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My heart weeps for you, Azteron, for in your quest for power, you have lost sight of the sacred balance that binds us all....

-- Celestial Mother



Azteron is a cosmic god with a heart full of ambition and a soul burning for retribution. Once a creator of unparalleled beauty, his world was stripped of life by the decree of the Celestial Mother, following his crimes against his own kin. Now, alone amidst the ruins of his creation, Azteron's eyes are ablaze with the determination to reclaim what was lost and to exact vengeance upon those who wronged him.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



From the moment of his birth, Azteron was marked by a profound dissatisfaction with his lot. Gifted a barren, rocky planet by his Celestial Mother, he viewed his inheritance as an insult, a slight against his potential greatness. While his siblings were blessed with vibrant planets, Azteron's world lay desolate, a constant reminder of what he perceived as his mother's lack of faith in his abilities.


Driven by a need to prove his worth and superiority, Azteron embarked on a forbidden path, stealing the essences of the elements from his siblings' planets to create life on his own. His planet flourished with astonishing speed. For a time, he basked in the wonder of his creation. However, this achievement was short-lived. Betrayed by his siblings' complaints, the Celestial Mother stripped his world of its life, casting it into ruin.


Azteron, in his blind rage, challenged his siblings but was swatted aside by their combined might. Humiliated and defeated, he was banished by the Celestial Mother to his dead planet, forever to serve as a monument to his ambition and failure.


Fueled by a rage that burned hotter than the stars, Azteron's ambition twisted into a dark quest for revenge. He vowed to reclaim his glory and exert his dominion over not just his world, but all of creation, willing to do anything to achieve his ends.



Azteron is the epitome of arrogance and narcissism, a god whose every word drips with disdain for those he deems inferior. His hunger for power is insatiable, driven by a deep-seated need to assert his dominance over all creation. Azteron's confidence is unshakable, his belief in his own supremacy absolute. Yet beneath this outer appearance lies a core of vulnerability, a hidden weakness he fiercely protects.



God of Stone

Profile Data


Cosmic God




Billions of years



B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • [entry 1]
  • [entry 2]
  • Long-range attacks from his hands
  • Earth-based powers
  • Fire, water, and wind powers (limited)


  • Near invulnerability to physical attacks
  • Ambitious and determined
  • Intelligent and cunning


  • The core on his chest
  • His arrogance and narcissism
  • Insecurities he wishes to keep hidden


  • His own hands
  • Elemental powers


  • The beauty of life
  • Dominance over others


  • Defiance from others
  • Failure
  • Loneliness


Ability 1

Since Azteron has disembodied hands, he uses them to crush, grasp, and manipulate objects from afar.  

Ability 2

Azteron's essence is of earth and stone. That means he can craft weapons, barriers and projectiles out of rock, or even alter the landscape to his advantage during battle.

Ability 3

Unbeknownst to his family, he still possesses remnants of the elements he stole from his siblings - fire, water, and wind. Using this, he can unleash devastating attacks that combine these forces, such as hurling balls of flame, summoning torrents of water to drown his foes, or creating fierce gusts of wind to push enemies away. But these are in limited supply, so he must use them sparingly, reserving their power for moments of critical need or when they can ensure his victory.


Azteron's form, made of cosmic dust, renders him nearly invincible to physical attacks that don't target the core on his chest. He can reform after any assault, though he remains vulnerable to magic and energy attacks that can disrupt his gravitational cohesion or pull him apart, dispersing his essence.

His unyielding ambition and determination fuels his quest for power and vengeance, making him a formidable force. This enables him to face challenges head-on, never faltering in his mission to reclaim and enhance his dominion.

Being billions of years old with a deep understanding of the cosmos, Azteron is a master strategist. His intelligence, paired with his cunning, allows him to outmaneuver opponents, exploit their weaknesses,, and manipulate events to his advantage.


Azteron's body is made of cosmic dust, held together by the gravitational pull of the core on his chest. Damage to the core would cause his form to begin disintegrating. He would lose his ability to maintain a physical presence, rendering him powerless and potentially dissipating into nothingness or being forced into a state of dormancy until he could gather enough cosmic energy to reform himself.

Azteron's arrogance and narcissism serve as another significant weakness in battle, primarily because they blind him to his own vulnerabilities and to the true strength of his opponents. His overconfidence can lead him to underestimate those he faces, dismissing them as unworthy of his full attention or effort.

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Author's Notes

  • His tag appears as a star on his forehead
  • His hair is always changing shape, don't worry about drawing it consistently
  • Can't read :(