Asai Kuniko (Kuniko Asai)
Unbreakable Skin
When Asai was a baby, she was doused in a legendary elixir known as the Nemean Oil, giving her a "skin of steel." This means her body can't be pierced, stabbed, hacked, or penetrated by any means; that includes weapons like swords, bullets, cleavers, spears, etc. The coating has also given her an incredibly high pain tolerance, so when she fights, the slashing and stabbing of physical or ranged weapons won't inflict as much pain as normal humans do. Her own skin has become her only armor, practically making her invincible to physical attacks.
Asai is also highly resistant to natural conditions like the cold, and fire/acid burns.
Asai's skin of steel makes her dependence on armor unnecessary, for they only weigh her down when it comes to a quick and decisive victory. Even when scantily-dressed, it's showing her bold, unrelenting demeanor in the face of danger.
Martial Arts Mastery (The Iron Crane)
LoremThrough ipsumher dolormentor, sitTakara, amet,Asai consecteturhas adipiscinglearned elit,the sedadvanced doXuonglese eiusmodMartial temporArts incididunttechnique utof laboreTetsu etNo doloreTsuru/The magnaIron aliqua.Crane. UtThanks enimto adher minim"skin veniam,of quissteel," nostrudshe's exercitationable ullamcoto laborisuse nisiher utskills aliquipto exher eafullest commodoextent consequat.without Duishesitation. auteThe irureIron dolorCrane inhas reprehenderitmade inher voluptateuse velither esselegs cillumas doloreher euprimary fugiatweapons, nullato pariatur.strike Excepteurdown sintthose occaecatwilling cupidatatto nonget proident,close suntto inher, culpawhile quiusing officiaher deseruntagility mollitto animstrike idthem estdown laborum.swift and easily. Her kicks are strong enough to shatter bone, and her swift reactions can lead a lot of her opponents with several injuries.
LoremAsai's ipsumstrategic doloranalysis sitof amet,her consecteturopponents adipiscinghas elit,made sedher doa eiusmodtricky temporfighter incididuntto utcounter, laborealways etplanning doloreseveral magnasteps aliqua.ahead Utof enimthem. adNo minimmatter veniam,the quispower nostrudher exercitationopponent ullamcohas, laborisshe nisiwill utalways aliquipfind excertain eaweak-points commodoto consequat.catch Duisthem auteoff-guard irurewhen dolorgiven inthe reprehenderitchance. inShe voluptateleaves velitlittle esseto cillumno doloreroom eufor fugiaterror nulladuring pariatur.her Excepteurmatches, sintand occaecatalways cupidatathas nona proident,backup suntwhen innecessary.
Asai's quisheer officiawillpower deseruntand mollitcold animdetermination idhas estgranted laborum.her a fearful reputation within the fighting arena, making her declaration towards her challengers without uttering a word. She sets her emotions aside to keep a calm, stoic, and iron-jawed expression to not only intimidate her fighters, but also demonstrate what she can really do.
LoremEven ipsumwith dolorher sitadvanced amet,skills, consecteturand adipiscinga elit,skin sedof dosteel, eiusmodAsai temporis incididuntstill utvulnerable... laboreon etthe doloreliteral magnainside. aliqua.Powerful Utpunches enimand adheavy minimbludgeoning veniam,objects quiscan nostrudstill exercitationfracture ullamcobones laborisand nisirupture utorgans aliquipwithout exbreaking eathe commodoskin, consequat.even Duiswith autethe irureresilience. dolorThis inis reprehenderitwhat inmakes voluptateAdi velitsuch essea cillumchallenge dolorefor euAsai fugiatto nullafight pariatur.due Excepteurto sinther occaecatHi'Ken, cupidatatable nonto proident,land sunthits inthat culpasurpasses quithrough officiaher deseruntresistance.
Asai animmay idhave esthigh laborum.pain tolerance, but that doesn't make her numb or immune to damage. Doing several strong blows will eventually bring her to her knees, and like every other combatant, she can and will tire out after a long, strenuous fight.
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Author's Notes
- Asai
dolorKunikositwasamet,anconsecteturadoptadipiscingbyelit,lStarLunalsedondoDeviantArt. - The
temporIronincididuntCraneutwaslaboreinspiredetbydolorethemagnareal-lifealiqua.KoreanUtmartialenimarts,adTaekwondo,minimwhichveniam,usesquisvariousnostrudkickingexercitationmoves. - Her
laborisnamenisiAsaiutKunikoaliquipisexactuallyeaancommodoEast-Asian/Japaneseconsequat.wayDuisofautehavingirureherdolorfamily name stated first before her actual name, it's to show authenticity and normalization. - Kuniko in
reprehenderitJapaneseintranslatesvoluptatetovelit"Elegantessechild",cillumwhiledoloreAsaieutranslatesfugiattonulla"Shallowpariatur.Well."ExcepteurAssintpartoccaecatofcupidatatroyalty,nonherproident,surnamesuntcouldintieculpaherquilineageofficiaagesdeseruntbackmollittoanimwhereidherestancestorslaborum.were reliant on shallow wells for survival.