Ability[Light 1Beams]
LoremNiko ipsumfires dolorbeams sitof amet,light consecteturhorizontally adipiscingor elit,vertically sedthat do eiusmodsmall, temporrepeated incididuntdamage utas laborelong etas dolorethey’re magnatouching aliqua.the Utenemy. enim adCan miniminflict veniam,negative quisstatus nostrudeffects exercitationsuch ullamcoas laborisdizzy, nisiconfusion utor aliquipimpaired exvision.
[Healing commodoLight]
Niko Duiscan autesummon irurea dolorlarge healing light that slowly heals anyone or anything caught in reprehenderitit and inflicts positive status ailments like regeneration and increased strength and speed.
Quickly causes a small flash of sparkling light that can disorientate opponents.
Niko’s firefly bulb is often glowing, making seeing and navigating dark spaces easier. However it has the downside of risking revealing his location if he uses it at the wrong time.
Niko’s curse from the cult mages. Slowly fills his body with an unknown that will start eating at many of his organs before it kills him. After which his whole body will turn into a crystal-like material that can be cut up or used for energy soon after. Physical symptoms it (so far) induced in voluptatehim velitinclude essecoughing, cillumphysical doloreweakness, eulow fugiatenergy, nullaskin pariatur.turning Excepteurpale sintand occaecatweight cupidatatgain non(despite proident,him suntbeing as thin as a stick) Niko’s blood, if touched, will electrocute opponents as a result of the curse. His blood is dark purple instead of red.
It’s unknown how long he has to live.
Niko’s ultimate attack. A massive ball of light is fired ahead of him before it explodes causing massive damage, possible blindness and major status ailments for anyone hit by it. Niko’s physical state already severely limits how much magic he can use so this attack will only be able to be used once in culpathe quientire officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.tournament.
Ability[Flighting 2Style]
LoremDue ipsumto dolorhis sitphysical amet,state, consecteturit’s adipiscingbasically elit,guaranteed sedhe’ll do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorbe in reprehenderitthe Assist role the whole OCT but that doesn't mean he’s useless. He actively tries to provide Rikka with strategy whenever he can, and his observant nature helps him identify weaknesses in voluptateboth velitfighting essestyle cillumand dolorecharacter euof fugiathis nullaand pariatur.Rikka’s Excepteuropponents. sint occaecatWhether cupidatatRikka nonlistens proident,or suntnot incan culpavary, quibut officiaNiko deseruntgenerally mollittries animto idstand estback laborum.
Abilityobvious 3
reasons Loremand ipsumwill dolorcast sitheals amet,and consecteturhis adipiscingAOE elit,and sedDPS doattacks eiusmodwhenever temporit's incididuntsafe ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
LoremObservantipsumanddolorasitgoodamet,strategist.consecteturadipiscingHe’selit,goodsedatdoreadingeiusmodpeopletemporandincididuntpredictingutopponent’ -
aliqua.listenerUtandenimempatheticaddespiteminimhisveniam,background,quismakesnostruditexercitationeasyullamcoforlaborispeoplenisitoutlikealiquiphim.ex -
consequat.increasesDuishisauteabilityiruretodolorhelp him and RIkka navigate inreprehenderitdarkinspaces.voluptate -
cillumhavedoloreaeulongfugiatrange.nulla -
sintspellsoccaecatdon’tcupidatatactuallynonuseproident,thatsuntmuchinenergyculpa(forquitheofficiamostdeseruntpart)mollitsoanimdespiteidhisestphysicallaborum.state, he can still use them for a while before he gets too weak to.
LoremPhysicallyipsumbasicallydoloruseless,sithasamet,littleconsecteturmobilityadipiscingandelit,energy.sed -
temporsometimesincididuntwillutstartlaboretoetgivedoloreupmagnaonaliqua.tryingUttoenimprovideadstrategyminimtoveniam,Rikkaquisafternostrudsheexercitationhasn’tullamcolistenedlaboristonisihimutforaliquiptooexlong.ea -
Duishe’sauteheavierirurethandolorheinlooks,reprehenderithisinflyingvoluptateabilityvelitisesselimitedcillumtodoloreaeucouplefugiatofnullaminutespariatur.atExcepteurasinttime,occaecatascupidatatanonresultproident,hesuntwearsinaculpajacketquithatofficiadoesn’ fit out of. -
Spells are more support oriented than attack oriented with the exception of Speak (which is weak) and Flashbang. Makes it hard to break Rikka out of dangerous situations she gets into.
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Author's Notes
LoremI ipsummay dolordraw sita amet,ref consecteturfor adipiscingthis elit,down sedthe doline, eiusmodbut temporNiko incididuntactually utdoes laborehave etwings, dolorehis magnajacket aliqua.just Utdoesn’t enimhave adholes minimfor veniam,them quisto nostrudfit exercitationthrough ullamcolike laborisRikka’s nisidoes. ut aliquipWith exhis eaphysical commodostate, consequat.he’s Duisbarely auteable irureto dolorfly inanyway. reprehenderit inHis voluptatesweatshirt velitis esselong cillumsleeved doloreunder euthe fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.coat.