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Dale Holte


I walked in blood so you did not have to. I grabbed the darkness with chains and forced it to kneel so it could not claim you. You- You were the light that- that...

-- Dale Holte, upon hearing that Elhodan had gone missing



Dale Holte was the founder of Occult Magic in her lands. She had devoted a majority of her time and life to the research of Divine Magic and why humanity simply couldn't possess those powers without owing themselves to some god. Despite being one herself, she does not pay heed to the respect certain titles claim to require of those beneath them. More than once she had disrespected nobles and royalty alike in her pursuits of giving humanity independence from any otherworldly powers.


Her morals and ethics when it comes to her research and experiments cannot be called questionable, as there would barely be any lengths she would not go to to achieve what she wants. Her pursuits did not leave her or the people whose sakes she does this for did not go to waste as her efforts led to the blasphemous magic known as Occult Magic in her lands.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Dale was born not a noble, but as the daughter of a painter who lived a nomadic life, due to the nature of her upbringing she held no permanent questions and kept to herself. During her and her mother's travels, they came to a land where the people worshipped a powerful god, and those who served that god were granted special abilities known as Divine Magic. Dale became highly fascinated with this and read and asked about this magic as much as she could while she was still there. Even after her and her mother left she ruminated upon this magic until a life changing question appeared within her mind: "What if we could harness this magic without the gods?"


On her 16th birthday, Dale's mother died and the identity of her father was revealed; he was a knight-errant-turned-baron and once she discovered this she quickly made her way to the kingdom where her father's estate lie; the kingdom of Fomalhaut. There, she found the Baron Holte and marched to his manor with purpose, claiming to be his daughter. After a brief threat from guards and a background check on her origins, the Baron accepted her gladly into his home as he bore no other children all this time and legally named her the heir to his title, possessions, and power.


Dale could unfortunately not make very well adjustments to courtly life and cared little for the intrigue. Politics was the last thing on her mind and the more time she spent with the nobility of Fomalhaut, the more she grew to resent them. Of course, her father was an exception, as he had been doting upon her since her arrival and was one of the few who still spared some thought to those beneath his title. There was, however, one noble she was able to get along with; one Viscountess Folderyn, a vampire who despised the nobility just as much as she did and revealed the true monstrous nature of the royal court to Dale.


It was Folderyn who praised her efforts in researching Divine Magic and realized the potential Dale had to further her own goals. When Baron Holte fell in a battle to suppress a growing unrest along the borders of his territory it was Viscountess Folderyn who extended her hand to Dale in terms of comfort, legal matters, and Dale's research on Divine Magic. Even introducing Dale to someone who would be a highly valuable asset to Dale's research; a knight-errant whose name was Elhodan. All this led to the founding of Occult Magic, the use of Divine Magic without the permission or involvement of gods. With Dale's help, Folderyn was able to pull off one of the most horrific events in history; the Massacre of Heron's Hold, which put an end to all vampiric presence in Fomalhaut.


Due to frequent interactions with them both she grew to become fond of them as friends and allies. So much so that when Elhodan went missing during a mission to the holy city of Virtue, Dale ceased all her experiments and used her resources and power to find him. It did not matter how far he was, after all the hurt and horrors she had unleashed upon the world she would at least do some good. If not for anyone else, for her ally and friend who finally treated her as an equal in the pursuit of very ambitious goals.



Dale, for the most part, is reserved and yet has much to say when conversation is initiated. Her way of processing the world is through the lens of a creative and battle strategist, inherited from both her mother and father. She is also extremely loyal to those she considers friends and would go above and beyond to ensure their safety.


However, despite her outwardly calm appearance, she is quite sensitive when questioned about her motives. She believes that what she does is for the sake of the freedom of humanity and when accused of anything that resembles selfishness would lead to a rise in anger. When angered, she becomes more reckless in both her words and actions.


Deep down she wants to be like her father and those heroes spoken of in myths and legends. She yearns to achieve great feats and do heroic deeds, and yet at the same time thinks it is impossible to completely be like those praised heroes from the tales she heard. So instead, Dale relegated herself to be the hero unsung, the one who helps those like her ally, Elhodan, make those spectacular feats possible.


She also has a soft spot for creatures and people she feels like is under her care. When she created Grim-Puppy after a session of practicing necromancy she's grown fond of the beast and dotes on him as her father did with her, showing a somewhat more motherly side to her.


Dale has frequent, but not constant, nightmares which contributes to her frequent tiredness.


The ground. The dirt. In the woods. The ground. The dirt. My hands. Desperation. The thief. The liar. The murderer.

Dale Holte
Dale transparent.png


Dale, Baroness Holte, Lady Holte, Lady of Sacrilege

Profile Data








115 lbs - 5'0" - Average

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour



Pale, light brown

Distinguishing Marks

  • A crystallized red eye
  • Though not a mark, she drapes herself in black and gold to hide the rest of her body
  • Tendrils (Sizzle summon)
  • Magic Barrier (Drizzle summon)
  • Illusions (Dizzle summon)
  • Aura of Dread


Extreme will and mental fortitude

Affinity for the Dark Arts

Dagger skills


Poor physical physique

Vulnerable without Imps

Quick to be exhausted when summoning two Imps at once



  • Dagger
  • Ring of Threat (Sizzle)
  • Ring of Refuge (Drizzle)
  • Ring of Mind (Dizzle)


The study of magic, orchestras, paintings, writing journal entries, discovering new supernatural things


Arrogance, self-righteous people, revealing parts of her body, mirrors

Lord Plague


Tendrils (Sizzle)

Using the Ring of Threat, Dale is able to summon an apparition of a red imp representing the fury and adrenaline of war she calls Sizzle. With the imp summoned to Dale's plane of existence she is able to call upon tendrils which rise from the ground around her to quickly attack and lash at her opponent with great speed and force. However, when the imp is too badly damaged or forced back into its original plane of existence, Dale is unable to use this spell with a cooldown of an hour if the imp was forced to disappear.

Magic Barrier (Drizzle)

Using the Ring of Refuge, Dale is able to summon an apparition of a blue imp representing the fear and anxiety of battle she calls Drizzle. With the imp summoned, Dale is granted a magic shield that circles her body, not quite granting complete protection but protection nonetheless. She often uses this while fleeing a threat or when attacking with her dagger.

Like Sizzle, if Drizzle is not present in the same plane as Dale, she is unable to use the spell. And if the imp is damaged to the point it must return to its original plane Dale must wait for an hour before being able to use it again.

Illusions (Dizzle)

Not to be confused with Drizzle, Dizzle is a purple imp that Dale can summon that represents the unknown and uncertainty of battle. When Dizzle is summoned Dale is able to create illusions, oftentimes she uses this to create a fog around her opponents and pairs it with dagger attacks. Her weaving in and out of the fog while also creating fake versions of herself. Dizzle still possesses the same mechanics as the Drizzle and Sizzle and when eliminated, all illusions disappear.

Aura of Dread

An effect caused by Dale's crystallized right eye, and an ability she herself is ashamed of. A grim reminder of the things she did to gain her magic and power, it instills a sense of dread and a vague instinctual feeling of the horrific nature of the things Dale did and forces those who witness to be temporarily frightened. With enough mental fortitude though, perhaps one can withstand the dread it exudes.


Extreme Will & Mental Fortitude
To be able to do what must be done in the name of power and freedom, and to face terrors and eldritch monstrosities that try to keep her form conquering the darkness, one must possess the will and fortitude to face the darkness and reach into it. Dale is experienced with things that should not be, and is therefore difficult to frighten or mentally manipulate.

Affinity for the Dark Arts
Even before she realized her passion for researching magic, and even before the founding of Occult Magic. There had always been this need for something within her soul. It pulls her along the road that few ever take in a determined effort to learn the impossible and resist the fall to madness or death. She does not embrace the darkness, but shackles it and bends it to her own will to make way for the light.

Dagger Skills
Despite her weak physical prowess, her father was intent on teaching her how to use at least some kind of weapon to fight and defend herself. Her finesse and dexterity with the dagger allows her to use it with deadly precision if a situation called for it.


Poor Physical Physique
Despite living a nomadic life, Dale had never been the type to run around and engage in physical or strenuous abilities, and her usage of Occult Magic did not come without a price. This causes her to become winded easily and lack the endurance to take too many hits before becoming incapacitated. Thus her reliance on magic.

Vulnerable without the Imps
At this point in time, Dale's only reliable way of casting spells is through the Imps. Without them there is only so much she can do with a dagger.

Quick Exhaustion from Imps
If ever a time arises where Dale has to summon two Imps at once, it affects her physically by sapping energy faster than if she had only summoned one. Thus her only summoning one Imp at a time lest the situation becoming dire.

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Dale & Imp Reference Sheet Dale magic visualization + Imp influence

Author's Notes

Dale might seem a bit confusing, but that was sort of the point of her character. Feel free to imagine her to be somewhat hypocritical.

Doesn't quite speak like ye olde English medieval person, simply doesn't shorten words like "do not" into "don't" or "cannot" into "can't" etc. etc.

Her hair might be covering the right side of her face but feel free to change that, sometimes she tucks her hair behind her ear. But keep her hair length and the general style the same.

Stonewalls her expressions and feelings in front of strangers, extremely expressive with her hands otherwise.