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[Kamaal ‘ShRaham’ Rlakda] Reference


Who can love a man if he cannot love himself? So, chin up, little cactus! For a jolly old fungus is more attractive than a miserable one, even if it’s just ever so slightly!!

--  Kamaal ‘ShRaham’ Rlakda



The fifth child of the former Leader of the Rlakda Family, Shrahm is now the only living member of the main branch of the family. Being assigned as the heir to the Family Throne, Shrahm is keen to do whatever job is thrown at him to prove his worth. And so, when Shrahm found an invitation to take part in a foreign tournament in his aunt’s room, he did not hesitate to make the choice to accept it. . . Through perhaps, his motifs might be a little more personal than he lets off.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



The Rlakda family is one of the oldest families in Tenshina, a group of Islands in the Eastern part of Heaven. The Rlakda have always been close to the God of Tenshina as the ‘face’ of the Kingdom; in other words, being the Foreign Minister of Tenshina throughout generations. Ever since the Kingdom has opened its boarders to the outside world after a long decade of isolation, the Family has been busier than ever, trying to aid the Kingdom catch up to the other part of the world and regain its former gloary once more.


Shrahm was born as the fifth child of the former Leader of the Rlakda Family, and the member of the main branch of the family. However, the family is currently run by Shrahm’s far-off aunt, as Shrahm’s parents and siblings were all killed during battle a decade ago, and have not shown their soul ever since. 


Relationship with Deul

KuaDeul ‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda (Deul) is Shrahm's far-off cousin and current brother (on paper). Shrahm refers to Deul as the noisy and stone-headed one in his aunt’s side of the family, and is the very few people Shrahm talks ill of in front of and behind their back. He often bickers about how Deul keeps on lecturing him and thinks he can’t do anything. Shrahm refuses to ask Deul for favors no matter what, saying he’ll get the wrong idea and also refuses to call Deul his actual brother in front of him (though he does call him so when he’s not around).


However, despite always whining about Deul, he does get angry when anyone else badmouths him too much (but will agree with them if it’s reasonable).  



Flirtatious, optimistic, empathetic, flexible, self-conscious 


Shrahm comes off as the stereotypical, flirtatious and easy-going son of any rich family. Believing people to be the most valuable asset, he tries to get intimate with anyone and acts as if he is living in the moment, not looking back at the past. Shrahm is also very empathetic and good at reading people’s emotions. He does not shy away from changing his opinions depending on what others say, prioritizing believing the person in front of him, rather than a nameless mob.


However, his empathetic side also has the negative effect of making him extremely self-conscious. He unconsciously always thinks about his status and how his actions present him, which leads to him being slow to react to things when things are not going according to his set-out plan. Though his optimism is not a complete lie, he also makes the conscious decision to think and act in this way, as he does not want to ruin the reputation of himself and his family. He is so used to giving answers he thinks others want to hear and making himself believe that’s what he wants as well, he sometimes has trouble verbalizing his own, actual thoughts.  

 Kamaal ‘ShRaham’ Rlakda



Formal Title: The Fifth Child of the 333rd Kamaal of the Rlakda Family, the Family of the Sacred Camels, Holder of the Blood of the Sacred Dragons and Face of Tenshina, the Islands of Heaven

Profile Data


Kamua Dagda 
(Sacred Camel who hold the Ancient Dragon’s Blood)


Anything (He/Him)


410 (Mid 20s in Human Years)


204 cm/ 60~90kg / Tall and thin but has depth
(Can control height/ Weights differs according to conditions, but it does not affect his appearance)

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

White and pink/ Pink/ Shiny

Distinguishing Marks

  • Marks on face (Lets out light)
  • Plant Manipulation
  • Blessing Manipulation


  • Tactical
  • Strengthened by light 
  • Strong muscles


  • Limited blessings
  • Lack of physical training 
  • Reliance on powers
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of light 


  • Nothing special
    (But will treat his heals as a weapon if needed.)


-Social events
-Sunny weather
-You  (or any other sentient creature he can catch)


-Nothing worth mentioning



<Dragon’s Blood>

As part of the noble family of Tenshina, Shrahm inherits the Blood of the Dragons and has some abilities of their Dragon ancestors.

+Plant growth
(Inheriting the powers of the green dragon - Can grow plants into whatever size/shape he wants)

+Does not need basic human needs 
(food, air, rest, etc.)

+No bones but physically resistant
(Flexible, light but sturdy)

<Kamua Dagda (Main Branch)>

Being a member of the main branch of a hold family, Shrahm has inherited the Ancient Dragon’s blessing strongly and can use its powers fully.

+Blessing manipulation
(Can control blessing. Can make them physically touchable, move them around freely, and make them float midair. The materialized blessing can carry out physical attacks, nullify curses, and bounce back attacks (like a shield))

+Stronger muscles than average
(Can deliver a very strong punch or kick, high endurance and stamina, can move fairly fast)

+Strengthened by light 
(Blessing manipulation is strengthened by light - can make materialized blessings larger and stronger to physical attacks)


(Has had a good education, good at reading the environment and planning, can come up with plans quickly and adapt)


<Dragon’s Blood>

-Action needed
(Must physically ‘mold’ shape of plant midair)

-Limited blessings: One-sided growth
(Powers limited due to being out of Heaven. Cannot maintain the plants size nor shrink it back (plant grows, withers, or shrinks back to original size after time, or if he uses his other powers), cannot control/move plants when manipulating plants))

-Still mortal. 
(Can be killed with enough damage)

(Lack of water will weaken him significantly)

<Kamua Dagda (Main Branch)>

-Blessings weak to physical attacks
(Blessings will disappear after landing one blow or bouncing back one attack)

-Extension of self
(The movement of the materialized blessing corresponds with his actual hands/legs - he must move his actual body to move them.)

-Limited Blessing: Smaller manipulation
(Can only control his own inner blessing; Cannot grow plants whilst materializing blessings, and can only make shapes as large as himself (can make multiple shapes at once, but it will be smaller (as the total amount of blessing he can use stays the same) .)

-Easily dehydrated from extreme exercises
(Extreme exercise would be using his muscles for things above an average human (ex. Making a hole in the wall, kicking people across the room, etc.))

-Weakened by lack of light 
(Cannot materialize blessings in completely dark area)


-Lack of physical training 
(Is not the best physical fighter as he has always mainly depended on his blessings. Also not used to physical pain.)

(Easy to spot in a dark place)

s1.png s2.png s3.png
[Shram CS1] [Shram CS2]

[Shram CS3]

s4.png s3.png


[Shram CS4] [Shram CS5]

[Current Stance]

Author's Notes

-Feel free to use him for whatever you need (background, passerby, etc.) and use him however you need to! I will be happy to answer any questions (or you can just interprete him how you want, that's always good too).

-Extra notes on name: The children of the Rlakda family inherit the name of one of their predecessors after they reach adulthood. Therefore, their first name is more of a title, though it is used at official meetings and in daily life. Their middle/second name is their ‘true’ name that was given to them when they were born, and used by friends and those close to them. ‘Kamaal’ is the name inherited by the Head of the Family and their predecessors.

Shrahm will tell people their real name if he thinks the person is worthy or feels like he can get along with them in the future. . . Meaning he will pretty much tell his real name to anyone, except for in an ‘official’ setting.