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LoremYou’re ipsumproof dolorthat sitwe amet,still consecteturhave adipiscingone elit,last sedcard doto eiusmodplay. temporProof incididuntthat utwe laborewere ethere. doloreYou’re magnathe aliqua...last laugh, Ori.

-- [QuoteArika source]Ashling



[DescribeAn yourartificial character briefly.] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor‘demon’ in reprehenderithuman form, created as a final memorial and possible salvation for a doomed world. She carries virtually all information of that world, and makes full use of it through her abilities as a summoner. Whatever emotions lie behind her ghostly eyes, her mission is to one day summon her home world in voluptateits velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.entirety.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



LoremOri ipsumis dolorfrom sitwhat amet,was consecteturonce adipiscingthe elit,world sedof doIktia, eiusmodand temporplace incididuntof utall laboremanner etof doloredeveloping magnamagic aliqua.and Uttechnology, enimbut adwas minimdoomed veniam,by quisan nostrudinvading exercitationinterdimensional ullamcodemon laborisgod. nisiAs uta aliquiplast exact eaof commododefiance consequat.against Duisan auteunavoidable irurefate, dolorIktia’s greatest came together and created the ‘Origin Project’, or simply ‘Ori’, an artificial demon designed into the shape of a human. Ori was created with three directives in reprehenderitmind:

  • To survey all of Iktia and record it down to the last speck of dust.

  • To persist past Iktia’s destruction and survive in voluptatean velitenvironment essefit cillumonly dolorefor eudemons.

  • nulla
  • pariatur.

    To Excepteurcontinue sintdeveloping occaecatherself cupidatatuntil nonshe proident,gained suntthe incapacity culpato quiuse officiaher deseruntabilities mollitand animsummon idIktia estanew laborum.(minus the world ending bits), hence “saving the world”.

Under the mentorship of her master, Arika Ashling, and many of Iktia’s heroes and nations, Ori traversed the entire world and recorded as much of it as possible before its eventual demise. Afterwards, she continued to survive on Iktia’s remains, fighting off scavenging demons and gathering power so that she might one day complete the final part of her mission.


AtSome verotime eosafter etIktia accusamusfell etto iustoruin, odioOri dignissimosused ducimus,her quirecords blanditiisof praesentiumArika voluptatumAshling delenitito atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetursummon a sapiente‘version’ delectus,of uther autlate reiciendismentor. voluptatibusThis maioressummon aliashad consequaturthe autphysical perferendisform doloribusof asperioresArika’s repellat…younger self mixed with the memories of Arika at the end of her lifetime. The result was a different personality whom Ori began to regard more like an older sister or best friend.



LoremUp ipsumfront, dolorOri sitcomes amet,off consecteturas adipiscingan elit,aloof, sedchipper, doand eiusmodsomewhat temporclumsy incididuntindividual. utBut laboreanyone etwho dolorespends magnaenough aliqua.time Utwith enimher adwill minimbegin veniam,to quisnotice nostrudthe exercitationoddities ullamcobehind laboristhe nisicheerfulness. utShe aliquipdoesn’t exseem eato commodooutwardly consequat.exhibit Duisother auteemotions iruresuch doloras inshock, reprehenderitsadness, inor voluptateanger. velitShe essepractically cillumnever doloreblinks euand fugiatbehaves nullalike pariatur.she Excepteurhas sinteyes occaecaton cupidatatthe nonback proident,of sunther inhead. culpaIt quiis officiaas deseruntif mollitshe animis idwearing esta laborum.mask that is shaped to smile.

The cheerful mask isn’t there to be deceptive or to hide malicious intent. Rather she developed it as a means for facilitating social encounters. Past it, a person might notice they are being given an inordinate amount of attention when conversing with her.

Despite the odd front, Ori is capable of emotions. It is simply that expressing them is difficult for Ori, if she even tries to express them at all. The one feeling that shows through most earnestly is curiosity, as Ori’s mood will brighten more noticeably when her interest is piqued.



- Origin Project

Profile Data


Artificial Demon


She,her / Female / No preference




Weight: 100 lbs (45kg)

Height: 5’1” (154cm )

Build: Light and Slim

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: Ashen Grey + Light Blue peekaboo highlights

Eyes: Ghostly Blue-White

Skin: Pale

Distinguishing Marks

  • Eerie floating horn
  • Glowing eyes

*Tournament Tag*

  • Bell necklace worn over her coat

  • First Class Recon Unit
  • Archivist Summoner


  • Exceedingly Sharp
  • Open Mind
  • Extra Seasoned
  • Demon Strategist and Tactician


  • Minimal Strength Build
  • Artificial Body
  • Summoning Bias
  • Hater of Loneliness


  • Ink Quill
  • A floating, yet very dense book


Food, Exploration, Discovery, Being indirect, Small fluffy things, Reading, Friends, Ari


Demons, Nihilism, Loneliness

[Link to Creator's sheet]wabaduga


AbilityFirst 1Class Recon Unit

LoremOri ipsumwas dolorphysically sitdesigned amet,and consecteturtrained adipiscing elit, sedto do eiusmodtwo temporthings: incididuntSurvey utand laboreSurvive.

  • Demon magnaSenses aliqua.- UtOri enimhas adincredible minimsenses veniam,and quisobservational nostrudskills. exercitationShe ullamcowas laborisdesigned nisito utpassively aliquipintake exand eaprocess commodoan consequat.overwhelming Duisamount auteof irureinformation dolorthat would otherwise be unhealthy to an ordinary person.
  • Evasive Maneuvers - Ori’s main job was not combat. Ori’s master focused her training regiment on sheer agility. This meant hurling all manner of danger at Ori, hurling Ori at danger, or both. As a result Ori has mastered use of her small frame to traverse difficult terrain, avoid attacks, and even how to take attacks.
Archivist Summoner

Ori is a special type of summoner mage. Her abilities are reliant on the relationship between herself and her tools. That is; Ori, the Book, and the Quill. As an accompanying analogy, consider these the Interfacing Device, the Data Server, and a simple Paint Program, respectively. She can freely levitate them (it's fun at parties)

  • Ori’s Mana Pool - The ‘Interfacing Device” - Whereas most mages might exhaust a resource like stamina, what Ori has is closer to the memory limits of a computer device. Ori allocates this magic bandwidth for use of her tools and summons. Summons can exist perpetually so long as she isn’t exceeding her limits. Exceeding her bandwidth can result in reprehenderitstress and damage to her body.
  • “The Tale of Iktia” - The “Data Server” - This unassuming, thick, hardcover book can record and store a virtually infinite amount of information. Ori can create and summon anything recorded with sufficient detail as a magical construct.

    The book contains the detailed contents of the entire world of Iktia. This means Ori has access to all manner of objects, creatures, people, machines, phenomena, etc. The bandwidth cost is determined by the size and complexity of the summon. The higher the cost, the more time is needed to ‘load’ the summon, sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes. She can reduce the cost or restore bandwidth by paring down on a summon’s functions, before or after summoning.

    EX: ‘Living’ summons are typically not given fully functional intelligence as it would be exponentially costly. Hence, a summoned knight would operate on muscle memory and simple directives, incapable of conversation. Ori has only ever made one exception to this; a summon of her master, Ari.

    When destroyed or dismissed, summons return to nothing and return their allotted bandwidth

  • The Ink Quill - The “Free Paint Program” - A tool that produces a magic ink Ori can use to create attacks, defenses, and distractions. While creations are typically sloppy and not too sturdy, it has proven to be excellent utility in voluptatea velitpinch. esseIt’s cillumalso dolorevery eucheap fugiaton nullaOri’s pariatur.resources.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Ability 2

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Ability 3

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


  • LoremExceedingly ipsumSharp dolor- sitOri amet,has consecteturexceptional adipiscingsensory elit,and sedobservational doskills. eiusmodVery temporlittle incididuntescapes uther laboresenses etand doloreshe magnais aliqua.quick Utto enimprocess adthat minimwhich veniam,she quisobserves.

  • exercitation
  • ullamco

    Open laborisMind nisi- utVery aliquiplittle exseems eato commodofaze consequat.Ori Duisas auteshe irureis dolorinnately inbuilt reprehenderitto inconsume voluptateeverything velitas essedata. cillumThis dolorealso eumeans fugiatshe nullatends Excepteurtreat sinteveryone occaecatequally.

  • non
  • proident,

    Extra suntSeasoned in- culpaHaving quitraversed officiaan deseruntentire mollitworld animwithin ida estlifetime laborum.and continuing to survive on its apocalyptic remains for another, Ori has a lengthy resume of experiences.

  • Demon Strategist and Tactician - All things considered, Ori has become frighteningly capable at planning and adapting to situations, capable of thinking several steps ahead on the fly.


  • LoremMinimal ipsumStrength dolorBuild sit amet,- consecteturOri adipiscingis elit,the sedequivalent doof eiusmodputting tempor0 incididuntextra utpoints laboreinto etstrength dolorefor magnaa UtShe enimonly adhas minimjust veniam,enough quisstrength nostrudto exercitationefficiently ullamcoand laboriseffectively nisiapply uther aliquipagility.

  • ea
  • commodo

    Artificial consequat.Body Duis- auteRather irurethan dolorbleeding, Ori’s body cracks and breaks into mana. Repairing can be a complicated process and exceeding her mana pool can cause further complications

  • Summoning Bias - Ori usually doesn’t consider 100% the data in reprehenderither storage. Her choices in voluptatesummons velitare esseoften cilluma dolorelittle eubiased fugiattowards nullafun pariatur.over Excepteuroptimization.

  • occaecat
  • cupidatat

    Hater nonof proident,Loneliness sunt- Spending a lengthy amount of time in culpaa quipost-apocalypse officiahas deseruntmade mollither animprone idto estloneliness, laborum.leading her to behave uncharacteristically and a bit “off”.

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Author's Notes

  • Lorem“The ipsumTale dolorof sitIktia” amet,has consecteturreceived adipiscingsuch elit,a sedhigh concentration of information that it has become ludicrously heavy and dense. It may perhaps make for a great shield, or weapon. Not that Ori would do eiusmodthat temporas incididunther utmaster laborewould etalways doloretell magnaher Uttreat enimthe adbook minimwell… veniam,but quissometimes nostrudintrusive exercitationthoughts ullamcobe laborislike nisi>:3

  • aliquip
  • ex

    Ori’s eahorn commodowas consequat.originally Duisused auteto irureinterface dolorwith inthe reprehenderitlarge-scale inmechanisms voluptateused velitto essehelp cillumrecord doloreIktia. euCurrently fugiatit nullaserves Excepteurpurpose sintoutside occaecatof cupidatatsignifying nonthat proident,she suntis intechnically culpaa quidemon.

  • deserunt
  • mollit

    She animwas idinspired estby laborum.Laplace’s Demon

  • Ori cannot record her own summons. Doing so would likely cause corruption or contradiction of the original data.