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Jesse Mayfield Reference


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...

-- [Quote source]



Jesse Mayfield is the definition of "giant dog that is still scared of things less than half his size". He's a shy, gentle, anxious person who ultimately would very much like to not be a giant terrifying monster. Adopted and raised by a human from infancy he never developed the natural cruelty or prey drive most members of his species have, and instead lives a fairly normal life with his husband. He's an academic who enjoys literature, and speaks in a somewhat stilted, overly formal way.


Being somewhat well-known in his homeworld for being one of the two people to successfully find a legendary gold hoard, The Pool of Wishes, hasn't lead to much progress in being actually accepted, and, while content in his own way, it's never stopped weighing on his mind how deeply he wishes he could just be a normal person, able to walk amongst others without fear or stigma.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Jesse was found as an infant by his adoptive mother, a human woman who took pity on the badly injured, abandoned child, even if he was doomed to grow into a dangerous predator. His mother -a local explorer "Blind Betty"/"Buckshot Betty"- was already known for being "spirited", and while she was an excellent parent to him, not an ounce of that bravery and taste for adventure wore off on Jesse. Forced to grow up largely indoors or sticking to more abandoned rural parts of town, the taste of companionship he received from his mother only served to ignite in him a desire to be around other people.


Of course, being one of the most feared apex predators in an already very dangerous homeland, any attempts at trying to venture into public mostly resulted in a lot of chaos and being shot at. He eventually turned to books, developing a deep love of literature, and academics. He was eventually able to take on a job ghostwriting for the local paper, and worked security at the local bank, his mere presence enough to scare off most any criminal.


It was at his security job that he met Chester Mayfield, an eccentric, honest man who, in an act of stupid desperation, tried to rob the bank for $200, with a broken pistol. Jesse lead him outside without issue, and found himself surprised and intrigued when Chester continued to make attempts at getting inside, clearly lacking the normal fear people had of him.


Ultimately Jesse inquired as to why he was trying so hard to steal a relatively small amount of money. When Chester explained he was going to use it for supplies to journey out into the deadly deserts to the East in a search for a children's fairytale Pool of Wishes Jesse simply gave him the money out of his own savings as a gift. He was further surprised when Chester invited him along, and he happily agreed, leading to a long, largely idiotic journey into some of the most brutal nature the continent had to offer.


Through the adventure he and Chester grew incredibly close, and by the time they'd reached the place legends said the Pool would be, Jesse had started to hope that they may be true. They were. In a way that ultimately did not matter to Jesse. The "Pool of Wishes" was not a magic location granting wishes, but instead an impossibly massive hoard of gold, and precious gems. Jesse broke down at the sight, having to realize that, while the place of legend existed, it could never grant him the one wish he desperately wanted fulfilled.


Still, life pressed on, and more happily than Jesse had ever really expected. He and Chester got married, and built a beautiful home for themselves with the vast wealth they now possessed. He's comfortable, loved, and has found his own happiness the best he can.


But the sting never really left, aching in his chest anytime he thinks he'll never really be able to go out, enjoy the world, or even just kiss his husband without risking him harm.



Jesse is a quiet, gentle person generally prone to anxiety. No amount of being a giant monster has really shaken the fear that's instilled in a person after being shot at as a child by panicked rednecks.


He's generally very friendly, and happy to talk if anyone wants to, though comes across as deeply awkward, and overly formal. He isn't adventurous himself, but will follow anyone who wants him along and who's kind. He's a very affectionate, caring person, but can be extremely stubborn if he decides he genuinely cares about something.

Jesse Mayfield



Profile Data




He/Him | Male | Hermaphroditic




??? / 10ft / Long and Lean

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

N/A / Yellow with black sclera / White and mild purple

Distinguishing Marks

  • Look at him
  • Night Vision
  • Extremely good 360° Vision


Strong, fast, and durable. A very efficient predator by birth.


Extremely reluctant to actually cause harm, and gentle/passive to a fault. WILL cry. Weak to slicing weapons and cannot swim.



  • Claws
  • Teeth


  • Animals
  • Enjoying a fresh evening breeze
  • Books
  • Cuddling


  • Guns
  • Scaring people
  • Conflict
  • That neighbor whose dog barks at 3am


[Jesse's abilities are largely just a result of being the species he is.]

Extraordinary Vision

Atraxants are sight predators, and have an extremely advanced visual prowess. With 6 eyes in total, Jesse has nearly perfect 360° vision, with the eyes inset in his jaw able to see behind him, the side pair providing good general vision, and the front-most set seeing in extreme detail. All sets see well in the day but much better at night, and pick up on movement rapidly.


Jesse is generally much much more athletic than the average person. A good comparison would be the athleticism of cats. He can scale any surface he can dig his claws into, and is generally fast and agile. Not as flexible as a cat, but slender enough he doesn't really need to be most of the time.


Atraxants are a very hardy species, native to hostile deserts, and dry, rocky mountains. As such their skin is tough, leathery, and they conserve water and energy well. Their blood clots quickly, and they're very resistant to blunt force trauma, with thick, sturdy bones.


See Abilities. Jesse is just a physically imposing presence, 10ft tall, strong, and dangerous. He's the evolutionary product of a species built on pure hunting instinct and efficiency. He's also decently intelligent, spending a lot of time reading and studying.


Jesse is a deeply anxious person who struggles to venture outside of known safe spaces and people, and is conflict avoidant to a fault. He can be extremely stubborn once he's set on something (which can be a blessing or a curse). He's extremely sensitive to the thought he might harm anyone, and will, to some degree, let himself face harm if it helps someone else. Will cry if he kills anything, including stepping accidentally on small bugs. (Chester has learned to just... not mention it if Jesse doesn't notice himself that he stepped on an ant.)

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Author's Notes

Some dumb little notes:

  • Jesse speaks in an extremely stilted way. His vocal chords aren't really built for human speech, and while he manages it sounds deeply unpleasant. He doesn't use contractions at all when talking. (ex. Wouldn't say 'Wouldn't" but would instead word it "Would Not")
  • Can walk upright or on all 4's. He doesn't like walking on all 4's, but will if forced to by ceiling height, or when climbing a steeper surface.
  • His teeth are needle-like and not any more sturdy than normal teeth, but grow in such numbers breaking or losing a few every now and then doesn't make much difference long-term. (They take about a week to grow back in)