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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.... One day, in the village of Maki, a humble priest turned to Darkness

-- [QuoteA source]prophetic retelling of Musubi's origins



[DescribeAn yourarsonist-warlord characterwho's briefly.]haunted Loremrural ipsumJapan dolorfor sitcenturies amet,finds consecteturhis adipiscinggrand elit,scourge sedslowed doto eiusmoda temporcrawling incididunthalt. utNow laborehis etwandering dolorehas magnabecome aliqua.even Utmore enimaimless adas minimhe veniam,simply quissearches nostrudfor exercitationnew ullamcoexperiences laborisbefore nisihis utclock aliquipfinally exruns eaout. commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorBorn in reprehenderitrural Japan over 900 years ago, Musubi, whose original name has been lost to time, was originally a humble Onmyoji with a wife and multiple children. He lived in voluptatea velitvillage esseknown cillumas doloreMaki euuntil fugiatone nulladay pariatur.under Excepteurunknown sintcircumstances, occaecathe cupidatatabsorbed nonthe proident,life suntessence inof culpahis quifamily officiaand deseruntfellow mollitvillagers animfor idpower estand laborum.burned down the village. Since then he had begun a centuries-long scourge of burning and destroying villages across Japan, amassing small armies of followers and utilizing his strategic mind and immortality to retain power.


AtHowever, veroas eosthe etyears accusamuswent eton iustothe odiomortality dignissimosMusubi ducimus,thought quihe blanditiishad praesentiumleft voluptatumbehind delenitisoon atquebegan corrupti,to quoscatch doloresup etto quashim. molestiasHis excepturionce sint,youthful obcaecatibody cupiditateslowly nonbegan provident,withering similiqueand sunthis small, yet loyal army has now been reduced to one loyal servant in culpa,Ts'ui quiMei. officiaDespite deseruntthis, mollitiahis animi,mad idrampage eststill laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic teneturleaves a sapientegaping delectus,wound utthat authas reiciendisyet voluptatibusto maioresbe aliasclosed. consequaturNow, authe perferendiswanders doloribusaimlessly, asperioresreminding repellat…the nation of his presence in spontaneous arsons and hunts down those prophesized to put an end to him, all while searching for a method to extend his already unnatural lifespan.



LoremMusubi ipsumis doloran... sitinteresting amet,individual. consecteturDespite adipiscingbeing elit,a sedmerciless dowarlord, eiusmodhe's temporsomewhat incididunt(albeit utwith laboreheavy etquotation doloremarks) magnaaffable. aliqua.He's Utextremely enimcasual adwhen minimit veniam,comes quisto nostrudcommitting exercitationheinous ullamcoacts laborisand nisihis utown aliquippast extransgressions, eaacting commodolike consequat.a Duistraditional auteold irureman dolormost of the time. He partakes in reprehenderitpast-times like bingo, card games, and sightseeing. If one were to have never came across Musubi, he might seem like a standard old man, if not a little odd. 


Musubi is completely aware that most consider him evil, in voluptatefact velithe esseagrees cillumthat dolorehe's euan fugiatevil nullaperson, pariatur.he Excepteurjust sintdoes occaecatnot cupidatatcare. nonTo proident,him, suntlife as entirely disposable on a dime as he views murder as almost a casual occurrence. He won't go out of his way to cause problems if it doesn't benefit him, but he has no real hesitation nor any tinge of regret for incinerating someone off the face of the planet. He doesn't get any pleasure from his crimes (unless he the victim was really annoying), and goes through life as if everything is just a minor annoyance, outside of what he actively enjoys doing.


With his attitude also comes a high amount of sass and sarcastic wit to him. He's been alive for over 900 years, he will never run out of things to say. Even when unprompted he will journey on long-winded rants on meaningless subjects or pet peeves of his. If in culpaa quifight officiahe'll deseruntoften mollitgive animadvice idon esthow improve (though this becomes very passive-aggressive if the individual clearly is ignoring him), or mock them for their cliché and tired lines. Sometimes, he might even be intentionally obtuse just to upset or frighten someone.


His demeanor only truly changes when he sees something he thinks is interesting. This mostly comes about when he meets someone he finds unique, has potential, or shares similar interests to him. When this occurs, he will become his more chatty self, this time with actual interest behind his words rather than contempt.



[entry]The mad Priest, The Scourge of the Countryside, The Field Scorcher, Gramps, Boss

Profile Data




[entry/entry/entry]He/Him, Male





B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • [entryMusubi 1]
  • is
  • [entrydistinguished 2]by the mask that covers his face and bears his symbol
  • [entryFlame 1]Magic
  • [entryDivination
  • 2]
  • Necromancy



  • Magic
  • Experience
  • Paranoia/Thoroughness



  • Physique
  • Senses
  • Sunlight


  • [entry 1]
  • [entry 2]


[entry]The Ts'ui family, Mahjong, playing card games both ancient and modern, old-school anime, water, applesauce, Potential, fishing, killing people who piss him off


[entry]People, Youngsters (anybody under the age of 200), 60fps interpolation, modern anime, wheat, grass, trees, metal, glass, the God-Eater, happiness, gold, solid food, people who piss him off.

[Link to




Musubi knows three main types of magic which are as such:

AbilityFlame 1Magic

LoremMusubi's ipsummost dolorversatile sitmagic, amet,as consecteturit adipiscingsimply elit,allows sedhim doto eiusmodcreate, tempormaintain, incididuntand utmanipulate laboreflames. etHe doloreis magnacapable aliqua.of Utcreating enimincredibly adscorching minimhot veniam,bursts quisof nostrudfire exercitationwith ullamcospecific laboriscontrol nisiof utthe aliquipsize, exconcentration, eatemperature, commodoetc. consequat.He Duiscan auteeven iruremake dolorhis flames partially solid and act as binds. His range is limited but by painting a magical sigil around/on a surface he can extend the range of his flames and spawn a pillar of flame atop the sigil by placing his fingertips together and saying the word "Commence".


As a former priest, Musubi naturally knows Divination Magic. By performing small rituals, Musubi can gain vague glimpses into the past, present, and/or future when used traditionally. This also allows him to discover links between individuals, get a vague idea of who an individual is, and learn where they are. He has fiddled with this type of magic to make "Passive Divination", which allows him to sense the mystical presence of others. Most importantly, Passive Divination makes it so that Musubi knows when he's being observed or spoken of in reprehenderitsome form or fashion. Whether it's a prophecy that involves him, an individual is attempting to read his mind or someone is using divination of their own to locate/watch him.


This is Musubi's weakest yet most mysterious form of magic as he only has access to one particular spell, "Essence Consumption". Upon touch, he can drain a victim of their life essence and absorb it himself, however, due to the danger this spell possesses several restrictions make this magic rather useless in voluptateits velitcurrent esseform. cillumAnyone dolorewith euenough fugiatwillpower nullacan pariatur.resist Excepteurhaving sinttheir occaecatlife cupidatatessence nonconsumed proident,and suntoutside inof culpabeing quigranted officiasome deserunthealing mollitfrom animdraining idan estindividual's laborum.

Abilityadds 2

Lorema ipsumnegligible doloramount sitof amet,time consecteturto adipiscinghis elit,own sedlife, dolest eiusmodthe temportarget incididuntis utsomeone laboreMusubi ethas dolorea magnadeep aliqua.connection Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Ability 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.with.



LoremMusubi ipsumnot doloronly sitis amet,extremely consecteturproficient adipiscingwith elit,his sedmagic, but he has seemingly near endless magic reserves. Running out of magic appears to be something that Musubi simply cannot do eiusmodand temporas incididunta utresult, laborehe etcan dolorefire magnaoff aliqua.large Utand enimpowerful adspells minimthat veniam,make quiseven nostrudDragons exercitationblush ullamcoand laborisbe nisifine utafterward. aliquipThe exlarge eamagical commodoreserves consequat.also Duisallow autehim irureto dolordump inheinous reprehenderitamounts inof voluptatepower velitinto essespells, cillummaking doloreeven eu"small" fugiatspells nullaof pariatur.his Excepteurfeared sintby occaecatthose cupidatatwho nonhave proident,the suntmisfortune inof culparunning quiinto officiahim. deserunt




Musubi idhas estbeen laborum.alive for over 900 years. Outside of crossroads, he has seen just about all there is to see, which means he's especially knowledgeable of the technical aspects of combat. He more often than not has encountered something that he's going up against, and his previous experience has given him ample time to create contingencies and countermeasures to cover his own weaknesses.


Musubi is an efficient individual, usually tackling his largest obstacles first before moving on to smaller disputes. With his extended lifespan, he quite literally has extra time to waste caring which makes him difficult to deceive. This extra time also feeds into his sheer thoroughness as he often takes extra time and procedures to ensure a task is finished. He has no issues waiting out his victims if it can guarantee a victory or the avoidance of disaster.



LoremWhile ipsumhis dolormagic sitis amet,extremely consecteturpotent, adipiscinghis elit,physicals sedare dothe eiusmodexact temporopposite. incididuntHe utweighs laborejust etabout doloreas magnamuch Uthis enimdiet, ada minimfew veniam,grapes quishere nostrudand exercitationthere, ullamcoand laborishis nisiphysical utstats aliquipmake extoddlers easeem commodoimpressive Duiscomparison. auteIf irurehe dolorwere forced into an RPG while his magic would be listed at "999+", his physical stats would be listed at "1". At his age, even standing up straight proves difficult for him as he cannot walk without support like a cane or being carried by someone else. As a result, he tends to be mostly stationary to avoid pulling anything.


While being immortal allowed him to keep his youth at first, Musubi can now best be compared to a senior citizen two centimeters from death's door. His hearing is terrible so one must shout their words at him, and his sight is incredibly poor. While he can make out shapes and colors, he is incapable of reading even large text and relies on Passive Divination to find other individuals or understand his current location. While this technically doesn't count towards his senses, Musubi smells horrible, akin to a permanently rotting corpse. 


Underneath all of his clothing is a series of several crimson wraps and seals. Made by a long-dead friend of his, Musubi covers his body head to toe in reprehenderitthese wraps to avoid exposing any part of his body to sunlight as it will begin to degrade the exposed body part until nothing remains. If Musubi were to be left bare in voluptatethe velitsun essefor cillumaround doloreless euthan fugiata nullaminute pariatur.he Excepteurwould sintdisintegrate occaecatentirely. cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

SL2_placehold_image_04.pngMusubi Reference image SL2_placehold_image_04.pngMusubiRender.png SL2_placehold_image_04.png
[itemMusubi's description]Reference [itemA description]render of Musubi [item description]

Author's Notes


  • Musubi doloris sitmodeled amet,after consecteturtropes adipiscingof elit,ancient sedevils dofound eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorcommonly in reprehenderitfiction, inespecially voluptateanimanga. velit
  • esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.