[Kamaal ‘ShRaham’ Rlakda] Reference
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Relationship with DeulKuaDeul ‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda (Deul) is Shrahm's far-off cousin and current brother (on paper). Shrahm refers to Deul as the noisy and stone-headed one in However,
Shrahm However, |
Ability<Dragon’s 1Blood>
LoremAs ipsumpart dolorof sitthe amet,noble consecteturfamily adipiscingof elit,Tenshina, sedShrahm doinherits eiusmodthe temporBlood incididuntof utthe laboreDragons etand dolorehas magnasome aliqua.abilities Utof enimtheir adDragon minimancestors.
+Plant quisgrowth
(Inheriting nostrudthe exercitationpowers ullamcoof laboristhe nisigreen utdragon aliquip- exCan eagrow commodoplants consequat.into Duiswhatever autesize/shape irurehe dolorwants)
+Does reprehenderitnot inneed voluptatebasic velithuman esseneeds cillum
(food, doloreair, eurest, fugiatetc.)
+No pariatur.bones Excepteurbut sintphysically occaecatresistant
(Flexible, cupidatatlight nonbut proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.sturdy)
Ability<Kamua 2Dagda (Main Branch)>
LoremBeing ipsuma dolormember sitof amet,the consecteturmain adipiscingbranch elit,of seda dohold eiusmodfamily, temporShrahm incididunthas utinherited laborethe etAncient doloreDragon’s magnablessing aliqua.strongly Utand enimcan aduse minimits veniam,powers quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.fully.
+Blessing 3manipulation
(Can control blessing. Can make them physically touchable, move them around freely, and make them float midair. The materialized blessing can carry out physical attacks, nullify curses, and bounce back attacks (like a shield))
Lorem+Stronger ipsummuscles dolorthan sitaverage
(Can amet,deliver consectetura adipiscingvery elit,strong sedpunch door eiusmodkick, temporhigh incididuntendurance utand laborestamina, etcan doloremove magnafairly aliqua.fast)
+Strengthened enimby adlight minim
(Blessing veniam,manipulation quisis nostrudstrengthened exercitationby ullamcolight laboris- nisican utmake aliquipmaterialized exblessings ealarger commodoand consequat.stronger Duisto autephysical irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.attacks)
Lorem+Tactical ipsum
(Has dolorhad sita amet,good consectetureducation, adipiscinggood elit,at sedreading dothe eiusmodenvironment temporand incididuntplanning, utcan laborecome etup dolorewith magnaplans aliqua.quickly Utand enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.adapt)
Lorem<Dragon’s ipsumBlood>
-Action sitneeded
(Must amet,physically consectetur‘mold’ adipiscingshape elit,of sedplant domidair)
-Limited temporblessings: incididuntOne-sided utgrowth
(Powers laborelimited etdue doloreto magnabeing aliqua.out Utof enimHeaven. adCannot minimmaintain veniam,the quisplants nostrudsize exercitationnor ullamcoshrink laborisit nisiback ut(plant aliquipgrows, exwithers, eaor commodoshrinks consequat.back Duisto auteoriginal iruresize dolorafter time, or if he uses his other powers), cannot control/move plants when manipulating plants))
-Still mortal.
(Can be killed with enough damage)
(Lack of water will weaken him significantly)
<Kamua Dagda (Main Branch)>
-Blessings weak to physical attacks
(Blessings will disappear after landing one blow or bouncing back one attack)
-Extension of self
(The movement of the materialized blessing corresponds with his actual hands/legs - he must move his actual body to move them.)
-Limited Blessing: Smaller manipulation
(Can only control his own inner blessing; Cannot grow plants whilst materializing blessings, and can only make shapes as large as himself (can make multiple shapes at once, but it will be smaller (as the total amount of blessing he can use stays the same) .)
-Easily dehydrated from extreme exercises
(Extreme exercise would be using his muscles for things above an average human (ex. Making a hole in reprehenderitthe wall, kicking people across the room, etc.))
-Weakened by lack of light
(Cannot materialize blessings in voluptatecompletely velitdark essearea)
-Lack euof fugiatphysical nullatraining pariatur.
(Is Excepteurnot sintthe occaecatbest cupidatatphysical nonfighter proident,as sunthe has always mainly depended on his blessings. Also not used to physical pain.)
(Easy to spot in culpaa quidark officiaplace)
mollit anim id est laborum.
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[Shram CS3] |
[Shram CS4] | [ |
[Current Stance] |
Author's Notes
Lorem-Feel ipsumfree dolorto situse amet,him consecteturfor adipiscingwhatever elit,you sedneed do(background, eiusmodpasserby, temporetc.) incididuntand utuse laborehim ethowever doloreyou magnaneed aliqua.to! UtI enimwill adbe minimhappy veniam,to quisanswer nostrudany exercitationquestions ullamco(or laborisyou nisican utjust aliquipinterprete exhim eahow commodoyou consequat.want, Duisthat's autealways iruregood dolortoo).
-Extra notes on name: The children of the Rlakda family inherit the name of one of their predecessors after they reach adulthood. Therefore, their first name is more of a title, though it is used at official meetings and in reprehenderitdaily life. Their middle/second name is their ‘true’ name that was given to them when they were born, and used by friends and those close to them. ‘Kamaal’ is the name inherited by the Head of the Family and their predecessors.
Shrahm will tell people their real name if he thinks the person is worthy or feels like he can get along with them in voluptatethe velitfuture. esse. cillum. doloreMeaning euhe fugiatwill nullapretty pariatur.much Excepteurtell sinthis occaecatreal cupidatatname nonto proident,anyone, suntexcept for in culpaan qui‘official’ officiasetting. deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.