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“I  just can’t imagine choosing not to save you.  There’s nothing else I’d go this far to do”

-- Rikka

A runaway human teenager/raven hybrid that ran away from home with her best friend Niko in hopes of eventually finding a more peaceful place to live a new life together.  Comes to the Crossroads in hopes of finding a way to lift a curse that’s slowly killing Niko.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Rikka grew up  an emotionally and physically abusive home as her parents punching bag.  Espeically for her alchoolic mother.  From childhood, she was vigilant, aggressive and often got into fights with other kids at school once she started getting bullied.  She hated school.  “Home” was worse and she had no one, and hardly a reason to live.  Until in middle school, a small mistake of leaving her science textbook and a boy she leanred was named Niko in her class going to return it to her led her to making her first firend.  One who'd show her empathy, kindness and wanted to be around her despite her flaws.

Overtime, their home lives started to get even worse.  In Rikka’s case, conflicts began escalating to the point she feared for her life mroe than once.  When she confided in him aobut this, Niko proposed a drastic solutions she'd eventually agree to:  Running away.  Despite Rikka’s initial fears of having to live on the street, the more dangerous her home got, the more she desired to just escape her hellish life and start anew.  If she had her friend with her, then it was worth the risks.

They left in the middle of the night and fled to a nearby town.  They conserved every penny and piece of food they had and could get.  Having to steal at times.  Even with how difficult their new lives were, they still had hope that one day, they’d be able to start their new lives living somewhere they could consider a true home. 


At some point, Rikka was approached by a woman whilst Niko was in a shop buying food.  He sensed something was off and ran outside only to find that Rikka was gone.  She'd gone with the woman who told her she could get her and Niko some food and supplies if she followed her which she agreed to out of on impulse out of desperation.  Turns out, the woman manipulated her and was a disguised member of a mysterious, deadly cult that used humans as an energy source for their machinery and as test subjects.  Targeting especially those they perceived as helpless and whom almost no one would care about if they died.

Rikka was seconds away from being cursed to have a substance to grow in her body eventually turning her into an energy source for the cult shortly after her death when Niko intervened at the last second.  Using a Flashbang spell, he caused the cult leader to drop his staff on the ground, landing pointed straight in his direction and firing, cursing him instead.  They quickly escaped the cult and began looking desperately for any cure/way to lift Niko’s curse after moving between several different towns to both avoid the cult and those who’d recognise them from home.  Rikka’s desperation and fear of losing her only friend worsening overtime, especially given the possibility brought up by Niko the cult still may want their original target (he's right.)

After learning the prize for victory in the Cross Tournament is a wish, Rikka simply wishes to use it to cure Niko.  However, her friend only growing accepting of his death as she grows desperate, wishes for her to instead bring them to the new quiet, safe home they always wanted so her safety can be guaranteed as they enjoy what time they have left together.



Aggressive, often close minded, stubborn but loyal.  Rikka’s determined to achieve her goals and there’s little she wouldn’t do for them.  She is deeply loyal and protective of Niko, and has a hard time trusting anyone else.  She often assumes the worst in others and is always on guard around them, especially knowing she’s in a fighting tournament and how she’s been treated in the past.  While Rikka often comes off as tough and aggressive, most of her anger is a mask for her sadness and fear.  Particularly smart and intuitive opponents can manipulate her, as has happned in the past.

Rikka may also be judgemental depending on the opponent’s motive.  This doesn’t just apply to those with morally questionable motives, but ones she may consider shallow, vain or towards those with no real motive at all.  She has a general distrust of those in positions of authority and who come from wealth and affluence, as well as those who do claim to be paragons of morality.

It’s hard for her to feel and show empathy, but she doesn’t lack it, it’s difficult for her since it’s something she hasn’t exactly learned to show or have much of.  She’s always had to fight back against most people that weren’t Niko, who she's willing to show a more vulnerable and childlike side around without her mask of toughness.

Rikka Hiyama
Profile Data


Human/Part Raven


Female, she/her




5′ 5″

Hair Colour:


Eye Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • Wings
  • Fur Hood
  • Team Tag
  • Messy Hair


Niko, Manga, Quiet Places, Full Moons, Fireworks, Metal Music, Dogs, Raspberry and Raspberry Cookies, Korvids, Parks


Alcohol, Cults, Anything Occult, Scammers, Crowds, Wasting Money, Wasting Time, Opulence

  • Cloak
  • Shadow Spikes
  • Dark Swamp
  • Dark Forest
  • Shadow Ball
  • Theft
  • Flight


Mobility, Speed, Determination, Stamina


Strategy, Impulsiveness, Aggression, Arrows, Bullets, Overexertion




Rikka can create a veil of shadow around her and in a short surrounding area to make her less visible to her opponents.  Great for stealth and surprise attacks.  (She tends to put her hood up before she does this though that is not required to cast the spell.)

[Shadow Spikes]

Rikka can create spikes made out of the shadows around her or made by her to both come out of terrain or be used as a projectile.  The spike's length can vary dramatically, and she can fire them in any path or direction and change their trajectory if they’re in midair.

[Dark Swamp]

Creates a small area on the ground that does slow sharp damage whenever someone steps in it.  Their vision is also darkened when within this area.

[Dark Forest]

Similar to Dark Swamp, but this one causes tree-like spikes to quickly grow out of the shadowy ground to attack and stab opponents caught within the area.

[Shadow Ball]

A quick, basic small-medium shadow ball projectile.  Cannot be angled once fired and will move in a straight line.


Rikka’s agility and time on the street make her good at stealing resources without people noticing, in Crossroads she may use this skill to steal items and weapons from other opponents to use against them.  


Of course, her wings let her fly.  She can match the top speed of Ravens at 48 mph.  They’re also retractable.

[Fighting Style]

Rikka has zero regard for technique and grace when fighting.  She will try to win by any means necessary and isn’t afraid to trick or steal from opponents to do so.  She is not formally trained at all, and tends to rush in to overwhelm opponents quickly, occasionally flying away to dodge enemy attacks or using Cloak for stealth.  When she’s particularly angry, she can fight more akin to a wild animal relying on pure instinct.  She also may attempt to win by stealing opponent’s weapons or tag, but often she’ll discard a weapon once she realises she can’t use it well.


  • Determination and grit - Rikka’s determination to save Niko is basically impossible to break and she can tough through some serious pain for it.
  • Speed.  Rikka is physically above average and quite fast and nimble.  She uses this to avoid attacks and steal items from opponents and has great reflexes.
  • Willing to take risks if needed.
  • Cloak gives her good stealth and allows her to confuse, surprise attack or hit and run an opponent whilst they can’t see her in the shadow.
  • Flight gives her high mobility.
  • Being good at stealing without anyone noticing at first means she can fairly reliably steal an opponent’s tag if it’s not well hidden.  Flying makes it easier to keep it on her, so this is one of her main strategies for winning a matc


  • Impulsive.  
  • A tendency to assume the worst in others and subpar listening skills makes her sometimes not listen to Niko’s (often intelligent) strategy suggestions especially when the opponent has really riled her up.  It also makes it hard (but not impossible) for her to empathise with her opponents.
  • Her aggression and short fuse makes her hard to think clearly and makes it easy for her to be tricked by particularly clever opponents.  
  • Rikka tends to tough through pain to a point that’s dangerous.  Unless Niko is directly healing her, she’ll rarely take a moment to catch her breath in battle even when she’s able.
  • She has a limited amount of magic to use per fight, if it runs out she can only rely on her flight and physical attacks.
  • Her wings are weak to arrows and bullets.
  • Flying takes a lot of energy out of her fairly quickly.

Rikka Ref [Extra Ref]
[Ref Sheet] [Extra Ref]

Author's Notes

  • Rikka will usually use only the shortened version of words when talking (I’d, I’m, couldn’t etc) and sometimes may combine words to make her dialogue come off as if its being spoken quickly.
  • Rikka’s expressions and gestures tend to get more subtle when she’s showing contentment and genuine fear.
  • Feel free to simplify her hair and hood (or anything on either of them) if you feel you need to or it'd look better in your style.
  • As far as seriously injuring/killing is concerned, I don’t want either to be too seriously hurt in Round 1 and killing is off limits 100% too.  It’s very unlikely I’d allow it if I were to make it to later Rounds.
  • Rikka swears and may call some particularly enraging opponents by nicknames (you can be creative with these, the only one I’ve currently come up with for certain is “Bluey-Demon” for Baxter.)  She can also have multiple names for one opponent.
  • Not pictured, but her fleece and shirt have slits for the wings too.  The fleece one was cut out by her, and the ones on her shirt are thin oval shaped.
  • Feel free to make Rikka’s raven wings as simple or stylised as you like and draw them however you like from the front and back.  
  • Rikka can’t retract only one wing at a time, if one of the zips on her jacket was closed and the other open, she wouldn’t be able to spread her wings at all.
  • Though I didn’t heavily worldbuild (since they are OCT made characters) hybrids like RIkka and Niko are fairly normal, though you may get teased or bullied depending on what animal you have parts of.  As well as their respective shadow and light magic, it's just banned in some places.  (Schools, shops, cinemas.)  “Harpy” would be a derogatory term against female avians.
  • Rikka’s jacket was canonically stolen hours before the events of the audition took place. 
  • Trivia but Rikka actually does have an older sister, but she barely knows her.  She doesn't speak to her parents anymore y'know, for some reason but she was nearly in college by the time Rikka was born.
  • It might be shocking, but Rikka is surprisingly good at managing the duo's limited finnances.