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Captain Black Gun


"Listen up, you pencil-necked bureaucrats! We're not here for pleasantries. You play nice, or my ship turns your diplomatic party into a firework display."

-- Captain black gun

In the vastness of USC space there is a name one that is feared and scorned by the elite  and inspires and gives hope to the outcast and rejects that name is Captain black gun the Best (and only) space pirate  in all of USC Space and to the Navy ship who see the Patchwork spiked hull of the Baby Violence may the stars have mercy because Black gun Shure wont


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Before he became the feared space pirate we all know Black gun (fyi Black gun is not his real name he picked it because it sounded cool) was an ensign for the USC Navy Graduating top of his class I might add but it was not what he expected. As an ensign, he found himself repeatedly passed over for promotions due to the aristocratic nature of the higher ranks. it didn't matter that he was top of his class since he was a commoner he was the first to be passed over for promotion Frustrated and fueled by a desire for upward mobility as well to see real combat, he abandoned the navy and turned to a life of piracy


Black gun is best described as chaos in human form In combat, Black Gun is rude, arrogant, brash, and unapologetically violent, displaying a stark contrast to his lazy, bored, and tired demeanor outside the adrenaline-fueled chaos of battle. despite his rough exterior he cares for his crew (after all what's a captain without his crew)

Captain Black Gun 
captain black gun.png


United Sphere Coalitions Most Wanted

Profile Data









Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • Sharp Shark-like teeth
  • purple captain's coat and hat adorned with rips, tears, and patches
  • USC Combat Training
  • The Baby Violence (Orbital strike)


Creativity and Cunning


arrogance and a thirst for Combat



  • Handguns (custom made)
  • Cutlass (custom made)
  • Noisemakers (handmade grenades)





the word "Frag" 

the color purple 

the song the wellerman


the United Sphere Coalition



People without Ambition  

Sniper DX


Ability 1 UCS Combat Training 

During his Time in the Navy academy he and his peers where taut how to hold there own in a fight but unlike his peers who couldn't throw a punch Black gun was Nocking them out in one punch from hand-to-hand to ranged weapons black gun excelled and his skills have only gotten better with time

Ability 2 The Baby Violence (Orbital Strike)

What's a Captain without his ship and for Black gun that would be his Baby Violence, once an elegant USC Arcadia-class Battleship, is now a hodgepodge of scrap metal, junk, and spikes. A blatant eyesore when compared to the sleek and elegant ships of the USC navy. but what it lacks in looks it makes up for it with its firepower and currently his ship is orbiting over the crossroads its in the prefect Place to lay down destruction the downside is that the targeting computers of the Baby Violence are old and not in the best shape maybe at one point it could do procession strikes with pinpoint accuracy now its more like an oversized potato cannon you aim and hope it hits  it docent help that the Baby Violence is low on ammo so when he calls this in he better make it count as its a one time thing


Black gun is a Crafty person (it takes a crafty person to steal a Battleship from a scrapyard and not get caught ) but without his cunning he wouldn't be where he is now he's Cunning enough to see what he can take advantage of and crafty enough to take anything he can find and make something that would help)


black gun for all his craftiness he can be arrogance charging head first into a fight the reason behind this is his thirst for combat and the fact that the majority of the USC Navy Has Never seen Combat with this combo if his opponent Were to bait him and catch him off Gard they might be abele to score a good hit before he can counter

captain black gun.png SL2_placehold_image_04.png SL2_placehold_image_04.png
Captain Black gun [item description] [item description]

Author's Notes

For some context  120 years ago (97 years before black gun was born) the unification wars a 30 year long war that shout to unite the galaxy under one banner in which the USC came out victorious ( the unification wars was also when the USC Arcadia-class Battleship was introduced as a mainline ship but after 120 years it shows its age)

In the USC it might seem like a perfect utopia no war no crime food for all in truth it's stagnant everything is provided so nobody sees the need to try anything new and the fact the aristocratic elite control every thing from the media to the military they say what goes with the Navy being full of uptight bureaucrats and self-centered officers and admirals

The USC Has never Seen an Alien Race Before and neither has Black gun

Black Gun doesn't believe that the Wish is real and is only here for the fights

Black gun didn't name the Baby Violence (and no its not the ships Original name)