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Garv Dufort


I'm also quite the fool.

-- Garv Dufort



A fencing champion, prolific actor, and executive of an organization

of spirit mediums. Garv Dufort rose from the ruins of his family lineage into

global stardom. He balances this fame with the secrecy of STYX; an organization containing spiritual mediums from across the world. Now he arrives at the crossroads as a new challenger!



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Garv's homeland was torn apart by perpetual conflict and unrest. It's name and culture forgotten by its own people, afflicted with constant war for nearly two centuries.


Garv never got to know his family and grew up completely alone within the volatile land.   However, Garv had been come from a lineage of smiths long forgotten by the world. Within the ruins of ancient buildings he had found the tales of his family that described their super natural abilities. Eventually, Garv awakened his abilities as a medium and soon after fled his homeland.

As a refugee, Garv was adopted by the Dufort family in France. He quickly became accustomed and would soon call it home. He took an interest in fencing and competed within many tournaments. Garv's victory at the Olympics begun his worldwide fame. After finishing his career as a fencer he took up acting, featuring in several successful movies. All the while honing the abilities he had awakened long ago.


However at his peak he was approached by the leader of STYX. They knew of his abilities as a medium and gave Garv an ultimatum. Join STYX as an executive member or immediately be disposed of. Garv had never once before backed down from a challenge but in his mind he had already known that the battle was unwinnable. Garv surrendered and joined STYX as an executive.


Now that he had joined STYX he took up the duties of an enforcer. Using his fame as a cover to search the world for mediums and offer them the

same decision he had been given.


An eccentric individual with a love for theatrics. Upon first meeting many may think he's a gentleman, but soon it becomes obvious he has a bit of an ego. Boisterous, cocky, and pompous but ultimately good natured. Garv is conscious of those around him and can adjust his tendencies (to the best of his ability). Usually talking up himself than talking down to other people. Tends to apply literary roles to himself and other people. (protagonist, antagonist, etc).


Garv respects people who are driven and skilled. Whether it be fellow masters of a craft or those still learning, Garv likes seeing dedication to specific talents. He may dispense a bit of wisdom to a person who may need it. People with strong resolve despite lacking such things also gain his respect.


Garv doesn't like people who are passive. Those who won't make the decisive move or are unsure of what to do. If a person would rather wait something out than take action then Garv would consider them a coward.  


In battle Garv can be prone to making a snide remark against a foe. More often than not its just a little trash talk but he can be quite scathing to an opponent he doesn’t respect.  


Garv built up an image of himself to be a great champion. Due to his surrender to STYX and the years he has spent working for them, this image has formed many cracks. Only time will tell whether it can hold within the tournament.




Garv Dufort



Profile Data









Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Dark purple with a light purple highlight/Purple/Brown

Distinguishing Marks

  • Scar across neck
  • Steel Weaving
  • Weapon Forms
  • Soul Sense


Master Swordsman

Analytical Fighter

Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis 


Varied Arsenal




Soul Manipulation

Melting Steel



  • Scepter
  • Rapier
  • Sabre Sabre 


Literature, Theatrics, Confidence


Indecisiveness, Uncertainty, Being forgotten forgotten 




Steel Weaving

The ancient art of steel weaving that was practiced by Garv's ancestors. Garv infuses his soul into steel allowing himself to weave it like silk threads. He uses this ability to quickly form weaponry of his choosing.

Weapon Form: Scepter

The scepter makes up for its lack of precision with its sheer power. Enhancing it with his soul, Garv can unleash powerful waves of energy that both strengthen his attacks and blows back opponents. However, Garv is left vunerable after unleashing enhanced attacks.  

Weapon Form: Rapier

The rapier offers precise piercing attacks and long range pressure. Garv can also extend and manipulate the blade to make sure it hits its target. Less effective when opponents enters a close range.

Weapon Form: Sabre

The sabre has quick slashing attacks that cut through projectiles. Garv can slash quick enough to create an impenetrable defense. Great speed, lacks range.

Soul Sense

As a medium Garv can sense souls. This allows him to keep track of his opponents and predict their movements. Garv had not been born that sensitive to the forces of the soul, however his experience allows him to pick up on irregularities.  


  • A master swordsman and experienced fighter. Garv has fought many different opponents across the years.
  • Analytical, great at figuring out weaknesses within fighting styles.
  • Tries to get in the head of his opponent. Likes to psychoanalyze mid battle.
  • Athletic and quick with his footwork. Skips and leaps to a better position.
  • Varied arsenal that allows him to adapt to many situations


  • Unnecessarily showboats in a fight allowing more chances to attack him.
  • Rather than wait a fight out for an assured victory, he'll strike for a chance at a dramatic finish.
  • Usually will let the opponent show off most of their arsenal.
  • Anything that is hot enough to melt steel. Garv can't weave molten steel.
  • Anyone with strong soul manipulation or something like it can affect the structure of his weapons.

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Author's Notes

  • You can kill, maim, injure, and destroy this frenchmen to your heart's content!
  • uhhhmm uhhmmm please don't be weird