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Bes Bandagehead


You want to listen to free form jazz together?

-- Bes Bandagehead



A redhead doll with an overabundant love towards icepickers and bandages. He is an art project that got abandoned alongside with an unfinished project that is supposed to be his sister. At one point in his life, he is "gifted" with a human-like awareness by a being called "The Godmother" and ends up with a dilemma between prioritizing between reconstructing his sister or finding a way to become more human.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Can a machine desire? At most, it is believed that they can only simulate what seems like "desire", yet it is not without gait as it is only what is believed to be how desire would develop inside a machine by beings that are not machine in the first place. Yet, some outlier exist through unconventional means. Bes is one of them. 

After his creator "disappeared" out of the blue 5 years after his creation, he is left to fend for himself and an unfinished model of what is supposed to be his sister and years pass by as his body began to degrade from lack of care, and so is with his sister, left unattended other than with him in the rotting house.

He goes on with his internal protocol, just keeping everything enough to keep himself and the house running, until one day he somehow dreamed. He dreamed of his initial creation and the subsequent loneliness that comes within the confines of his existence right now, and from that dream, comes a desire to bring his sister to life. 

His dream is then noticed by a curious being, unnamed and unbound by time and space. Finding interest in his existence, she branches out to his world and shares a strand of her near-infinite being to the dreaming doll, giving him "a breath of life"; a new kind of awareness that he previously did not have. 

The Godmother, as the being refers to herself, in his newfound realization, has gifted him with the conscience and heart as human as it comes. And this is proves catastrophic for his internal making, as the human senses and mind that he now has are limited and entrapped to his frames of metal and fabric. 

At first he feels like he should be angry, feel a deep fury for being how he is now. Wanting to claw out of his inhuman body to sate the uneasiness of the numb feeling encapsulating his new mind. Yet, he cannot bring himself to feel so, and only a new desire blooms within him, that is to become as human as he can and fulfill all that he wishes for without help from The Godmother.



In average, he comes of as very calm and kind, even slightly timid towards new situations and strangers. While commonly skeptical at first, he is very easy to warm up towards people who try to be kind towards him or does him a favor, regardless of the motives. However, it is also as easy for him to feel threatened and provoked by the opposite. His calm composure tend to falter quick as he perceives something to be of potential danger towards himself, even if the other party did not initially mean it. His impulsive line of thinking usually cause him to attack first before he is able to think more about it, causing him to feel deeply troubled if he does end up causing harm to others that does not deserve it (in his opinion), however small. He would always try to make up for any harm he cause if he can find a way to, if not, he will just run away from the problem.


He also has a considerably naive worldview and sometimes lack the sensitivity towards experiences he cannot understand or have not experienced yet, which might make him come off as insensitive or even unnerving in the way he presents his thoughts. He also has a hard time considering things that are not "clear-cut" and might need further explanation to understand it. Though this might make him appear dense, he is by no mean stupid. As long as he understands what he should do, he is surprisingly adaptable and will use the most of everything for his advantage as long as the right idea comes to mind.


His second most negative trait after his impulsivity is probably that he is a pretty sore loser, even when he is in situations where he knows he would not win. Though even then, he rarely try to cheat his way out of a lose situation except if it is something that he finds to be really important to win.

Bes Bandagehead


Bes, Nailhead, Bass Clef

Profile Data


Doll (technically a robot)




20 years old


80 kg/165 cm


Sugar water, can be subbed with anything sugary or sweet as long as it's liquid.

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Red/Black/Light purple

Distinguishing Marks

  • The "anti brain explosion" nail in his head
  • Skeletal-like, clawed left hand
  • The bandage covering his head
  • Piercing left hand
  • Numbness
  • Self-mending
  • "Brain Explosion"


  • Good adaptability towards different environments
  • Somehow creative


  • Impulsive
  • Naive thinking
  • Easy to provoke when he feels threatened


  • Left hand
  • Bandage scarf


  • icepickers
  • chocolate syrup
  •  jazz and jazz-like compositions
  • durable bandages
  • suits
  • print T-shirts
  • small dogs


  • The Godmother
  • his creator
  • frail bandages
  • houselizards
  • fuel leakage
  • electro swing music
  • his "anti brain explosion" nail getting pulled out


Piercing left hand

Unlike most of his body that is covered by a layering of fabric and many other needed things over his metal frame, his left hand is a skeletal-like hand with lanky fingers. People tend to assume that it is dangerous because of it's sharp-looking ends, but the biggest problem lies in the fact that the ends of his left fingers are pretty blunt. While he does use it to pierce, it is not a clean-cut pierce as he needs to put more force into it to actually pierce something, causing an unclean and forced cut that might cause great pain towards the target, if they can feel pain. 


Being a doll, he cannot feel pain or any kind of tactile sensation at all. He uses this to his advantage, as he would consciously rip out a part of his own body as means to take his opponent off guard when he is cornered. However, the biggest drawback of his numbness is that sometimes he would not realize if something has somehow latched onto him or try to harm him implicitly until it hits his internal machinery.


He is able to mend himself, having the protocol and his own blueprint laid out inside his memory. Even if he is unable to retrieve or collect a part of his body, he is usually resourceful enough in finding substitutes that he can use for the time being.

"Brain Explosion"

Very much a "last resort" move, he almost never use this "ability" he does not even consider an ability. In short, it's a move that is done by taking off the "anti brain explosion" nail out of his head.

In the first place, the nail in his head acts as a corrector for a faulty part in his motor control circuit. Taking off the nail results in a faster and more agile movement for a few moment, before his circuit hypothetically overheats and explode, causing his so-called "brain explosion". While he can survive a "brain explosion", it is notably the closest feeling to death he can feel, so he would rather not like to feel it.

Another drawback from this ability is that his body is not made to handle the speed he would go into without the nail implemented, that even before he hypothetically overheats, he might already mess up his articulations first. All in all, it is an ability with more disadvantages than advantages for him.


As how he is, he is surprisingly adaptable in odd situations. He thinks in a rather esoteric line of thinking because of the matter of his body and so he commonly ends up with ridiculously stupid, yet working strategies when facing a problem. He also will not stop when he wants something, at least not until he comes to the point where he has to use his "Brain Explosion".


As said before, he is considerably naive and impulsive in the grand scheme of things. He easily gets provoked when he feels threatened and might end up making decisions that are obviously stupid and disadvantaging towards himself. The same goes for the opposite, as he is also easily persuaded by anyone that he finds "safe" enough. In short, he is pretty gullible.

smal.jpgsmal.jpg SL2_placehold_image_04.pngbes reference.jpg SL2_placehold_image_04.png
character page
extended reference
brain explosion


  • While he always bring around an icepicker, he almost never uses it as a weapon. It is more of just a thing he likes to bring around. He also has a collection of various icepickers back in his place.
  • Nobody knows why he has a preference towards chocolate syrup even though he cannot even taste it. He only notes that he finds it "smooth in feeling" for some reasons.
  • He likes jazz,listening especiallyto freejazz jazz/freemusic.
  • form jazz.
  • In the same time, he has an irrational hatred towards most electro swing.swing music.
  • His hatred, or moreso fear towards houselizards comes from the fact that it is awfully common for them to somehow get stuck inside his main control panel and get fried inside.
  • His scleras used to be more pale and white in color, but they gradually yellow from time as they are made from plastic.
  • He has a very raspy voice, most likely because of his damaged voicebox. It is one of the few things he does not bother to fix or change because he finds it hard to do.
  • As much as he dislikes The Godmother, he still somehow sees her as a "mother figure" as she did help him adapt with his new awareness and come around from time to time to check out on him. They have an odd mother-child relationship.
  • He nicknames his sister model "Melody" as she did not have a name yet when his creator disappears.