest.

She leaned over to Vivi to whisper something to her - an action that drew both Forte and Piano’s interest.

“Oh, Piano - Angie said that she likes your outfit and wants to know if you’ve done a lot of stage magic.”

Angelique grumbled since she didn’t say “like” with that much enthusiasm. Piano was surprised this wasn’t asked right out of Angelique’s own mouth. Forte was more ...intrigued.

“Oh. Thank you,” Piano replies. “I have spent a lot of time entertaining others, but I am relatively new to stage magic.”

“I didn’t expect your traveling partner to have a subdued streak like my sister,” said Forte. “Does she have an entertaining appetency as well?”

“We couldn’t be more different,” Angelique could be heard grumbling.

“So, are you another with no true origin like your traveling partner?” asked Forte casually. 

“Nothing so fascinating or interesting,” dismissed Angelique.

“I knew you’d be here!” cried a voice behind the table near the entrance of the tavern.

Near the entrance of the Fox Den stood two figures in Crossugard uniforms. And from Angelique’s immediate groan, she knew one of them was Setsudan - the hidden sword God Eater fanatic. Next to him was a female Crossguard noticeably shorter and curvier compared to the slender Setsudan.

“Haven’t you bothered her enough?” said Vivi, looking back. “Still on this Madame Chief thing?”

“Set, you’re forgetting what your orders were,” the female Crossguard muttered lowly. 

“I’m not here about that matter from yesterday,” insisted Setsudan with one hand holding onto one of his suspenders. “No, I’m here on a matter of personal pride! I must challenge you again!”

“Thought you gave up your pride and sense of shame for a bigger mouth,” grumbled Angelique.

“She doesn’t want you bothering her,” said Vivi, feeling mildly irritated by how much this was bothering her friend. “Don’t you have Crossguard work to do? 

“After embarrassing me like that, I must prove myself worthy once again!” Setsudan demands, drawing his blades. “Don’t you duck my challenge, Princess!”

Forte and Piano noticed that Angelique didn’t even look in Setsudan’s direction despite his intent and weapons drawn. Though she noticeably twitches upon being called Princess. It was made clear enough the blond was behind the supreme defeat of a Crossguard. Was the city’s authority seen as that little of a threat? Or was this Setsudan considered that lacking and fought to - in his own mind at least - remain worthy? Fascinating. 

Angelique was more focused on the table; she noticed that Vivi - despite constantly talking to Forte - had finished just about all of her food. Only Angelique had food in front of her.

“Vivi, if you want at him, be my guest,” said Angelique. “You want a fight more than me.”

“You sure?”

“Have fun,” Angelique insisted. “Bruised ego caretaker isn’t in my character description. Just be careful. Saki’s one of the few people who haven’t made me hate this place; don’t let her stuff get damaged.”

Vivi got up from her seat, cracking her knuckles with a grin. Viola loved to fight and Angelique didn’t want to deal with Setsudan; if that wasn’t win-win, Angelique wasn’t sure what was. 

The only downside to this was she was currently alone at the table with Piano and Forte until the fight ended or she finished her breakfast - whatever came first.

“Was I mistaken or did that authority figure proclaim you of royal lineage?” asked Forte.

“Please just stop talking,” grumbled Angelique. “Vive left - you can do the same.”

“I suspected such a thing from your appearance. More than a mere baseborn dandiprat to be sure. Those of a higher station tend to have a certain look while downplaying their incredible importance--”

“Seriously, I am warning you,” shot Angelique once more. “Stop it.”

“I merely find myself very curious,” insists Forte, “and I clearly haven’t hidden this very well. Neither have you hidden how sensitive you’re being to gentle inquiry.”

Angelique almost felt bad for snapping at Forte...if it wasn’t for that thought on its own bothering her. Why was she sorry? He was the one chatting them up and not just leaving when she made no secret about not wanting to eat with them.

"Not everything is for inquiry of any sort," said Angelique, eating her food slightly faster. “Only makes you sound more entitled than your vocabulary ever could.”

“Your frore deposition only makes you imagine hostility against you and label me some blackguard,” insisted Forte. “I merely welcome discourse as it becomes an author like myself.”

“And your tone only makes you imagine that you’re that charming,” shot Angelique. “Not everyone wants discourse on everything that is said.”

“Your traveling partner enjoyed speaking with me and vice-versa,” replies Forte. “My work is all about communication.”

“Vivi is like that. I am not,” grumbled Angelique.

“Yet you gave her a chance to let us sit with you while you dine.” Forte seemed to smirk at this. “She is a trusted figure.”

“...friends tend to be that,” admitted Angelique. “She’s better than I deserve.”

Piano remained quiet for most of this. She had no interest in needling Angelique and any interest in the idea of her being royalty was unclear. She only came over at her brother’s insistence - and with the one who was at most a threat to him outside in a brawl, she debated simply slipping away.

That was before Angelique addressed her.

“Piano, right? ...You enjoy entertaining? You seem so shy.”

“It isn’t something I thought I’d take to, but I do,” she replied. “It’s a little way I can help others.”

Before Angelique could reply, a body went hurtling in their direction. Before Angelique could dodge or Piano could protect her brother, the figure stopped themselves from crashing into them - handstanding on one palm amidst Vivi’s empty plates on the table without breaking a single one or even tipping one over. It turned out to be the Crossguard that had accompanied Setsudan. Piano and Angelique watched with slight awe with the ease this was managed.

“I apologize about this, travelers!” she said with her free hand holding her hat in place between her large mouse-like ears.

“Doesn’t look like it was your fault. You that guy’s partner?” asked Angelique.

“Recently assigned together about a month ago,” she admitted with a smile. “My name’s Mabushii! Your friend is really into fighting, huh?”

“She loves it,” sighed Angelique. “Maybe too much.”

Then, just as haphazardly as the Crossguard came flying through the entrance, so did a short sword that could be identified as like Setsudan’s. But rather than how Mabushii gracefully avoided contact, it ended up cracking a bowl, spilling the remaining soup in it onto the table and embedding itself into a plate of fish - what was left of Angelique’s breakfast. Angelique was already irritated by Forte before this extra bit of annoyance- now she was just mad.

“I’ve officially had it with this place,” growled Angelique. “And almost everyone here.”

“I apologize, miss!” Mabushii said once back on the ground, bowing towards the blonde.

“Not you - you did what you could. Some people are just impossible,” replied Angelique after a brief look at Forte.

“The simple crime of inquiry is an offence that I will bear,” said Forte. “Mayhaps you should bethink oneself of how you have taken words beyond their context. Forsooth, thou make yourself froward to dismiss me for curiosity all share regarding the ruling classes of various societal structures.”

“Didn’t mistake you for that much of a child,” Angelique said while scooping up the plate with the sword in it and scooting out of her chair. “I don’t trust you. And the more you act like you’re innocent the more it makes you suspicious. Nothing and no one surrounding a tournament is completely honest, entrant or bystander. There’s always someone with an agenda.”

“One believes it’s your sensitivity making you make an enemy of anyone and everyone,” insisted Forte. “To be so guarded is only to your detriment, would it not be?”

Angelique looked away from Forte when that comment came up.“Maybe, maybe not… The past shouldn’t determine the future, but it certainly informs the present.”

“What has a gyre on your soul that makes you act like a pythoness?” Forte asked, getting up as well. He wasn’t sure what she was doing with that plate next.

“I really wouldn’t worry about my soul,” Angelique muttered.

Soon Vivi had re-entered the Fox Den with a dazed Setsudan over her shoulder and a couple of cuts on her exposed arms. The first thing she took notice of was Angelique’s expression.

“Something happened, huh?” the demon asked.

“Next time you want to tell me about giving this guy a chance,”  muttered Angelique, “don’t.

Setsudan was just aware of his surroundings enough to notice one of his swords that got away from him during the fight. He pulled himself free just enough to lunge for it. While Angelique did backstep, she felt an additional pull on her hoodie, pulling her even further back and dodging the grab. She didn’t get a chance to even look back with Setsudan in front of her; he needed showing up first.

Angelique grabbed the short sword with her teeth to pull it out of the plate as she slammed the remaining food and its plate into the cross Crossguard’s face, leaving him laying.

Only now could she get a chance to look back to only see one of Saki’s staff - an elven girl - much further away and wiping down a table. Much too far away to have physically done much.

Who did that then? Could it have been-

“Sorry I took so long,” said Vivi. “Was the food alright?”

Angelique grumbled once the sword was out of her teeth. “ was good, I guess. Let’s get out of here.”

Angelique stabbed the sword into the ground through the shoulder of Setsudan’s jacket, slightly pinning him to the ground. She then shot a brief glare to Forte who hadn’t moved for this whole affair - though Piano had left in the chaos.

“If I see either of you clowns again, you’ll both regret it,” she snarled.

Angelique and Vivi left the Fox Den after a brief goodbye to Saki. It was a while before Vivi spoke up and let the blonde calm down.

“Things went that crazy when I was gone for maybe two minutes?”

“You shouldn’t play with your food. I had a bad feeling about him from the start and you talked me out of it.”

“He insulted you?”

“He got nosy.”

“That was Setsudan’s fault a bit.”

“It only made the bad feeling more noticeable honestly.” 

Angelique stopped in place.

“The more I heard him talk, the more it reminded me of a sorcerer you and I both know. Same unsettling feeling behind the words. Even if he’s a little better than that...even if he or his sister aren’t in this tourney--”

“A bad omen. Don’t worry - I won’t spell it out. ...but it doesn’t mean this will go the same way.”

Angelique grumbled mentally at such a sign. Viola didn’t need to spell it out because it was being played out in Angelique’s head already. Being reminded of the team that eliminated her from the last tourney - the last major moment before her life would be destroyed - before the first round of another was cementing every bad feeling regarding how bad it would go.

It may be this round. It may be the last round if it gets that far. But there was no more shaking a certain thought. This tournament was a mistake to accept.


Hours later, the first round of matches in the God Eater’s tournament were beginning. Like Angelique, everyone fighting in the tournament was given a piece of paper with one of the letters A, B, C or D. Likewise the brackets shown advertising all this only had the letters scattered around out of the usual order. Each letter would be called for a match - meaning no one would know who their opponent was until the fight started. 

Angelique couldn’t care less. She was only thankful that she wouldn’t be waiting long for her fight. There was a fight occurring before hers, but she was in no mood to watch it. She just waited for the call and for the battlefield to be ready for her.

“And now it’s time for match B!” cried the overly cheerful voice of the announcer. “Competitors - to the arena!”

Let’s get this over with…

Vivi was naturally in the stands; while the demon wasn’t in the front row, she was close to make sure she could get a good view of the fight. She already was informed she couldn’t give exact advice - which factored into her being a couple of rows back. Angelique was no pushover, but Vivi knew her struggles and worries.

She was more used to physically having Angelique’s back. Anytime she could just watch or was otherwise unable to jump to help was going to bother her.

Thankfully, one distracting thought was the look and palpable excitement of the announcer - the master of ceremonies, Miss X.

“I’m not sure you’re ready enough, Crossroads!” she shouted as she floated above the coliseum. “Let me hear just how ready you are!”

Heavily reminiscent of the idols she had briefly seen on television in Angelique’s world, Miss X seemed to be the personification of “cute and lively”.  She had her pink hair drawn into long pigtails and one loc of hair colored black along with a black cat ear headband. She had an elaborate black outfit that went all the way up her neck with white ruffles and a multicolored tutu-like skirt. One slightly tan leg was in what appeared to be a striped thigh-high stocking with some kind of garter and the other in a short pink ankle sock; both were tucked into black mary jane-like shoes with little bells attached.

“Introducing first, walking out of Gate Alpha, is quite the mysterious competitor! She's very easy on the eyes but anywhere else she hits ya won't be as lucky! This Devil Blooded is certainly dressed to entertain, but is she dressed to kill in Crossroads!? We’re about to find out! Some call her the Silent Shadow - it’s Piiiiiiano!”

Compared to when Vivi last saw her, Piano's expression was much more neutral. Despite the crowd cheering and catcalling with all eyes on her, Piano was completely calm and ready for the fight to come. 

Even if Vivi had an inkling that Piano was an opponent, so little was given away about her and her fighting style that could be advised about. Of course, the same was true of Piano and knowing just as much about Angelique.

"And introducing her opponent, entering from Gate Omega! She's quite mysterious in her own way - especially those eyes that look like they've seen the world twice over! As cute as she is, be careful how close you get because she is no pushover. She’s defeated a Crossguard on her first moments on these shores! Her name means angelic, but who knows what secrets made her lose her halo? You can call her the Heaven’s Blight - Iiiiiiiiit’s Angelique!”

Angelique entered with hood up and hands pocketed; despite not looking like it, she heard every word from Miss X and found it all a bit extra. And slightly worrying. She had used that Heaven’s Blight alias only once when she followed Viola on one random adventure.

The God Eater knows exactly who she pulled up if X didn’t just make that up off the top of her head…and I’m really doubting it’s a coincidence. So now it’s why the hell did she invite me...

“Can you make those announcements any more exaggerated?” grumbled Angelique. “What next, theme music?”

Miss X’s eyes lit up.“You know what - that’s a great idea! Maybe I’ll see if I can get that for the next round!”

“Oh dear god, I was being sarcastic,” replied Angelique with a shake of the head.

Miss X disappeared and reappeared near Angelique’s side. It was only through this it was noticed by Angelique - and Vivi who was sitting near Gate Omega - that there were pink pawprints on the underside of X’s shoes and more little bells on the back of her outfit.

Only Angelique was close enough to notice her irises were literally hearts. She was so cutesy it was going to make Angelique slightly sick for a couple of reasons.

Like dealing with someone like Piano wasn’t going to bother me enough… There’s always something to make me hate myself more...

“You’re not going to fight with your hood on the whole match, are you?” she asked. “I get fashion is important, but do you really think it’s going to stay up the whole time?”

“Can you let me worry about that and give me some space?” Angelique shot back, doing her best to not take a swing at the melodious MC.

“Can I talk to you later then?”

“Maybe - I don’t know - just move!”

Miss X disappeared once more and reappeared floating a bit above the arena, perched on a glowing platform. Hovering above one of her hands was a holo-screen showing a versus screen with drawings of Angelique and Piano.

“Everyone knows the rules from the previous match, so let’s get started! Match 2 of Round 1...starts now!”

The rules of the fights Angelique was aware of. The typical knockout or incapaciated rule, surrender or losing the tag that got the fighter entry. Both of the tags were hidden, so that wasn’t an immediate idea to go for.

Both took a stance and the audience took notice that both were taking similar fighting stances - though Piano was taking a much lower stance and Angelique with something closer to Muay Thai with one foot off of its heel.

Great...she kicks too. And she looks like she’s taller even without the heels on top of having way more muscle--

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden kick towards her face that she just managed to sidestep. Angelique wasn’t underestimating Piano in the slightest, but that speed still wasn’t something she was ready for.

Angelique responded with a kick of her own that was pretty close to Piano’s but with less of a run-up. Piano dodged this easily. This continued for a while with Miss X delighting in calling it a "mirror match" until Piano elected to throw a punch. Rather than copy that, she merely deflected that with one of her arms and quickly kneed Piano twice in the abdomen. Piano laid a heavy kick to Angelique in turn, nearly taking all of the air out of her.

She scampered back but not before Piano caught her with a few more kicks and sent the blonde tumbling over.

"Angelique quit playing Simon Says and Piano made her pay!" announced Miss X. "She played a martial arts melody with her opponent's torso!"

One of her strikes is like two or three of mine, thought Angelique as she got back to her feet. Why don’t I just surrender? Ruin everyone’s fun by not giving them the fight they want? Would serve that Madame Chief right... 

“Come on, Angie! You got this!” Vivi was cheering her hardest for Angelique - and loudest. 

She believes in me...stirring up what little pride I’ve got left… Well, people have gotten into fights for less.

Angelique was back on the attack and the kick-dodge exchange continued once more. And once again, it was interrupted by Piano’s throwing fists and elbows as quickly as she threw knees and kicks. But Angelique proved more prepared this time around.

She held onto Piano’s arms tightly, muting their offense. Tied up in a clinch of sorts, the kicking game resumed as the other tried to prevent any major offense...until Angelique decided to fight dirty.

Just as Piano was maneuvering herself to escape and get back on the attack - proving how flexible she was - Angelique’s foot connected with her crotch and most of the crowd hissed and winced, especially the female onlookers. But there were no rules beyond how to win and no outside help, so there were no utterances from X or anyone else official. 

While Piano dealt with the heavy amount of pain such a blow would produce, Angelique’s hold on Piano shifted. Soon her fingers were locked behind Piano’s head, interlaced with her ponytail and holding her head downwards. Then the knees started to fly up rapidly into Piano’s face.

“A Muay Thai clinch from Angelique and she’s now laying in those knee strikes!” Miss X was floating around, getting a better angle of the action and letting what she saw be shown on the screens around the coliseum. “After a shot below the belt, Piano may be locked in with nowhere else to go while she’s getting belted! I think Angelique may have some hair gripped as well; I told you there were secrets behind those eyes!”

Piano toughed through the pain of the low blow to stop Angelique because all of the knee strikes would take their toll if not interrupted. But like X pointed out, Angelique had a bit of Piano’s hair as well with her clutch, making separation even more difficult. But Piano would find a way as Angelique was soon to find out.

The blond hissed as she felt pain on her left knee, not knowing what had occurred. All she felt before that moment was something dripped on her. This caused her rapid-fire assault to slow and give Piano an opening. She immediately threw a kick with her right leg like she knew what ailed Angelique and it would be harder to block with her left leg. This forced Angelique to break her clinch to block with her left arm.

Piano quickly used the new space to lash out with the limbs on her right side to get the grip to fully break. Angelique blocked the best she could with her left arm; she considered this the closest she had to an advantage over the athletic Devil Blooded and wasn’t going to fully let that go.

That’s when Angelique got alarmed when she was able to take better notice of slight changes to her attire during said blocking. The parts of her pants that covered her knees were a bit eroded - her left knee especially. Her left sneaker suffered similar, but with much lesser damage. It was hard to tell what had gotten onto them, but wherever a black liquid had gotten on her left knee, it felt like it was burning her.

Piano twisted out of what was left of Angelique’s clinch and locked in one in turn to hold the human still to deliver a high kick. Angelique grabbed Piano’s ebony ponytail and yanked it, throwing the kick slightly off track as Piano was thrown to the ground. It still clipped the blonde’s head, disorienting her. It was in this brief moment she noticed something black was coming out of her nose.

Damn it, I feel stupid. Her race is called Devil Blooded...I should have figured something would be up with her even if I didn’t know the exacts, but I got so caught up in this! I basically gave her that opening!

Piano was barely on the ground for a second before a brief surge of a black substance left her nose. The pressure was much too bizarre for a typical nosebleed; she must have had some power over her blood. Angelique went for a stomp with her already ruined left sneaker, not willing for any of that blood to get anywhere else. Piano turned on the ground to dodge the stomp, spinning herself into what looked like a breakdancing maneuver and swinging her legs towards Angelique.

But as Angelique got some distance, she noticed two objects were flying at her. She dodged one and caught the other, briefly taking a look at it. A sharp object being thrown at her was one thing, but why was it colored some kind of purple?

It was only when Piano resumed a vertical base that she noticed there was a slight height difference in  now and it clicked.

Why else would she wear heels to a fight like this, even if she's that used to it? They’re basically little daggers!

“What a crazy exchange!” Miss X said while the crowd was starting to whip itself into a slight frenzy and chanting Piano’s name. “Piano denies Angelique her chance at an advantage and entertaining this crowd all at the same time! Weaponizing her blood, hidden weapons, surprise breakdancing - what can’t Piano do!?”

Angelique was getting more irritated than she thought she’d be. Mostly because she got more invested than she planned to be. The regrets came back with a fanged vengeance, tearing at her brief flurry and what it did for her self-esteem. Now the audience aside from Viola seemed to be firmly behind her superior opponent. If there was any rooting for the “underdog”, she couldn’t hear them.

If I’m really trying to win here, I’ll have to start using some magic soon. No point trying to keep it completely a secret when I may lose anyway. But with how pissed I’m getting, I can already feel it surging. I’ll get lost in it. But do they even care? They just want violence...they’re already chanting her name like I’m some ugly annoying thing to get past!

She doesn’t look like she cares either. She just keeps trying to get more of a fight out of me or she would have gone for more knockout shots like the one from the start--

Piano withdrew a couple more daggers from her outfit and tossed them at Angelique before dashing at her herself. Without the heels, there was a slight increase in speed - like she wasn’t fast enough as it was. But Angelique’s counter had her flipping backwards.

This time, Angelique had caught both daggers thrown. One was in her other hand and the other was between her now slightly exposed toes of her left foot. She even tried to kick with the same foot, which forced Piano to back up. But now she was the one who was facing daggers being thrown at her; her tactics were being copied again. Naturally, Piano dodged all three, but to the surprise of most, the one thrown with Angelique’s foot came the closest to wounding her. Angelique was grinning at what she managed; her fragile confidence was back.

“Now is that a trick or what!? Angelique doesn’t seem to have brought any weapons of her own, but she seems so at ease with those daggers, she could wield and throw one with her foot! Who could have seen that one coming!?”

Vivi couldn’t help but smirk from the stands since she obviously knew how much that was practiced and who got her into the sharp things in the first place. She didn’t think it would enter much in a battle situation, but once again, Angelique had taught her something.

Angelique grabbed the other stiletto dagger that flew past her earlier and was back on the attack. Piano rushed forward to meet her.

The dagger was thrown while Angelique was focusing her magic elsewhere. Piano dodged. Angelique went for a roundhouse kick. Piano ducked under. Piano went for a kick of her own. Angelique dodged, leaving Piano’s kick to connect with one of Angelique’s bubbles. With a literal bang, she was pushed back. The moment she looked up to locate Angelique once more, she saw a few more orbs were coming right at her.

Deflecting them would be a trial, so Piano took to dodging and cutting through them with more of her daggers without getting too close. It seemed she was getting the better of the situation once more until an intense pressure started to push her body down to the ground. It was an incredible strain to even remain standing against the force, but Piano only took a knee while the ground around her started to slightly crack.

Angelique was on top of her in a flash with a punt kick, kicking one of the bubbles into Piano’s head and trying to grind the Devil Blooded’s face into the arena floor.

“Angelique's bag of tricks is deeper than we thought!” Miss X seemed to be especially enjoying Angelique’s extra aggression. “First little bubbles, then a gravity spell and she is all over Piano!”

Piano showed how much strength was truly hidden away as she fought her way back to a vertical base and punched Angelique back. Angelique growled as she didn’t stay back for long, laying in more knee strikes to Piano’s body - though she was more careful to avoid her face and that blood.

As Angelique ran in and left her feet for a kick, Piano thrust kicked her back. But Angelique wasn’t sent flying far; the shadows beneath her grabbed onto both her and Piano. While Piano was held still, Angelique was able to spring off of them, using the momentum from the kick to flip while doing so. Her heel cracked down on the top of Piano’s head - right between her horns.

“And Angelique finally starts to firmly take the advantage against Piano for the first time with a shadow-assisted axe kick! She said ‘block this overhead’ and Piano could not!”

Angelique backstepped before Piano could lash out against her, but she didn't pursue. Both took the moment to catch their breath while the crowd cheered. They weren't chanting Piano's name at this point - or at least not as loudly as before. 

Angelique met Piano's gaze with a grin she couldn't manage to hide. The usual sensations from using her magic only intensified with knowing that using it turned the tide. The biggest "mistake" in her mind was not using it sooner. She could win for once; she could feel it in her bones.

She closed her eyes for barely half a second to steady her breathing. But the slightest of sounds cut over the noise of the arena. Did Piano already make a move?

She opened her eyes...and she could only scream. Her arms past the elbows were gone. All that was in front of her on the ground were scraps of metal and seared black fabric. In the milliseconds that she shut her eyes, her arms were blasted off.

Piano looked incredibly surprised - not for the "discovery" she was fighting someone with mechanical arms however. She noticed something was off ever since seeing her at breakfast. And how tightly Angelique had her in that clinch only confirmed it for her. No, the scream is what surprised Piano. Angelique screamed like she was in pain and incredibly horrified. 

The arena was briefly stunned silent by what they all could assume was interference. Those who hadn't picked the worst time to blink saw the beams of light cut across the field. This included Vivi who was intensely searching for who dared such an action. While she didn't see the attacker in the act - they had long left the spot the blast came from - she had caught a glimpse of a familiar bowler hat. 

Angelique mentioning the last tournament beforehand made Vivi see red now. Thanks to that, she remembered their then team getting into serious trouble due to another slick talker's treachery.

Vivi was out of her seat in a flash, heading up the stairs of the arena for what she believed to be Forte. Her target noticed the charging demon and fled towards an exit. But Vivi proved faster and summoned her weapon, preparing to knock the Devil Blooded flat. But all she hit was air.

An illusion… Someone has something to hide, don't they?

Arguably, the Silver Tongued Snake had plenty to keep secret about. But this wasn't one of them. Aside from chatting up others in the arena, including a high-rank Crossguard, Forte was so well assured of his dear sister's victory that he could focus more on those he was vocally grifting. He had no reason to so blatantly interfere. But when he noticed the attack, there was no reasoning with the Demon at that moment - not after Angelique's earlier agitation and not with the very suspicious timing. When cooler heads prevailed, he would reappear if needed. 

============== the rumors in class are true? This is why you wear long sleeves all the time?

Yeah yeah, get the jokes out of the way. Angelique has prosthetic arms. Give her a big hand or whatever…

I'm not going to make fun of you. I think they look great! You look great!

You're just saying that…

I'm not! You're like...super strong to manage through however you lost your arms! And these look well made!

...a friend worked on them really hard for me. Best gift I ever got.

I'll bet. So can they do cool stuff? Rocket punch? Lasers?

What? No! They don't and I don't need or want them to. They're just for living life. Only so much I can do with my feet.

I get it, I get it. ...but I bet the robotics club would have a field day thinking up "upgrades" for you if they knew.

Yeah, well, they won't. ...he took weeks to make these just for me when he had heavier stuff going on. So I'm not screwing with the design. At most, I'll keep repairing them so they stay as is.

Besides being a big's my last memory of someone I'm positive I'll never see again.
If anyone ruins these arms…


While Angelique had sunk to her knees, hyperventilating and lost in the past, the crowd openly muttered and talked amongst themselves while Miss X excused herself from sight briefly.

Most uttered in concern for Angelique. Most hadn’t realized Angelique didn’t have her original arms. Some were amazed she was putting up such a fight with that knowledge in their heads. Others believed Piano was taking it easy on her. Some of the latter group started to snicker and chuckle. Angelique heard most of this and it felt deafening to her. She knew her disability would color what was thought of her and this was proving to be as much of a nightmare as she predicted. Piano could see the human growing more and more unstable.

“Your Madame Chief has rendered a judgment!” Miss X reappeared on the arena floor. “She isn’t exactly happy that someone dared to interfere in these matches. It also looks like someone had it out for Angelique and she is quite tempted to just award the match to her!”

This spooked Piano slightly. It’s one thing to lose a match - but to lose under such circumstances would prove especially problematic. This was the opposite of the entertaining she had hoped to happen in the rounds.

“Buuuuuut," Miss X turned to look right at Piano. "Since Madame Chief is sure you didn’t know about this, she’s going to give you a chance! If you can convince Angelique to continue the match, it shall continue! But you don’t have a lot of time!”

Piano was more capable of speaking than she looked and had a strong sense of empathy, but even if she could express herself more openly and spoke with the utter confidence of her brother, she knew it would take a Herculean effort to convince Angelique to continue with the energy directed at her.

She cautiously walked up to Angelique, avoiding the strewn pieces of metal from what was her opponent’s arms and stopping in place when Angelique stared at her like she was part of the mocking crowd.

“You knew they would judge you no matter what…”

“Like you aren’t?”

“I’m not judging you. I understand how you must be feeling.”

“Doesn’t look like you would…”

“...not physically, but the feeling that others couldn’t understand what you’ve gone through.”

Angelique looks at Piano with serious doubts. She couldn’t judge by appearances and she had no clue about the kind of world she came from, but it was a hard sell. Still, it didn’t sound like she was lying to her. Compared to Forte, that wasn’t saying much, but still.

Some members of the crowd started jeering, wanting to watch a fight and not some talk. Granted, they all did, but many of them were understanding that something was wrong with Angelique due to an outside party messing with things and held the blame of things going wrong to said party.

But others weren’t as patient with their bloodlust taking center stage instead.

“Finish the fight for yourself, not for them,” said Piano.

“...stop acting like you’d be happy if I won,” grumbled Angelique at a low volume, knowing the past is against her. “You’re here to win like anyone else and you just want a chance to close this out.”

“Personally, yes - I would like to have that chance,” admitted Piano. “But I would have no regrets if you came out the victor.”

“None…? Not even about whatever you came to wish for?”

Piano shook her head. “Even if I knew what I wanted to wish for, I would not.”

Angelique laid on her back, seeming to deliberate even considering this while the more outspoken members of the audience applied peer pressure. A fight ending in a disqualification wasn’t what they wanted either.

Damn it, in the end, she’s right. The wish wasn’t the biggest thing on my mind when I said yes to this. It’s finding out why I was invited here...and to see if I had what it took now. And taking the win means nothing. It’s that damn God Eater’s pity. 

So even if I lose, screw it. Let’s try to shoot the moon.

Angelique suddenly pushed both feet into Piano’s torso, sending the Devil Blooded backwards. Angelique then did a kip-up and was back on her feet once more.

“Don’t blame me if you’re hurting tomorrow!” Angelique said with a vicious grin.

Piano merely nodded, black blood still stained above her lip, before going right for a punch. It collided with Angelique’s nose before she got a chance to move, but Angelique used the momentum to spin into a heel kick counterattack before stumbling back.

“Looks like the match is back on! And both now are bleeding from the nose!” Miss X shouted, getting the crowd agitated once more. “Matching each other in strikes and throwing weapons so far - but does Piano have an answer for that shadow magic!?”

Both stared each other down, wiping the blood from their faces - Piano with her hand and Angelique using what was little left past her shoulder. Rather than see if Piano would make the first move, Angelique decided she’d grab the initiative by the neck. That’s when the shadows beneath her started to move and her hair started to rise like she was underwater.

The shadows rose from the arena floor in inky tendrils and they immediately went on the attack, lashing at Piano. Despite how fluid they looked, their strikes stung the Devil Blooded, cutting at her outer clothing and leaving marks on her body. Piano was forced back slightly, but drew a short sword to combat the shadows and fought her way back within arms’ reach of Angelique.

A punch was thrown that Angelique ducked. Piano grabbed Angelique’s blond hair to hold the shadow wielder still, but the shadows grabbed Piano in turn before she could pummel Angelique.

“I’m not sure if Piano underestimated Angelique’s shadows or Angelique was playing her opponent like her namesake!” Miss X was only getting more excited as the crowd was stunned by the magic at play. “Either way, she’s tied up and she may be in big trouble!”

Angelique’s grin only grew wider as some of the shadows continued to whip at an ensnared Piano, revealing more peeks at the lilac leotard through the tears until Angelique’s hair was released. Then the Devil Blooded was picked up and slammed multiple times by the shadows in a vicious display before being tossed across the arena until her body tumbled into a wall.

Angelique seemed to be truly lost in the damage, drinking in some of the stunned reactions. She mentally wondered if they were still entertained when she was winning. Then she started to mutter to herself. Some believed she was starting to lose it even further - but the more magically inclined recognized it as a magical incantation.

“Take aim, my shadow archers!” Angelique screeched. “Notch the might of darkness for your target is in sight!”

One by one, shadows rose above Angelique’s head and formed large and menacing-looking arrows. Soon the air above her was covered in arrows - all directed at Piano who was still getting to her feet.

Piano stared at the intimidating display of magic. Not only were there still tendrils moving about, but there was a multitude of arrows ready to fire. Getting past all of that to defeat Angelique would take a lot of effort if she thought victory was still in reach.

“Quite a show of force from Angelique! And--” Miss X paused as a display popped up next to her and took up part of the screens in the arena. “And somewhere in the chaos, Angelique snatched the tag from Piano - even I didn’t realize! The thirty-second countdown to get it back has begun!”

Piano immediately brought up a hand to her neck. Amid the marks from the attacks and the popped buttons on her ruined shirt, her neck was bare. It wasn’t supposed to be bare for the tag that came with her entry was around her neck. Angelique only stared and grinned madly like she would fire at any second, but didn’t.

Now she had to find it and get it back with less than thirty seconds to do so. One of the shadows that tangled and struck her either cut the string holding it and it was scooped off the ground or it was snatched right off her neck during the attack. Either way, Angelique’s expression hadn’t shifted nor had the attacks shifted much. Was getting the tag just a lucky happening or was that the plan all along?

Piano couldn’t sense which shadow could be hiding the tag. Her only hope was to knock out Angelique quickly. She only had time for one move - maybe two.

Blood started to trickle out of Piano’s nose once more as something about her changed. Most didn’t know about her ability to manipulate her Ki and now was the perfect time to use it. She didn’t even seem to be breathing before launching herself at an insane speed.

The arrows didn’t fire, but the shadows moved when she did, trying to reach Piano before she could do anything. Despite the human’s best efforts, Piano nailed a kick at blistering speeds and sent Angelique flying into a wall.

“She nailed a kick right to the head before Angelique’s magic could react!” Miss X was enjoying every second of the fight. “She may be snagged now, but will Angelique manage to stay conscious long enough to win!? She doesn’t have to even use those arrows to defeat Piano now, but she might still go for it!”

The only thing stopping the shadows from being faster than Piano completely was Angelique being unable to keep track of her. Since she couldn’t, Angelique did what she could - protecting herself with said shadows from the kick and the subsequent wall slam. But it still rocked her to the point she felt very dazed.

Her eyes lazily glanced at the nearest screens from the ground. Fifteen seconds. Fourteen seconds. Thirteen seconds and she had Piano trapped under the metaphorical eye of her Shadow Arrows. 

Piano struggled against the shadows controlled by a currently uncoordinated Angelique. If she could get free, victory could still be hers. But the arrows were still in play - now moving to point at the area she was held in.

They fell like bombs from an aircraft. Piano pushed herself just enough to tear free of the shadows with the constructs closing in. Dust was thrown up from the multiple impacts to the battlefield. The audience couldn’t see a thing.

“’s over! We can’t sense that Piano reclaimed her tag - Angelique is your winner and will advance to the next round!”

When the dust cleared, Piano was down on her knees. She wasn’t seriously injured, but the pain as well as the fatigue from manipulating her Ki to that degree caught up with her. Angelique was only just sitting up. The crowd was applauding them both - they expected Piano to be ruined by the arrows or Angelique getting caught by one last strike.

“ didn’t even aim for me,” Piano muttered in surprise with only Angelique able to hear her above the crowd. 

“Nnngh...I may have been in a bad mood from all this, but that doesn't mean I’d overdo it,” said Angelique. “You’re the one who pulled me out of the way in the Fox Den. Just consider us even.”

Shadows first helped Angelique up before they helped Piano up. Then Piano’s tag was tied next to Angelique’s since the string was snapped. Since the match was over, Vivi was able to jump down to the arena to help Angelique. There were few parts of Angelique’s arms that were worth taking, but Vivi collected all the scrap that she could.

“ really are being cool about this…” Angelique mumbled in shock. 

“Congratulations,” Piano replied with a slight bow. “I’ll make sure you find medical attention.”

“I’ll be fine,” mumbled Angelique again. “I...I don’t want to deal with anyone else right now…”

Piano could understand that, but also doubted that she didn’t need some medical attention.

Angelique started walking towards the nearest gate - the one she entered from. “’re cool...but I don’t want to deal with your brother,” she muttered. “Whatever he is writing, leave me out of it. I’m not worth documenting.”

Miss X started to point out to Angelique that it’s tradition to go through their opponent’s gate - symbolizing the opponent blocking the way to victory - but the Madame Chief stopped her and let Angelique and Vivi go. Angelique passed one of the other competitors on the way from leaving; the military-like figure she briefly spotted on the port when she first arrived was there working on a mech. They looked at each other but didn’t say anything. The situation was suffocatingly awkward given Angelique’s state and Angelique hid behind Vivi as they walked quickly off. 

Meanwhile, up in her special platform, the God Eater was still laughing. Not just from the battle - as chaotic as it was - but from an event within it.

She expected some odd events involving Angelique, but this was more than she was initially expecting. So blatant and destructive. How flashy and amusing.

Finally, they show themselves. Well, one of them. I’ll let you escape...for now. This is one of those stories that works best if I play dumb, isn’t it? Let you believe you’re so sneaky~ But you’ll show yourself again. You need to. And then your little plot will get exposed more and more.

But you better hurry, foolish little manipulator. I’m not exactly so patient. Where the shrewd little writer failed, I think I will succeed in quenching my curiosity. And I think I could ruin everything that way~

Angelique and Vivi returned to the Kit Inn at Angelique’s insistence. She just wanted to shut her eyes despite Vivi insisting she gets treated first. But soon, there was another issue and Angelique’s scream could be heard pretty far.

Angelique’s room was ransacked and her bag was clearly searched. Stuff was missing. Vivi’s room was messed with as well, but not to any major degrees like Angelique’s - except for one. All the tools and spare metal meant for fixing Angelique’s arms were gone. The assumption going forward was whoever blasted her arms off and fled was making sure they couldn’t get them repaired easily.

Angelique’s rage returned with a vengeance. She didn’t take all of it out on Piano, so she had plenty to spare. When Crossguards - two males and a female - showed up at the room to handle a “disturbance”, Angelique’s rage scared the hell out of them. Through their visors, Angelique’s two fox tails were black and dripped with darkness. 

One of the senior Crossguards on scene tried to calm Angelique down while understanding her situation, but Angelique was having none of it. He was quickly seized by Angelique’s shadows. Her speech occasionally distorted from her magic surging higher than it already had previously as she ranted and raved about the series of unfortunate events. She threatened the Crossguards to correct the injustices or they would have a nightmare on their hands. And the way she said it, there was tangible concern she was 100% literal in that threat. 

Vivi and the other Crossguards managed to calm Angelique down enough to release her captive and they promised to solve this problem as they quickly departed. 

“Hey, I know you never drank before, but maybe right now, you should consider it?” Vivi was nervous since she hadn’t seen Angelique this angry in years.

“...just leave me alone for a little bit...please?”

“...alright. I’ll come back up to make sure you eat and get treated later. Maybe there’s a repairman in town.”

Vivi sighed as she pulled the door closed. She wasn’t going to wait on the Crossguards either. As far as the demon was concerned, she had to make sure who made Angelique suffer like this paid dearly.

“Um, excuse me. Is this a bad time?”

Vivi turned her head to see who was talking to her. Then she had to look down since the speaker was a bit shorter than her.

It was a glasses-wearing human with bright green hair tied into two braids. There was a belt with two pockets tied around a blue dress with a yellow trim and matching puffy shoulders that were attached to the straps. The color theme continued with her thigh-high boots, gloves and a large, slightly pointed hat.

“Um...yeah, miss witch. If you’re here to speak to Angelique, this is not the time.”

“E-excuse me, but I am not a witch,” corrected the young woman. “I am a Mage and my name is Wendy.”

“You sure you aren’t a witch? I know a witch named Wendy from television--”

“I am not a witch! I--” Wendy took a deep breath. “I have come to see if I can talk to your friend. See if I could help her in some way. Her magic was surging quite a lot during the round, so I thought…”

“So you saw the fight. That covers a lot.” Vivi sighed. “...hey, just come hang out with me for a little bit, Wendy. I’ll let you see Angie later. Right now, I don’t know if she even wants to see me.”

While Vivi was escorting Wendy downstairs and away from the door, Angelique seethed on the tatami floor, not bothering with the effort of pulling out the futon. 

I can’t even feel happy about winning for once… Everything’s going to hell already! And those damn Crossguards - they get eluded that easily!? When I had a dimension, I didn’t let this chaos happen! I’d run this place better then--

...I wonder if that’s even possible...if I win that wish…


Excellent...she’s already shifting. It’s all going to plan.

Nonsense. You did well, Gabriel. Do not worry for her - believe in the plan. I’ve calculated everything multiple times.  When it all ends...we’ll all achieve our happiness.