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“...I can’t allow that.  I can’t just choose not to save you.  There’s nothing else I’m willing to go this far to do.”

-- Rikka



A runaway human teenager/raven hybrid that ran away from home with her best friend Niko in hopes of eventually finding a more peaceful place to live a new life together.  Comes to the Crossroads in hopes of finding a way to lift a curse that’s slowly killing Niko.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Rikka grew up in an emotionally and physically abusive home, making Rikka from a young age vigilant, aggressive and she often got into fights with other kids.  Eventually it escalates to a point where her home got so unpleasant and dangerous she decided to run away with her only friend, Niko.  

Rikka and Niko started scrapping up money and resources to move to a new town away from their old lives.  Along the way, Rikka was kidnapped by an underground mage cult that curses slowly kills people after which they are used as an energy source for their machinery and crystals for their sceptres.  She was intended to be their next target before Niko stepped in  with a blinding light attack, only for that to result in him becoming the one cursed instead.  The fear of losing the only person she truly cares for leaves Rikka desperate to find a cure by any means necessary, the motive that led her to accepting the invitation to the Crossroads.



Aggressive, close minded and stubborn.  Rikka is hyperfocused on achieving her goals at all costs.  She is immensely loyal to Niko, and has a hard time trusting anyone else.  She tends to assume the worst in other people and is always on guard around them, especially knowing she’s in a fighting tournament.  It’s hard for her to feel and show empathy, but she doesn’t entirely lack it.

Rikka Hiyama
Profile Data


Human/Part Raven


Female, she/her




5′ 5″

Hair Colour:

Yellow (Blonde)

Eye Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • Wings
  • Fur Hood
  • Team Tag
  • Cloak
  • Shadow Spikes
  • Dark Swamp
  • Dark Forest
  • Shadow Ball
  • Theft
  • Flight


Mobility, Speed, Determination, Stamina


Strategy, Impulsiveness, Aggression, Arrows, Bullets, Overexertion









Rikka can create a veil of shadow around her and in a short surrounding area to make her less visible to her opponents.  Great for stealth and surprise attacks.  (She tends to put her hood up before she does this though that is not required to cast the spell.)

[Shadow Spikes]

Rikka can create spikes made out of the shadows around her or made by her to both come out of terrain or be used as a projectile.  The spike's length can vary dramatically.

[Dark Swamp]

Creates a small area on the ground that does slow sharp damage whenever someone steps in it.  Their vision is also darkened when within this area.

[Dark Forest]

Similar to Dark Swamp, but this one causes tree-like spikes to quickly grow out of the shadowy ground to attack and stab opponents caught within the area.

[Shadow Ball]

A quick, basic small-medium shadow ball projectile.


Rikka’s agility and having to steal to survive on the strreets has made her good at stealing items and weapons, she could easily to this to opponents to use their equipment against them. 


Of course, her wings let her fly.  They are weak to arrows and bullets and are retractable.

[Fighting Style]

Rikka has zero regard for technique and grace when fighting.  She will try to win by any means necessary and isn’t afraid to trick or steal from opponents to do so.  She is not formally trained at all, and tends to rush in to overwhelm opponents quickly, occasionally flying away to dodge enemy attacks or using Cloak for stealth.  When she’s particularly angry, she can fight more akin to a wild animal relying on pure instinct. 


  • Determination and grit - Rikka’s determination to save Niko is basically impossible to break and she can tough through some serious pain for it.

  • Speed.  Rikka is physically above average and quite fast and nimble.  She uses this to avoid attacks and steal items from opponents.

  • Willing to take risks in battle.

  • Flight gives her high mobility.


  • Impulsive.  She typically acts on instinct and barely strategies on her own.

  • A tendency to assume the worst in others and lack of listening skills makes it hard for her to listen to Niko’s (often intelligent) strategy suggestions.  It also makes it hard (but not impossible) for her to empathise with her opponents.

  • Her aggression makes her hard to think clearly and makes it easy for her to be tricked by clever opponents.  She’s quick to anger too.

  • Rikka tends to tough through pain to a point that’s dangerous.  Unless Niko is directly healing her, she’ll rarely take a moment to catch her breath in battle even when she’s able.

  • She has a limited amount of magic to use per fight, if it runs out she can only rely on her flight and physical attacks.

  • Her wings are weak to arrows and bullets.

  • Flying takes a lot of energy out of her fast.

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Author's Notes

Not pictured yet, but Rikka’s “gloves” are actually part of a black boat necked shirt she wears under her fleece.