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R1 Comic Iris Results (2024)

Round 1 Results

WriterComic CamelliaIris League

Final Deadline: MayJune 18th15th 2024

Judged by: Minty & SketchVashle

Feedback released ~11:30pm10:00pm EST

Match 1

ZekeRikka & Niko vs OverdrawBes & PandoraBandagehead
ZekeRikka & Niko
OverdrawBes & PandoraBandagehead
UnfortunatelyRikka due& Niko's debut round was a bit sketchy, but we were able to lifesee circumstancestheir Zekepotential! hadUnfortunately the unfinished nature does hinder the work, but we were glad to forfeithave thisgotten Wesee hopethe shewhole canpicture enjoyof herwhat timeyou inwere Crossroads!going for. Good effort!
ABes' thrillingdebut readround thathad craftedhim againing richan unlikely(?) ally! We're excited to see where he goes next, and vividit world!was Wonderful focus on details that help everything comegood to life.see Amazinghow characterRikka development& andNiko usemade ofBes yourquestion opponent,his you really gave Zeke a chance to shine and stand her own against Pandora and Overdraw.resolve.
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
N/AN/AN/A26.17.5 5430 63.52150.56.5
Overall Winner: OverdrawBes & PandoraBandagehead

TotalExciting Knock-out!fight!

Match 2

ToffeeAsai Brown& Adi vs Nerassa & Quinton SalzarErica

ToffeeAsai Brown& Adi

Nerassa & Quinton SalzarErica
YouUnfortunately hit the ground running with setting up the two as foils--the dichotomy of the two's mornings was a fantastic tone-setterdue to thelife entirecircumstances entry.Asai You& putAdi a lot of effort into using your opponents not just as charactershad to beat,forfeit butthis asround. actualWe characters.hope Character dialoguethey can beenjoy improvedtheir totime bein more natural, but overall a strong entry.
You had a lot going on in this round by kicking it off with a murder mystery! There were a lot of characters to keep track of in this entry, which was progressively more difficult as the round went on. Overall the entry would have benefitted from more editing. It was a unique fun read!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
24N/A 46N/A 6.5N/A 24.5 32.5 4
Overall Winner: Toffee BrownErica

Knock out!

Match 3

NalagromRia vs Marta & Baladeth vs QuinSeth
Nalagrom & BaladethRia
QuinMarta & Seth
YouUnfortunately putdue soto muchlife lovecircumstances andRia detailhad intoto everyforfeit characterthis usedround. We hope she can enjoy her time in your round!  You incorporated Quin and her character, backstory, and lore seamlessly into Nalagrom's own story. Her presence felt natural and important--she shared the spotlight and had some really touching moments with Ms. X and Baladeth.Crossroads!
QuinMarta is& suchSeth's adebut lovablein characterCrossroads! andIt impossiblewas notgreat to rootsee for! Her interactions with Ms. X throughout are amazing and adorable. Having tothem work together and their fight with NalagromRia-- wasit amazinglet tous seeget asa theygood begrudginglylook helpedat oneall another.of the characters involved. Overall great job!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
28N/A 55.N/AN/A23.550 6.526536
Overall Winner: NalagromMarta & BaladethSeth

SuperKnock tough! Really close fight!out!

Match 4

Red HoodDaoyi vs MyrelleRat & PhariaKing her
Red HoodDaoyi
MyrelleRat & PhariaKing
Red Hood'Daoyi's dialoguefirst flowsofficial fight in Crossroads-- although it looks like poetry;she it'smight reallyneed funa hand after that ending...? It was good seeing more of Daoyi, but the round felt like it was somewhat stilted in execution. It was an interesting fight to readwitness!
Rat interactionsKing's debut match in Crossroads! It was great hearing more about Rat King and seeing his goal contrast with different characters. Great use of Red Riding Hood's cultural figure status as a backdrop to provide imagery to the piece!Daoyi's. Overall a strongstronger entry.
Myrelle & Pharia have such a complex and deep relationship that quickly endears the reader to the characters. Thematic elements of Red Riding Hood were used well! We would have loved to see Red Hood appear earlier in the entry to interact more.round.
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
25.1330418.5 5345 522.53956
Overall Winner: RedRat HoodKing