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Dave The Dummy


Villains and Heroes aren't too different from one another, Trust me, would a bad guy give me a chance at life?

-- Dave the Dummy



Dave the Dummy is a defective crash test model robot from Sol Industries who was originally the prize of a heist made by the Snake Eyes villain team. Upon discovering that their bounty was a model of robot with a defective AI that allowed it to gain full sapience, They adopted him as apart of their own. 
Dave has taken to being their brawler and workhorse, being at the front lines of conflict as well as tending to chores and busywork for the team, which he greately enjoys.

However, when a letter to Crossroads falls to him, will he prove himself to be capable all his own?



Table of Contents
  1. - Backstory -

  2. - Personality -

  3. - Abilities -

  4. - Strengths -

  5. - Weaknesses -

  6. - Refrence Sheet -

  7. - Author's Notes -



Originally, the Sol Industries Crash Test Model™ was never supposed to be a puplic model, it was only used for in-house testing for not only Sol Industries technology but to also test durable materials and makeups for robotics to be more efficient. However during the production process of their most recent version one of the manufactured models had a defect, their AI System wasn't programmed with the correct limitations and was allowed to freely grow and develop into full sentience and free will, Which if discovered could land the company in trouble for using essentially a living person as a tool.


To prevent a lawsuit or worse a full-scale shutdown of the operation, the defect model was deactivated and sealed in storage until they had a solid plan for what to do with it. Fate, however, had other plans. The storage facility was raided by Snake Eyes, a team of villains from various walks of life and occupations lead by the enigmatic Outlaw, to equip themselves with higher tech equipment. Two of these Villains were responsible for the robbery. Although most of the goods were sucessfully protected by two unknown vigilantes, the crash test model was not and fell into the hands of Snake Eyes


The Model, which awoke to its new-found compatriates was welcomed with open arms into the group. Given a name and new purpose. Although at the time he could not fully understand the weight of these things, he is eternally grateful to his found family for giving him the chance to experience the world himself and to be able to do incredible things with people he has grown to admire.


Dave is quite the Optimistic and Welcoming person with a positive cheerful outlook on life, he's always there for whenever anyone is struggling even if they're strangers to him due to his upbringing around various people from different backgrounds and pasts. Dave is never quick to judge, and is quite emotionally intelligent, acting as an anchor for his team to keep them grounded and cared for when things get bad.


Aside from that, Dave is incredibly excitable and cheerful!

He's always there to engage in fun activites or volunteer himself to go out and do missions or acompany his team on outings to engage with the wider world and enjoy it's many facets. Dave adores the times he gets to talk and play games with his team-mates more then anything and will always be down to make a competition out of the tiniest things just to have some fun. Along with his love of games he loves playing jokes and engaging with banter.


Although he is a warm ray of sunshine, he isn't exactly the brightest. his AI did come pre-installed with a sizeable amount of information but a lot of it isn't applicable to everyday life and thus he often comes around as socially inept or lacking in proper rational sense. He's emotionally driven and it ends up in him stumbling into trouble and laughing it off, that or bumping heads with other people over stupid arguments believing himself to be correct becuase he dosen't have the life experience to allow him to accept his own failings


Dave is incredibly driven, admiring those who can acomplish great things and help people. Heroes are a spot for his insporation, even if it dosen't make sense with his line of work as a villain, he thinks heroes are truly the greatest of greats becuase they help people without a second thought and look cool doing it. Dave often mocks heroes by performing made up 'Techniques' which are attacks he names that are inspired by these figuries.



Dave The Dummy Render.png


- Dave

- Dummy

- "Crash-King"
- "Snake Eyes' Brawler"

Profile Data


Robot [Defective Crash Test Model]






184 LBs / 6 ft / Sturdy, Well-Rounded

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

N/A / Black / Yellow and Black

Distinguishing Marks

  • A mask-like eyeshape, which stretches and squishes to match the emotions he is potraying.
  • Black segmentable limbs that is covered by yellow durable plating.
  • Passive Ability - [REBUILD]

  • Active Ability - [REBOUND]

  • Ultimate Ability - [RUIN]

  • A variety of made-up named attacks he came up with


  • Highly Durable and Quick on his feet, Dave is hard to catch and even harder to knock down.

  • High Stamina due to his [REBUILD] ability.


  • Clumsy, Dave has a hard time keeping focus and often then not is reactive to his opponent,

  • Overcharging Dave's [REBUILD] can cause him to short circuit.

  • Dave's fighting style requires him to sustain damage, and his body has hard-set limitations. this leads to the inevitability of losing limbs or other vital parts.


  • Snake Eyes, His Villain Team [He considers them Family]

  • Games [Board, Video and Card]
  • Cats [Calico Prefrence]
  • Superhero Media [Comics and TV Shows]


  • His Team being Hurt/Mistreated

  • Corporations and Executives

  • Scary Movies 
    [Horror in general]

  • Beaches
    [The sand is hard to clean]

- Abilities -

Ability 1


Ability 2


Ability 3


- Strengths -


- Weaknesses -


Dave The Dummy Ref.png
[Dave's Refrence Sheet]

- Author's Notes -