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I was worried he would be a bad influence on Masaru, but it seems like Masaru’s been a good influence on him.

-- Ayako (Masaru’s adoptive mother)



A would-be loner if not for a very persistent and friendly tiger.




Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Considered a runt by most demons where he’s from and deemed not worth the time nor effort, Kazuya grew up with no real support from other demons. And with humans at large still fearing demons, regarding them with suspicion at best and pure hatred at worst, he was not welcome amongst general society either. His life was a constant struggle just to exist, and there were times where he wished he just didn't. But he kept going, kept living, out of spite and a drive to prove himself as something other than worthless.


About Masaru


While out training Kazuya was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a young tiger demon. The child quickly introduced himself as Masaru and from that point on refused to give Kazuya a moment of peace. Each day Kazuya would find a quiet place to train, be found by Masaru, then be unable to get rid of him until the sun started to set. Fed up with this routine Kazuya proposed a deal in the hopes of finally getting rid of the little tiger demon.

"Okay, tell you what. If you can break that boulder with your head, we can be friends." Kazuya told him, expecting Masaru to either refuse or at least give him some entertainment by knocking himself out. 

The last thing he expected was for the tiger boy to completely shatter the rock with one swift headbutt. 


Relatively reserved and not particularly social Kazuya tends to keep his distance from people and is typically distrustful of others. Though despite how disinterested and sarcastic he may seem he cares deeply for his "little" brother, Masaru, and often gets dragged into helping people by him. When he does have to interact with others he'll keep conversations short and to the point, skipping over any typical pleasantries or small talk and will seemingly become genuinely confused should anyone try to continue a more casual conversation with him. 


As a result of his background he shows little respect for those who have yet to prove their worth in some way. Though this doesn't necessarily have to do with physical strength or ability and he will acknowledge a person's skill in a variety of areas as long as it can be considered useful. A person's rank or social status doesn't matter to him if they've done nothing to earn it and he won't even bother to learn or remember their names. It’s not hatred though, more indifference. Kazuya does, however, hate people who are all talk and no action, bragging without anything to back it up. Be careful if you boast about your combat skills too loudly, he will want to test them.


Kazuya takes great pride in his martial prowess and mainly agreed to join the tournament to test himself against other skilled fighters. He's dedicated his life to perfecting his combat techniques and while he does have a bit of an ego in terms of his combat abilities he's not so delusional as to think he can't learn techniques from other fighters. In fact, the other reason why he joined the tournament was because he's interested in what he might be able to learn from watching and competing against the others.

Kazuya front.png



Profile Data


Demon (???)




Bounty Hunter




6'1" / 186cm (not including horns)




Dark blue with orange streaks


Navy with orange sclera and white pupils

Skin Colour

Pale blue

Distinguishing Marks

  • Horns and tail with black tips
  • Black eyelids and black stripe across nose
  • Freckles
  • Weapon Storage
  • Regenerative Healing (reduced)


  • Fast and Agile

  • Well versed in martial arts

  • Quick learner (combat specific)

  • Very high pain tolerance


  • Pride as a martial artist
  • No longer able to regenerate
  • No understanding of modern tech or guns
  • Masaru


  • Kusarigama x2
  • Spear
  • Staff/3 Section Staff





Agent Cheshire


Weapon Storage

His earrings are where he keeps his weapons when not in use. They’re shrunk down and functionally jewelry in this form, then when plucked from the earring they revert back to their full size and weight. He must have physical contact with the weapon before he can shrink it and return it to his earring and cannot just summon it back if it were knocked out of his hand.

Regenerative Healing (reduced)

Under normal circumstances Kazuya is able to heal near instantly and even fully regrow limbs, however within Crossroads this ability is severely reduced. While in Crossroads he can still heal quicker than a human but it's not enough to mitigate damage while in combat. At most it amounts to being able to recover faster, such as taking only a few weeks to fully heal instead of a few months.



Pride as a martial artist: He wants skilled and challenging opponents and will abide by strict rules provided his opponent does as well (ex. a match where none of them use weapons, a match where you can only strike with your legs, etc.). He will only fight dirty if his opponent fights dirty first.

No longer able to regenerate: Cut off from the magic native to his home that his body absorbs to quickly heal injuries he is no longer able to regenerate and can’t afford to get reckless. While he’s used to being able to shake off injuries he doesn’t make a habit of just taking hits (it still hurts), but once he learns he can’t heal like before he’ll come to the realization that dying is a very real possibility here.

No understanding of modern tech or guns: The world he's from isn't particularly technologically advanced, as such he is unfamiliar with things like phones, TV, guns, etc. and won't know what they do until demonstrated. He'll probably just assume they're some kind of magic.

Masaru: Kazuya loves him like a little brother and looks out for him. While Masaru is usually more than capable of taking care of himself, if things look like they’re getting out of hand then Kazuya will do whatever it takes to protect him. Masaru usually acts as Kazuya’s moral compass, and will often persuade him into helping people he otherwise wouldn’t bother with without some form of compensation.

SL2_placehold_image_04.pngKazuya Weapons.pngSL2_placehold_image_04.png
[item description]Weapons[item description]

Author's Notes

Kazuya is jealous to a degree of how strong Masaru is
Regardless of whether he wins or loses he will still thank his opponent after a fight
His blood is black (this also means his blush is dark grey)