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"If we are to fall, one must awake to justice to fight for those who cannot."

Let's be that one!

-- Lyla, affirming her sense of duty



Harbinger, Acolyte. Lyla is a humbled soul who finds herself in the Crossroads to hopefully become a hero of her own right without fear and judgement from others.


A kind woman in a white robe, adorned with patterns of stars and gems. She dons a tiara and jewelry that shines with gold and green stones. Under the robe is a gray undershirt and pants. Attached to her belt is a knapsack holding her tome. With yellow eyes, she observes any troubles that could be fixed with a bright view of the world as a Harbinger!



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Lyla was born a normal girl in her town, growing up to work as an acolyte. She operates as a traveling humanitarian, both being educated on the heroism of the past and maintaining peace for those who require it. It's small work but she hopes to accept things as they are. However, she starts to present some magical strength unseen by others in a long time. While she tries to assure others it doesn't warrant fear, there are extra measures and observations done to keep her docile. Once this starts, Lyla starts to see a clone of herself materialized by the light, presenting some second opinions to the way things are and how much more they could potentially do. She tries to keep this side of her hidden in the act of duty, hoping to keep the expectations of being a paragon of peace.



Lyla is a kind soul who rarely ever holds grudges. When seeing any form of trouble aimed towards herself or someone else, she would attempt to resolve it peacefully with her value of honesty before escalation. Her biggest guide through viewing the world as simple as possible is optimism than either she can fix issues or the world can always remain good. Lyla falls into naivete or fear when faced with heavy uncertainty. As much she would refuse to admit it, her more negative tendencies of pride and retribution boil over. Being faced with adversity makes her stay close to her ideology, even with objections presented. Despite having experience in presenting compassion, Lyla's social skills aren't comparable as she might overstep in her actions, albeit unintentionally.


The doppelganger personality is more abrasive when active. She speaks sharply and with a demanding presence. It wants to follow goals adjacent to Lyla's moral obligations, even if it means taking a proactive response. It doesn't hold the openly friendly mannerisms as Lyla does. Instead, it keeps a keen eye on those who meet Lyla, ready to strike if necessary.



Acolyte of Light


Profile Data




She/Her, Female




110 lbs / 5'8" / Average

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Brown / Yellow / White

Distinguishing Marks


  • Light Manipulation
  • Hard Light Creation (Dagger)
  • Remote Actions (Doppelganger)


  • Book Smarts
  • Compassionate
  • High Defenses/Endurance


  • Naïve
  • Low Battle Exp.
  • Headstrong


  • Sheathed Dagger
  • Doppelganger


Meditation, Stories, Heroism, Charity, Tea, Foxes


Darkness, Selfishness, Wolves, Cruelty, Failure

Undead's sheet


Light Manipulation

From her person, Lyla is able to emanate light. It radiates a bright luminosity akin to a strong lantern. She is able to compose this light into a focused point of release, able to stun the senses of a person. In an offensive use, the magical light is capable of visual distortion and knocking back things.

Sheathed Dagger

Lyla wields a dagger that contains gemstones on the sheath. Inside it, there is only the hilt of the dagger connected to no blade. When being held by anyone else, the dagger is harmless. However, Lyla is able to channel her light through the sheath to forge a sharp, hard light dagger. It operates as a normal blade in efficiency, capable of extending the blade's length depending of how much light is channeled into it.


Lyla's essence of light is capable of composing itself a physical body, sharing the same height and physicality of Lyla herself. This doppelganger reacts with a more hostile behavior compared to Lyla's nature. It usually remains hidden from the general view, resting within Lyla's person as a form of protection.

When Lyla is being harmed and is able to see the danger, the doppelganger emerges from her to tank the damages. It acts autonomously within the direction of a perceived threat, having a maximum operating range of 15 feet away from Lyla. While they can mimic Lyla's previous skills, it can't match her control and creativity with the powers. They can speak, but it is only audible to Lyla herself.


 Book Smarts:

Well read and capable of thinking her ways through problems in a logical way. Willing to experiment more with her light's powers and utilities.

Trusting / Compassionate:

Lyla is more than willing to be an aid to someone first before being their enemy. Her kindly behavior would allow her to gain some level of trust to others.

High Defenses:

Thanks to the doppelganger shielding her and light energy causing disorienting effects, Lyla is able to dodge and avoid direct harm for most conflicts.


Low Battle Experience:

Lyla is only given basic knowledge on self defense. While competent with using a dagger, she isn't likely to win a straightforward brawl with strength alone.


Lyla can be easy to have believe certain ideals if it appeases to her principles. If the idea or action is shown to do 'good', she wouldn't mind following along.

Headstrong Nature:

When she is set firm on a belief, it would be difficult to have Lyla to turn back and quit. This may lead to conflict and escalation if Lyla is told to stand down.

lyla_ref1.png lyla_ref2.png lyla_ref3.png

Reference Sheet (pg 1)



Light Emanation

Reference Sheet (pg 2)



Usage of the dagger

Reference Sheet (pg 3)




Author's Notes

  • Lyla's eyes glow a sharp yellow in shade/darkness.
  • The clone is visible to others. Normally only shown with brief glimpses of her arms or head. Full body shown if either Lyla wills it or she is in immediate danger.
  • The Tome of Legends decreed stories and acts of kindness that Lyla follows. Specifically, being a lead and a selfless soul.
  • Along with the default of increasing ethereal tails, Lyla would have a brighter passive glow to her person with each tag collected.