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[Daoyi] Reference


Its always weird to know you can do things to make the best out of yourself and still not feel anything. Too much time in the sun, not enough on your own two feet.

-- Daoyi


An enigmatic figure that styles herself as a reclusive, impassive vagabond. Though deficient in all these aspects, Daoyi's slow demeanor hides both her penchant for explosive movement and earthly hedonism - both terrible qualities of a supposed 'hermit'. She's been a spectator and instigator of trouble in equal measure, reaping the benefits of her transient state while shirking the responsibilities of her religious duty.


Her family hopes for her ascension - To leave behind this world and live immortal as their bloodline's personal god. On the surface, it's a pleasure to serve, but outside and in she's torn between this world and the next. Mortal or otherwise, she knows duty is the one thing she can't walk away from.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Born at a young age, Daoyi was spirited away from the hospital by her biological parents. Her inheritance of every recessive gene at once resulted in her markedly human appearance.


She was the youngest in a family where her siblings had either left or stayed for days at a time, As a result, Daoyi lived unremarkably in her childhood years. The gourd was an heirloom artifact that boasted a regenerating stock of wine, and by accident she found that it granted her powers on first consumption. Seeking to take advantage of this rare occasion, she was spurred on to continue absorbing the liquor in hopes that she would finally be of use.


However, she became disillusioned over her inability to achieve godhood after several years, primarily because of her own ineptitude. In addition, events that unfolded during that time and escalated from her involvement continued to jade her. After a particularly sour incident involving her own kidnapping, she decided that avoidance was the best way to continue living, and began roaming far from her parents' home, searching in vain for peace or understanding.


Daoyi would usually find herself pondering life in the sun, hiding from bandits or finding people to talk to, which would inevitably result in chaos due to misunderstandings as well as her own sour attitude. Well jaded from several of these encounters, a chance encounter with some kind of fox eventually led her to the Summer Leagues.


Daoyi is an impulse-driven person, knowing extensively of her world but very little of the people in it. Daoyi is well-versed in the ways people act in her world; Though she has a lot of stories to tell, she usually doesn't lend herself to situations where she can do so. She feels an absence of identity due to the stagnation of her duty, as well as having to stay in her homeland because of this obligation. She usually considers herself a 'force of nature' and treats herself somewhat as such, taking an apathetic if not cynical approach to the affairs of others and herself. Around other people, Daoyi tends to be awkward with dark logic, though she's positive wherever she can be; Whatever humor she derives either comes out dry or as a product of her own stupidity.


Without stimulus, her responsibilities as a future god tend to dictate her actions. As a result, she sees helping people and keeping a tidy and peaceful world as moreso part of the 'job'. Regardless, she has some empathy for the disenfranchised, though she's more likely to ignore a problem and just walk past if she can. Exceptions include especially egregious cases, or if by her own ineptitude she finds herself involved in said situations. Daoyi is aware how her indulgence in earthly delights and moral bankruptcy give off a corrupt image, and is reserved and embarrassed somewhat because of this.


Under the influence of 'the Wine' Daoyi is far more open and expressive. She becomes willing to confide in people, as well as louder and aware of her surroundings. She frequently doesn't remember some of her more 'fantastic' stunts in this state, but usually feels bad about the aftermath. Daoyi doesn't see her wine as a vice, but moreso an extension of her body, fighting off anyone that gets near it (even by accident) and in most cases, treating it better than she treats her own body. Her justification for this is that when she becomes her family's god, her body will go while the gourd will remain for whoever else is capable of taking the journey. Whatever contempt she has towards herself is usually short-lived when she becomes sober again.


Drunken Deathless Dreg




Profile Data


Human (?)






165 lbs, 6'0", Lanky/Androgynous

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Red, Red, Pale w/ some tinge

Distinguishing Marks

  • Ringed eyes (When drunk)
  • Messy rooster's tail
  • 'Halo' that manifests in the heat of battle
  • 'The Wine' mastery
  • Superhuman durability/strength
  • Martial prowess


  • Fighting by attrition (debilitating enemies)
  • Unconventional technique
  • Staying 'in the fight'


  • Slow on defense
  • Slow without a plan
  • Reliant on wine


  • 'The Gourd'
  • 'Noble Flames' self-made firecrackers


  • New experiences (in person)
  • Sunbathing
  • Horror cinema (usually has to sneak in)
  • Her duty


  • Cities & Towns
  • Being sober
  • Wild animals (they hate her back)
  • Her duty
[Link to Creator's sheet]


Divine possessions

This refers to Daoyi's wine, firecrackers and gourd. All three are crucial to her strategies in battle.

The wine has all the usual properties of alcohol: It is sticky, slippery in certain situations and highly flammable. The gourd produces enough to fill itself over a certain amount of time, and as long as no one is looking inside the gourd, it will continue to do so.

The wine itself inebriates people with through both spiritual and physical avenues. This means that those physically strong but lacking in soulful strength, and vice versa may find themselves somewhat susceptible, However, the main threat is with the gourd itself, as Daoyi's preferred method of attack is to swing and flail to beat her enemies down from unpredictable angles.

Daoyi keeps a large supply of miniature ball firecrackers, either as a distraction tool or as a readily available source to burn wine. The application of this ranges from simply throwing these at the opponent, denying opponents ground or self immolation. Daoyi makes these by shaping them from dirt, then filling with wine and some of her own power.

Martial prowess

Daoyi uses a hackneyed version of her ownmade-up techniques in tandem with recognized styles, though primarily drawing from movements associated with Drunken Fist. At far ranges, this is for kicking off and ricocheting her gourd and projectile attacks. Close up, it ensures that Daoyi isn't entirely defenseless, though she may be at a disadvantage regardless. Her style offers some agility, but usually relies on harassmentsmall andhits makingprogressing sureto thelarger, enemymore stayspunishing in one spot so she can use her remaining energy for a decisive blow.blows.

Daoyi can punch holes in her gourd so it leaks alcohol haphazardly, and patch it up with dirt. Her ability to take potshots by flicking firecrackers is decent.

Inhuman physiology

LoremOwing ipsumto dolorher sitdrawing amet,power consecteturfrom adipiscingthe elit,gourd sedover dosuch eiusmoda temporlong incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolortime, in reprehenderitlarger quantities it replaces her blood and grants an especially hardy body. This helps with feats of strength and agility. In addition, though her limbs can break and she can be disoriented, having wine in voluptateher velitbody esseensures cillumthat doloreshe eucan fugiatfight nullaoff pariatur.or Excepteurprevent sintthe occaecateffects cupidatatsomewhat. nonThese proident,benefits suntare less effective the less wine is in culpaher qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.body.


LoremBetween ipsumher dolortough sitskin amet,and consecteturslipperiness, adipiscingDaoyi elit,is seda hard target to get a good hit on. Any blows that do eiusmodhit temporsquare incididuntmay utjust laborebounce etoff doloreas magnashe aliqua.takes Utthe enimchance adto minimgo veniam,for quisa nostrudcounterattack exercitationon ullamcoher laborisown. nisiIn utcertain aliquipcase exscenarios, eashe commodowill consequat.push Duisan auteadvantage irurefarther dolorthan either party can stand to disorient her opponent.

Daoyi both needs and easily controls ground by either setting it aflame with alcohol fire, or establishing large stretches of wine and rock in reprehenderither efforts to slip by and dodge attacks. The longer a battle transpires, the messier it becomes for her opponent until they're cramped with nowhere to run from her bludgeoning strikes.

With all her tools and combinations, she has some way to fight an enemy in voluptateany velitsituation. esseThis cillummakes doloreit eusomewhat fugiatuncertain nullato pariatur.approach Excepteurher sintfirst, occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntand in culpaworst quicase officiascenarios deseruntshe mollitmay animget idseveral estgood laborum.hits in a row if she can improvise properly. This scenario usually gives her a head start in her game-plan, and recovering from one of these interactions may prove difficult.


LoremWhile ipsumDaoyi dolorcan sitcontrol amet,ground consecteturwell, adipiscingthis elit,means sedopponents dothat eiusmodspend tempora incididuntlot utof laboretime etairborne doloreneed magnaa aliqua.lot Utmore enimwork adto minimput veniam,and quisbring nostruddown. exercitationDaoyi ullamcomust laborisrely nision utaerial aliquipgourd exand eafirecracker commodotechniques, consequat.the Duisformer auteof irurewhich doloris somewhat unreliable and the latter requiring far more resources to deny aerial space.

It is difficult for her to check how much wine is beaten out of her in reprehenderitthe inheat voluptateof velitbattle. esseShe cillummay dolorewalk euinto fugiatblows nullathat'd pariatur.cripple Excepteurher sintwithout occaecatthe cupidatatwine, nonor proident,be suntprone into culpaunexpected quiattacks officiawhile deseruntshe mollitattempts animto id'refill'. estEspecially laborum.dangerous for her is a sober state, as not only does she begin to overthink but she can easily be overwhelmed and beat down due to her slow moving speed (without stained ground).

By restraining a limb, taking away one of her weapons or staying out of view one may heavily cripple her ability to fight at certain ranges and angles. Having her spend all her firecrackers stands out, as it prevents her from disorienting her enemy and trading favorably.


daoyiREF.png daoyipx.png sketchyi.png

First reference of Daoyi (click

to enlarge)

Daoyi in alternative medium
Miscellaneous sketches

Author's Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Daoyi