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Adi Badawi


As long I keep fighting, my fists will always burn hot! Look out, world! The Fist Of The Desert is here to show you who's the greatest fighter of all!

-- [Adi Badawi]



Adi Badawi; a young, determined, and feisty brawler of the royal Badawi Clan. Although she fights for the glory and honor of her family, she's always hungry for a great fight with a worthwhile opponent. Despite being undefeated in international fighting tournaments, every match, she's been caught in a constant stalemate with her longtime rival, Asai Kuniko.


Now with the God Eater's invite reaching to her and Asai, Adi will set out to the Crossroads, and prove to everyone that she can be the greatest fighter ever. What she plans to do with the wish? Adi has an idea, but stubbornly refuses to elaborate... unless you're willing to fight her for it.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Adi Badawi was born as the heiress to a powerful merchant prince of the Badawi clan within the bustling city of Tinari'Wan. Born with a tenacious heart, she's aspired to be a fighter like some of the legends she's read about; the unlikely group of adventurers who faced off against a fire genie, a warrior who fought off an entire army on their own, and a legendary fighter that has taken down the fiercest opponents.


However, Adi's rise to stardom didn't start with unwavering ambition, but through personal tragedy. At age 4, her city was besieged by a massive band of marauders. Despite the city guard's best efforts, much of the citizens have met their unfortunate demise; one victim being her own mother. Devastated, Adi now vows to learn how to fight back, so no one else has to die.


Adi kept asking her father on getting her an instructor, but none of them really helped her grow as a combatant. None truly brought out the fire within her, until at age 10, she met a foreign fighting instructor from the enchanted lands of Xuonglin, named Master Masao. He came with a particular interest to Adi due to her father's invite, and is willing to find a suitable student to learn the art of "Hi'Ken."


For several years, Master Masao trained Adi to harness the ability to manipulate and bend fire, dancing and fighting with fire. This got Adi to be extremely creative with her technique, experimenting unique moves to surprise and defeat her opponents. At the age of 18, she was officially deemed ready, ending Masao's tutorship.


Adi demonstrated her prowess through various tournaments hosted across the Brass Dunes, to showcase her fiery temperament, and unrelenting determination. However, one day, during a massive international tournament, Adi eventually met her equal; a Xuonglese woman blessed with impenetrable skin, and a cold stare: Asai Kuniko (or Kuniko Asai). It was this day that their rivalry sparked, as it turns out Masao is Asai's father, and has been resentful towards Adi since. The two duke it out for three whole hours, both refusing to pass out or surrender, and as they clashed once more, both collapsed, ending in a historic draw.


Adi never got over her stalemate with Asai, and is willing to continue fighting and practicing, hoping that one day, she will best her in combat, and cement her status as the greatest fighter.



Adi Badawi is often seen as a cocky, but passionate woman, always excited about the next fight. Determined to better herself, and be a stronger fighter, she will not hesitate to accept a fair, yet thrilling exchange. When fighting, her tenacious attitude is what keeps her from ever conceding to her opponent, always persistent to see herself as the victor.


Despite her strong desire for a duel, Adi can be reckless before, during, and after battle. Her headstrong nature always causes her to make some questionable moves without thinking, and it can easily backfire. When angered, she can blindly start swinging and throwing fire everywhere unless she's told to compose herself. Adi can be easily provoked into a fight when being called certain words towards her, so always watch your tongue.


With her feisty fighting spirit, Adi is a benign and honorable person. She is constantly looking out for the defenseless, and always looks down on cruel and shameless opponents. She has a soft spot towards kids, but doesn't take lightly to brats. For being prideful of her victories, Adi never kicks those that are down, even if they are scumbags. She retains her virtuous traits, and if the fight is fair and clean, she will show respect.


Relations with Asai Kuniko

Adi Badawi have a long-standing rivalry with Asai Kuniko, since the first time they were matched against each other. Their first draw has motivated them to find ways of beating each other, and will do anything to claim the title of being the best. They've faced each other three times in the past, and most recently, the fourth time before they made a loose partnership for a tournament at the Crossroads.


Adi egotistically goads and teases Asai, just to get a rise out of her. The majority of the time, she calls her "princess" due to Asai's noble lineage, despite herself being somewhat of royalty. She can get furious by Asai's backtalk with the use of her expansive vocabulary, and the jabs she receives can be seen as fighting words to Adi, thinking Asai's goading her for a fight.


However, despite the back-and-forth, Adi has some form of respect for Asai, even admiration. Over the years of fighting her in arenas, and the constant bickering, she can't help but find her... somehow alluring. The way Asai is always holding her ground, her determination to beat her, and her respect for the duel, has made Adi reconsider her distrust. Unfortunately, Adi's too prideful and stubborn to even admit her true feelings to her, fearing that it would make her feel weak or pathetic.

Adi Badawi


The Fist Of The Desert

Profile Data




She/They, Female, Bisexual




  • 127 lbs
  • 5'5 feet
  • Slender/Lean

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

  • Dark Brown Hair
  • Green Eyes
  • Brown Skin

Distinguishing Marks

  • No distinguishable marks


  • Avalon
  • The Brass Dunes (Nuha'Dhun)
  • Tinari'Wan
  • Hi'Ken (Fire Manipulation)
  • Martial Arts Mastery


  • Powerful Punches
  • Quick Reflexes
  • Extremely Resilient
  • Perceptive


  • Vulnerable To Kicks
  • Reckless
  • Headstrong
  • Easily Offended


  • No weapons needed


Fighting, Pomegranates, Asai (secretly)


Boredom, cowards, snobs, cheaters, Asai (publicly)



Hi'Ken (Fire Manipulation)

Through martial arts, Adi can manipulate fire into her fighting moves. Since her training with Master Masao, she's gotten creative with her technique, and experimented in ways of channeling her fire with her style of fighting. Catching her opponents off-guard with her fire manipulation has made her a formidable combatant, but will refrain from actually scarring or burning her rivals. Her intention is to scare them, not harm them, despite the use of fire.

Adi has also built a strong resistance towards fire and heat, making her a daunting force within extreme conditions.

Martial Arts Mastery

Adi has learned the basic and advanced form of martial arts through her vigorous training with Master Masao. Her determination to be the best has made her ever-more prominent in the fighting world, and her hunger for new and stronger opponents has only encouraged her to train even harder. No opponent is out of her league, for she sees it as an opportunity for growth. No weapon is enough to scare her, for she relies on her speed and quick-thinking to disarm it. Whatever Masao has trained her to do, Adi continuously improves it, and will continue improving with each new foe.


With Hi'Ken, Adi heavily relies on her fists to make enough damage for her to win. She has made her arms and hands intimidating weapons, and each blow has a possibility to leave a nasty bruise or a burn mark. Her unshakeable tenacity for a victory with Hi'Ken is what got her the epithet in the first place.

Adi never relents to her opponents, no matter how strong they are. No words or brutal beat-downs will be enough to break her spirit. In fact, it does the opposite. Her resolve strengthens, inspired to fight back even harder.

Through combat, Adi's quick reflexes gives her an advantage against most weapons and powerful fighting moves. She has built herself to be highly perceptive after countless matches, consistently watching for her opponent's next move and how to counter or avoid it. She dislikes dirty tricks, and won't be afraid to shame them for disrespecting the art of combat.


With such a massive reputation on her shoulders, Adi can be seen as arrogant, which can lead her to cause mistakes within her skirmishes. First, goading Adi into fighting with petty insults would surely lure her into a potential trap. Her reckless and hotheaded nature can be a malefactor to the fight, hopping into a fight without thinking strategically.

Adi's already a master with hand-to-hand combat, using her fists with the style of Hi'Ken has made her an intimidating opponent. However, she's not that great with kicks, which she deems as secondary. This also makes her vulnerable to powerful kicks from those like Asai Kuniko. Adi will make note of this before or during the fight, to prepare herself for future planning.

Adi's Hi'Ken is powerful, but through careless actions, she can set something on fire without noticing since she's too deep in the thought of fighting. Collateral damage has been on the long laundry list of what made her notorious within competitions, getting lost in the duel without acknowledging the environment around her.

  Adi reference sheet.png  
[Ref Sheet]

Author's Notes

  • Adi was an adopt, bought from Caktoz on DeviantArt.
  • Her personality's inspired by most shonen anime protagonists.
  • Hi'Ken was inspired by Firebending from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Adi, in Hebrew, means "Jewel", "Ornament", or "My Witness." Though, in some translations, like in Arabic, it means "a Group of People/Fighters". Badawi is an Arabic surname meaning "Of The Desert." Going by this, her name translates to "Jewel of the Desert," which ties in to her epithet, "Fist of the Desert."
  • Headcanon voice for Adi would be either Brenda Song (Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia) or Michaela Dietz (Amethyst from Steven Universe).