Shiori Okagami
AbilitySoul 1Manipulation
LoremIf ipsumShiori dolorcomes sitin amet,contact consecteturwith adipiscingthe elit,invisible sedforce known as the [Soul], the spiritual manifestation of a being, she can [Shape] it in ways it affects it's vessel, A.K.A. it's body. This is her magic.
While it can do eiusmodsmall temporchanges incididunteasily, utit laboremore etclosely doloreresembles magnarelocating aliqua.stats, Utso enimif adshe minimwants veniam,to quisdo nostrudsomething exercitationnegative ullamcoto laboristhe nisibody, utshe aliquipneeds exto eado commodosomething consequat.positive Duistoo, auteand irurevice dolorversa. For example: If Shiori makes someone heavier, she would have to make them stronger too due to the increase in reprehenderitmass.
This works on herself and she utilizes it for small bursts of strength or speed, but the more she uses this ability, she risks wearing herself out and even dying if she does it too much.
She also has a code of honor that forbids herself from leaving any big changes to her opponents, mainly due to fear of it being irreversible in voluptateher velitlack esseof cillumexperience dolorewith euher fugiatabilities.
Shiori pariatur.mainly Excepteuruses sinther occaecat[soul cupidatatshaping] nonto proident,create sunther inblade culpa(out quiof officiaher deseruntown mollitsoul), animand idcan estextend and curve it to use different styles. However, making it longer or sharper is more taxing.
AbilityMiko 2Kenjutsu
Lorem ipsum
Two sitTailed amet,Boost
As adipiscinga elit,previous sedowner of this body, Sana can enter and take control, granting an additional tail, and with that, a boost to the Soul Manipulation ability.
With two tail boost, Sana and Shiori's now combined souls regenerate way faster, along with better more intricate control over Soul Manipulation, thus allowing her to do eiusmodmore temporintense incididuntmodifications utto laboreher etown doloresoul magnaand aliqua.body, Utalong enimwith adher minimopponent's veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.bodies.
While 3Shiori Loremhas ipsuma dolorstrong sitmoral amet,code consecteturto adipiscingNOT elit,leave sedlasting doside eiusmodeffects temporwith incididuntSoul utManipulation, laboreSana etdoes dolorenot magnaabide Utthe enimsame adcodeminimand veniam,will quisdisfigure nostrudand exercitationdistort ullamcoothers laborisif nisishe utcomes aliquipinto excontact eawith commodothem. consequat.Sana Duiscan autepossess irureShiori dolorwhen inshe's reprehenderitexhausted inor voluptateweakened, velitand essewhile cillumShiori dolorecan eutake fugiatback nullacontrol pariatur.if Excepteurshe sintrejects occaecatSana cupidatathard nonenough, proident,ejecting sunther inform culpathe quibody, officiaSana deseruntcan mollitresist, animmostly idjust estdelaying laborum.Shiori from taking back control of her body.
Friendly and approachable.
Loremshe ipsumis dolorable sitto amet,get consecteturalong adipiscingwith elit,most, sedand dois eiusmodgenuinely tempora incididuntgood utreliable laboreperson.
Desires doloreto magnahelp aliqua.others Utmore enimthan adanything. minim
so quisshe nostrudwill exercitationtry ullamcoto laborisfind nisia utway aliquipfor exeveryone eato commodobe consequat.happy Duisas autelong irureas dolorthey ask for help.
Experienced in reprehenderitcombat with various types of opponents.
She's no pushover when it comes to clashing blades. She can also push herself past her own limits when in voluptatedanger.
Actually essea cillumgood dolorelistener.
A fugiatgreat nullalearner, pariatur.and Excepteurpretty sintunderstanding occaecatof cupidatatother's nonemotions' proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.too.
Using her magic too often will strain her own soul & body
LoremIf ipsumnot dolorcareful, sitshe amet,can consecteturknock adipiscingherself elit,out sedor doeven eiusmoddie temporfrom incididuntoverexertion, utsignified laboreby eta dolorenosebleed magnaand/or aliqua.glassy Uteyes.
Her addesire minimto veniam,help quisothers nostrudcan exercitationand ullamcowill laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorget in reprehenderitthe way of her own goals.
She's stuck in voluptatethe velitpast,
Gets cillumuneasy doloreand eudistracted fugiatwhen nullashe pariatur.doesn't Excepteurfinish sinther occaecatdaily cupidatatroutines.
She proident,is suntstill mostly human-like in culpanature, quiand officiaisn't deserunttoo mollitresistant animto iddamage.
If laborum.she doesn't manage to dodge or deflect an attack she will be seriously damaged.
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Author's Notes
LoremStar ipsumif doloryou sitdon't amet,fill consecteturthis adipiscingI elit,will sedKICK doYOUR eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.ASS