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[KuaDeul ‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda] Reference


LoremThere ipsumare dolormany sitways amet,to consecteturmake adipiscingsomeone elit,lose sedtheir do‘face’,  eiusmodand temporone incididuntis utasking laboresuch etdisrespectful dolorequestions. magna. aliqua... As you seem to be attempting to just now, you heedless, reprehensible swine.

-- [QuoteKuaDeul source]‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda



[DescribeDeul youris characterthe briefly.]second Loremchild ipsumof dolorthe sitcurrent amet,Head consecteturof adipiscingthe elit,Rlakda sedFamily. Despite being a member of the branching families, his mother was promoted to Head of the family after most of the members of the main branch were killed in battle. Deul takes his job seriously and expects everyone else to do eiusmodthe temporsame—Especially incididunthis utcousin laboreand etcurrent dolorebrother, magnaShrahm. aliqua.And Utso, enimwhen adShrahm minimdecided veniam,to quisrun nostrudoff exercitationto ullamcoonce laborisagain nisistick uthis aliquiphead exinto eabusiness commodothat consequat.isn’t Duishis, auteDeul irureran doloroff into reprehenderitstop inhim voluptatewithout velitthinking. esseDeul cillumis dolorehere euto fugiatstop nullathe Excepteurheir sintto occaecatthe cupidatatFamily nonThrone proident,from sunthumiliating inhis culpa‘face’ quionce officiaagain deserunt. mollit. anim.And idperhaps, estfor laborum.some personal reasons too. 



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



LoremThe ipsumRlakda dolorfamily sitis amet,one consecteturof adipiscingthe elit,oldest sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorfamilies in reprehenderitTenshina, a group of Islands in voluptatethe velitEastern essepart cillumof doloreHeaven. euThe fugiatRlakda nullahave pariatur.always Excepteurbeen sintclose occaecatto cupidatatthe nonGod proident,of suntTenshina as the ‘face’ of the Kingdom; in culpaother quiwords, officiabeing deseruntthe mollitForeign animMinister idof estTenshina laborum.throughout generations. Ever since the Kingdom has opened its boarders to the outside world after a long decade of isolation, the Family has been busier than ever, trying to aid the Kingdom catch up to the other part of the world and regain its former glory once more.


AtDeul verois eosthe etsecond accusamuschild etof iustothe odiocurrent dignissimosHead ducimus,of quithe blanditiisRlakda praesentiumFamily. voluptatumDespite delenitibeing atquea corrupti,member quosof doloresthe etbranching quasfamilies, molestiashis excepturimother sint,was obcaecatipromoted cupiditateto nonHead provident,of similiquethe suntfamily after most of the members of the main branch were killed in culpa,battle. quiThe officiaFamily deserunthas mollitiaadopted animi,their idonly estliving laborummember, etShrahm doloruminto fuga.their Etside harumof quidemthe rerumfamily, facilisand estplans etto expeditagive distinctio.the NamFamily liberoThrone tempore,back cumto solutahim nobisonce esthe eligendiis optio,ready.




Relationship quowith minusDeul


Kamaal maxime‘ShRaham’ placeat,Rlakda facere(Shrahm) possimus,is omnisDeul's voluptasfar-off assumendacousin est,and omniscurrent dolorbrother repellendus.(on Temporibuspaper). autemDeul quibusdamsees etShrahm autas officiisthe debitischildish autand rerumself-centered necessitatibuschild saepeand eveniet,this utreally etshows voluptatesin repudiandaehis sintattitude. etHis molestiaewords nontowards recusandae.Shrahm Itaqueare earumoften rerumsharp hicand teneturhe atries sapienteto delectus,lecture utShrahm autevery reiciendischance voluptatibushe maioresgets. aliasDeul consequaturdoes autnot perferendisappreciate doloribusShrahm asperioresgetting repellat…into trouble ever chance he gets, and doesn’t understand why Shrahm won’t just ‘grow up’. He refuses to listen to any of Shrahm’s arguments against him, saying they are always just meaningless, petty excuses.


Deul strongly suggests that Shrahm as his ‘younger brother’, as technically, he is. However, he seems to have an idea for why Shrahm refuses to call Deul his brother, so it is the one thing he doesn’t argue with Shrahm against. 



LoremSerious, ipsumresponsible, dolorhot-blooded, sitcritical, amet,honest




Deul sedacts as a serious and responsible individual. Harsh to both himself and others, Deul prioritizes following rules, doing what is deemed ‘right’ by society, and does not hide his contempt against those who neglect either. He prioritizes following the rules and has a systematic rule for almost everything —He will not let others ruin his job nor daily routine, making him the only one in his family who can reject the pleas of others. 

However, Deul is also a very hot-blooded person who is easily riled up. He moves before thinking and is very straightforward in the way he thinks and acts. He cannot understand why people would do eiusmodthe tempor‘wrong’ incididuntthing utlike laborelie etand dolorebreak magnarules, Uthe enimhas adtrouble minimempathizing veniam,with quisothers, nostrudwhich exercitationoften ullamcoleads laboristo nisihim utunintentionally aliquiphurting exthem. eaHis commodosystematic consequat.actions Duisare autehis irureattempt dolorto infix reprehenderitthis, inas voluptatehe velitsees esseboth cillumthese doloreaspects euas fugiathighly nullanegative pariatur.(as Excepteurit sintdisturbs occaecatthe cupidatatorder nonof proident,society). suntHe inis culpaterrible quiat officialying, deseruntand mollitas animhe idcannot estread laborum.emotions, he would rather people be honest with him as well; or more, he won’t be able to understand them unless they are.

NAMEKuaDeul ‘Zuhlhma’ Rlakda



Formal Title: The Second Child of the 334th Kamaal of the Rlakda Family, the Family of the Sacred Camels, Holder of the Blood of the Sacred Dragons and Face of Tenshina, the Islands of Heaven

Profile Data


[entry]Kamua Dagda 
(Sacred Camel who hold the Ancient Dragon’s Blood)


[entry/entry/entry]Anything (He/Him, They/Them)


[entry]500 (Late 20s in Human Years)




B/W/H SizeFlat

[entry](Weights differs according to conditions, but it does not affect his appearance)

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

[entry/entry/entry]White and yellow/ Yellow (Gold)/ Shiny

Distinguishing Marks

  • [entryMarks 1]
  • on
  • [entryface 2](Lets out light)
  • [entryPlant 1]
  • [entry 2]Manipulation



  • Skilled fighter
  • Strengthened by light 
  • Strong muscles



  • Instinctive
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of light 


  • [entryWhip 1]
  • made
  • [entryout 2]
    of plants


[entry]-Nothing worth mentioning


[entry]-Unforeseen events and unfair circumstances
-Dishonest people 
-Babies/children (who can’t talk)
-Old people (who lecture him)
-Bad weather 
-And a lot more things

[Link to Creator's sheet]MoKuzuu


Ability<Dragon’ 1Blood>

LoremAs ipsumpart dolorof sitthe amet,noble consecteturfamily adipiscingof elit,Tenshina, sedDeul doinherits eiusmodthe temporBlood incididuntof utthe laboreDragons etand dolorehas magnasome aliqua.abilities Utof enimtheir adDragon minimancestors.


+Plant quismanipulation
(Inheriting nostrudthe exercitationpowers ullamcoof laboristhe nisitraditional utblue aliquipdragon ex- eaCan commodochange consequat.the Duishardness auteof irureplants dolorand inmove reprehenderitthem infreely)


+Whip velituser
(Has essewhip cillummade doloreout euof fugiatplants- nullacan Excepteurused sintto occaecatattack cupidatatand noncapture proident,opponent)


+Does innot culpaneed quibasic officiahuman deseruntneeds mollit
(food, animair, idrest, estetc.)


+No bones but physically resistant
(Flexible, light but sturdy)

Ability<Kamua 2Dagda (Minor Branch)>

LoremThe ipsumKamua dolorDagda sithave amet,very consecteturstrong adipiscinglegs elit,and sedarms, doand eiusmodhave temportraditionally incididuntbeen utvery laboreskilled etat dolorecombat. magna
Combined aliqua.with Uthis enimtraining adsessions minimhe veniam,has quistaken nostrudseriously exercitationfrom ullamcoa laborisyoung nisiage, utDeul aliquipis exa eafairly commodoskilled consequat.physical Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.fighter.


+Stronger 3


Loremthan ipsumaverage
(Can dolordeliver sita amet,very consecteturstrong adipiscingpunch elit,or sedkick, dohigh eiusmodendurance temporand incididuntstamina, utcan laboremove etfairly dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est


Lorem+A ipsumlot dolorof sittraining
(Less amet,stunned consecteturby adipiscingattacks elit,and sedphysical dopain, eiusmodknows temporwhat incididuntmost utweapons laboredo, etand doloredoes magnanot Utif enimhe adgets minimhurt veniam,if quishe nostrudcan exercitationland ullamcoa laborisblow) 


+Skilled utfighter
(Has aliquiplearnt exto eafight commodowithout consequat.relying Duison autepowers irure- dolorskilled inphysical reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.fighter)


<Dragon’ Blood>

Lorem-Diluted ipsumpowers
(Must dolorbe sittouching amet,the consecteturplant adipiscing(directly elit,or sedindirectly do(through eiusmodother temporplant) incididunt) utto laborecontrol etit, dolorecannot magnagrow aliqua.plants Ut(can enimforcibly adstretch minimthem veniam,but quisit nostrudmakes exercitationthem ullamcoweaker))


-Extension nisiof utmind
(Plants aliquipmoves exhow eahe commodoimagines consequat.them Duis- auteTrying irureto dolormove too much at once can get confusing and stops movement)

-Still mortal. 
(Can be killed with enough damage)

(Lack of water will weaken him significantly)

<Kamua Dagda (Minor Branch)>

-Easily dehydrated from extreme exercises
(Extreme exercise would be using his muscles for things above an average human (ex. Making a hole in reprehenderitthe wall, kicking people across the room, etc.))

-Weakened by lack of light 
(Cannot manipulate plants in voluptatecompletely velitdark essearea)


(Moves euby fugiatinstinct- nullaThings pariatur.he Excepteurwas sintnot occaecatexpecting cupidatator nondoes proident,not suntknow will slow him down, and cannot follow most plans (nor make good ones). Tends to just go to tackle the opponent, even when there is a conveniently placed tree in culpafront quiof officiahim.)


(Easy mollitto animspot idin esta laborum.dark place)

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[itemDeul description]CS1] [itemDeul description]CS2] [itemDeul description]CS3]
[Deul CS4][Deul CS5][Current Stance]

Author's Notes

Lorem-Feel ipsumfree dolorto situse amet,him consecteturfor adipiscingwhatever elit,you sedneed do(background, eiusmodpasserby, temporetc.) incididuntand utuse laborehim ethowever doloreyou magnaneed! UtI enimwill adbe minimhappy veniam,to quisanswer nostrudany exercitationquestions ullamco(or laborisyou nisican utjust aliquipinterprete exhim eahow commodoyou consequat.want, Duisthat's autealways iruregood dolortoo).

-Extra notes on name: The children of the Rlakda family inherit the name of one of their predecessors after they reach adulthood. Therefore, their first name is more of a title, though it is used at official meetings and in reprehenderitdaily inlife. voluptateTheir velitmiddle/second essename cillumis doloretheir eu‘true’ fugiatname nullathat pariatur.was Excepteurgiven sintto occaecatthem cupidatatwhen nonthey proident,were suntborn, inand culpaused quiby officiafriends deseruntand mollitthose animclose idto estthem. laborum.

Deul will introduce himself with his first name to most people, but understand it is hard to pronounce to many, so he uses ‘Deul’ as a nickname (a little reluctantly since he thinks nicknames sound 'unofficial'). However, he seldom gives out his full, middle name and will often not answer if it comes from a stranger.