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"But at this point, I’ve accepted my death"

-- Niko

A runaway human teenager/firefly hybrid that escaped his lonely and chaotic home with his one friend Rikka to find a new home to build a new life.  Though Rikka wishes to use the wish to save him from the curse that’s killing him, he wishes to guarantee the two of them will have a new, safe home far, far away from the mages that cursed him to spend his last days in peace with her.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Niko grew up the third youngest of seven siblings in a cramped  and finnancally unstable home with irresponsible parents.  He always had a sense of curiosity and a love of quiet, but having to constantly take on some of his often absent parent’s responsibilities - especially once a couple of his older siblings noticed he’d comply when they asked him to do something for them.  On top of that, the general chaos of the house with five siblings, (sixth  born in his teens) and frequent shouting matches and physically violent arguments would keep him up at night.  He was unable to do anything in peace, his siblings exploited him as a scapegoat.  He was surrounded by people at home but was lonely.  Even if most kids hated it, he found school a refuge.  At least, until bullies realised he was an easy target.  He didn’t have any friends, until he noticed a classmate left her science textbook on her desk after class in middle school.  Long story short, this action led to him gaining the first real friend that was willing to listen to him and would want to do things with him. 

Overtime, their home lives started to get even worse.  For Niko, the birth of his youngest sibling caused tensions between his parents and siblings to reach a boiling point.  His parents would become outright controlling, not being able to get away with being absent anymore as he and his siblings would refuse to take on what should’ve always been their responsibility.  For Niko especially, he’d been spending more time with Rikka, his parents would threaten and someitmes act locking him in his room or the car or depriving him of food.  Thanks to his friendship, Niko began to understand what it felt like to actually have his kindness appreciated but he wasn’t sure what to do about his predicament until he came up with a drastic solution:  Running away with Rikka.  At first, despite being able to plan the logistics of it he was afraid of taking action  and hesitantily proposed the idea to Rikka.  Eventually her own escalating situation made her willing to agree to it, despite their mutual fears, they knew all they really wanted in life was some peace and somewhere they could truly call a home.

Niko made a plan, and they left in the middle of the night to a nearby town.  They conserved every penny and piece of food they had.  Having to steal at times.  Even with how difficult their new lives were, they still found a sense of hope that one day, they’d finally be able to just live somewhere they could consider a true home.  At some point, Rikka was approached by a woman whilst Niko was in a shop to buy her food.  He sensed something was off outside but ran out only to find that Rikka was gone.  She had gone with the woman who told her she could get her and Niko some food and supplies if she followed her which she agreed to out of desperation.  Turns out, the woman was using a disguise and was actually a part of a mysterious, deadly cult that used humans as an energy source for their machinery and as test subjects.  Targeting especially those they perceived helpless and whom not many would care about if they died.

Rikka was seconds away from becoming the latest victim of their signature curse;  One that makes a substance grow in your body, slowly killing you until your body is turned source for the cultist’s technology shortly after your death.  Niko intervened at the last second, using a Flashbang spell that caused the cult leader to drop his staff on the ground, landing pointed straight in his direction.  Causing him to get cursed instead of Rikka.  As Rikka broke free from being restrained by two other cultists, she grabbed Niko and ran away.  After that, they’d scour libraries and looked desperately for any cure/way to lift Niko’s curse after moving between several different towns to both avoid the cult and those who’d recognise them from their hometown.  Rikka’s desperation and fear of losing her only friend worsening overtime, especially given the possibility brought up by Niko the cult still may want their original target (he is right.)

After learning the prize for victory in the Cross Tournament is a wish, Niko, having grown accepting of his fate and fearful of the possibility the cult may still be chasing them, wishes Rikka to use it to save herself.  However despite their conflicting motives, he does hope (outside of fights) Crossroads could maybe be somewhere he can enjoy the semblance of peace he’s always craved while enjoying what he can still do or see there with the unknown amount of time he has left to make the most of.



Observant and curious, Niko tends to pick up details in his surroundings most don’t.  This extends to his ability to read people, with his perceptions of them usually being accurate.  He’s shy and soft spoken, so it's hard for him to express himself to most but he does try to speak up when his knowledge and input could be useful.  Niko has always had an interest in learning about different people,various places and subjects (though Rikka’s the only one he’s ever gotten close to and been able to share his interests and curiosity with) which despite his acceptance of his fate he hopes to use some of his remaining time to do while in Crossroads.

Despite his background and desire to make his wish come true,background, he actually has a lot of empathy for most and can understand the majority of motives.  He generally doesn’t like to fight or fight back, but will if needed.  In general, Niko is a good plannerplanner, support and strategist and feels like he shines best in thatthose role.roles.  Even in intense and uncertain situations and when he’s scared, he’ll manage to keep a cool enough head to think mostlysomewhat clearly.  

Around Rikka in casual settings,Rikka, Niko can be talkative and sometimes a little childlike.  She is someone he can work together with as an equal.  Since she is actually interested in him and his views, receptive to his kind acts and would give him the chance to explore new interests.  At least, until recently, where Niko has reverted to being more passive again.passive.  As Rikka’s desperation has grown toand savehis him,body has weakened, he’s gotten devastated and found it harder to have the sort of teamworkequal bond he once had with her as his body has started to weaken.had.

Niko Hikari
Profile Data


Human/Part Firefly Hybrid


Male, he/him




5′ 2″

Hair Colour


Eye Colour



Rikka, Reading (Especially Fantasy Books), Gardening, Plants, Lava Lamps, Cats, Savoury Foods, Dawn, Night, Flying


Cults, Curses, Crowds, Loud Noises, Fighting Back, Snakes, Spiders, Abandoned Buildings, Fighting

Distinguishing Marks

  • Anthenas 
  • Firefly Bulb
  • Light Beams
  • Healing Light
  • Spark
  • Flight (Heavily Limited)
  • Poisonious Blood 
  • Cursed Electrical Blood
  • Flashbang (One time use)


Observtion, Naviagation, Strategy, Healing, Status Afflictions 


Physical Combat, Flying, Authority 



[Light Beams]

Niko fires beams of light horizontally or vertically that do small, repeated damage as long as they’re touching the enemy.  Can inflict negative status effects such as dizziness, confusion or impaired vision.

[Healing Light]

Niko can summon a large healing light that slowly heals anyone or anything caught in it and inflicts positive status ailments like regeneration and slightly increased strength and speed.


Quickly causes a small flash of sparkling light that can disorientate opponents.  Does little damage.


Niko’s firefly bulb is often glowing, making seeing and navigating dark spaces easier. He can turn it on or off, but a weird side effect of his curse is it’ll sometimes flicker on/off involuntarily.


Weakned due to his curse to only 2-3 minutes, Niko is still able to fly if he takes his jacket off.

[Poison Blood]

Like actual fireflies, Niko’s blood is poisonous to consume just in case any competitor wants to try that.  This is NOT a result of his curse; it's always been like that.


Niko’s curse from the cult mages.  Slowly fills his body with a mysterious substance that will start weakening him and putting a strain on his body before it kills him.  After which his whole body will turn into a crystal-like material that can be cut up or used for energy soon after.  Physical symptoms it (so far) induced in him include coughing, physical weakness, low energy, skin turning pale and weight gain (despite it making him thin as a stick)  Niko’s blood, if touched, will electrocute opponents as a result of the curse.  His blood is dark purplish crimson instead of red.  

It’s unknown how long he has to live.


Niko’s ultimate attack. A massive ball of light is fired ahead of him before it explodes causing massive damage, possible blindness and major status ailments for anyone hit by it. Niko’s physical state already severely limits how much magic he can use so this attack will only be able to be used once in the entire tournament.

[Fighting Style]

Due to his physical state, it’s basically guaranteed he’ll be in the Assist role the whole OCT but that doesn't mean he’s useless.  He actively tries to provide Rikka with strategy whenever he can, and his observant nature helps him identify weaknesses in both fighting style and character of his and Rikka’s opponents.  Whether Rikka listens or not can vary, but Niko generally tries to stand back for obvious reasons and will cast heals and his AOE and DPS attacks whenever it's safe to. 


  • Observant and a good strategist.  He’s good at reading people and predicting opponent’s behaviour.
  • Good listener and empathetic despite his background, makes it easy for people to like him.
  • Bulb increases his ability to help him and RIkka navigate in dark spaces.
  • Spells have a long range.
  • His spells don’t actually use that much energy (for the most part) so despite his physical state, he can still use them for a while before he gets too weak to or uses up his magic for the day.


  • Physically extremely weak, has little mobility and energy.

  • Niko sometimes will start to give up on trying to provide strategy to Rikka after she hasn’t listened to him for too long.

  • Since he’s gotten physically weak from the early stages of his curse, his flying ability is limited to a few minutes at a time (three at most,) as a result he wears a jacket that doesn’t have holes for his wings to fit out of.

  • Spells are more support oriented than attack oriented with the exception of Light Beams, Spark (which is weak) and Flashbang.  Makes it hard to break Rikka out of dangerous situations she gets into.

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[Ref Sheet] [Extra Ref (TBA)]

Author's Notes

  • Niko stutters often due to nervousness and social awkwardness.  He also more often than not doesn’t use shortened words like don’t and can’t.

  • Niko’s gestures and facial expressions tend to be much more subtle and less overly expressive than Rikka’s. 

  • As far as seriously injuring/killing is concerned, I don’t want either to be too seriously hurt in Round 1 and killing is off limits 100% too.  It’s very unlikely I’d allow it if I were to make it to later Rounds. 

  • Niko doesn’t swear.  If he ever did, it’d take a profoundly emotionally intense situation.

  • Currently don’t have this ready, but under his puffy clothes, he’s both skinny and has a bit of purple skin discoloration on his wrists, lower forearms and abdomen.  This is planned to spread as rounds progress.

  • Feel free to play with how Niko’s bulb works with his clothes.  I know it’s a bit illogical (and usually I like to have those sorts of features on characters make some sort of sense) but I played a little loosely with it here.

  • His wings are retractable, his bulb and antennas aren’t.

  • Niko’s antennas can move independently.  They often correlate to his emotional state but I don’t have a set “sad athena angles, surprised athena angles” etc so feel free to play with how they express his emotions.  Just note, they always curve even if only slightly.  They are never perfectly straight.

  • Though I didn’t heavily worldbuild (since they are OCT made characters) hybrids like RIkka and Niko are fairly normal, though you may get teased or bullied depending on what animal you have features of.  As well as their respective shadow and light magic, it's just banned in some places.  (Schools, shops, cinemas.)