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Eliza Melwood


Don't Worry! I got your back!

-- [Eliza Melwood]



A peppy and cheerful, Yet clumsy and weird young adult. Eliza Melwood is the newest recruit to the Neuro Lab and Ronin's main apprentice. She has a good amount of experience with potion making in the lab, however she still has yet to master the artform. 



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Raised in Sea Blake City (The Neighboring city near the secret Neo Lab) Eliza Melwood lived on her own in a small apartment. Eliza never really knew her dad well as he was reported missing when she was 6, with no trace of his whereabouts. Working a part time job at a comic store, Eliza dreamed of going on adventures like the characters she always sees in comic books or movies that are present at her work. One fateful day Eliza runs into Ronin and the Neo Lab team, Begs for a job at the Neo lab and after a while Ronin reluctantly agrees thinking she may be over her head. Over time however Eliza would prove herself to be a great addition to the lab team. 


Eliza was always peppy and Cheerful in spite of her missing father figure. Eliza always wears a smile on her face, although at times she can appear shy around new people. Her clumsiness also makes her a bit of a goofball at times, making her almost a comic relief.

Crossroad Tag

The Crossroad tag the team uses is a red armband located on either arm.


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Profile Data




She/Her / Female / Hetrosexual




175 / 5'5 / Short and Feminine

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Brown / Green / Light Tan

  • Slight martial art experience


Very Loyal, Resilient, Charismatic


Clumsy. Naive, A bit shy at times.



  • Potion Device. (Can make any potion known to the lab team)


Potion making, Being a great lab partner, New experiences.


Bullies, Rude people, The paranormal and creepy.

[Link to Creator's sheet]


Martial arts Mimicry 

Having seen alot of Comics, Videogames, and Movies, Eliza Melwood can mimic a fair number of martial arts moves to decent effectiveness. Her Goofy and amateur movement's prevent her from fully mastering the famous moves she knows from other media's  

Potion Device

Eliza wears a potion device on her waist, Holding up to 2 potions at a time once she activates it. The potion device can replicate any potion recognized by the neuro lab team to be used during combat situations, making it really powerful as a support item. During her time in the summer leagues however, She has misplaced a few parts to this device leaving it to only make 1 minor Aid potion and 1 minor detriment potion. The effects are randomized and no one knows which potion is good or bad, not even Eliza knows which ones are good or bad, often leaving it up to choice.


Eliza's Loyalty to the lab team is unrivaled, She has her team's back no matter what the situation calls for. Her Constant training (At the Comic store's basement) Made her a somewhat half decent fighter and her knowledge of potions makes her a formidable combat support. Her potion device makes 2 potions, 1 support and 1 Detrimental potion without fail


Eliza isn't a professional martial artist, as such her movements are rather goofy and clumsy. More often than not she may fail one of her attacks she has replicated to an embarrassing degree. It doesn't help that her potion device has missing parts, making it impossible for her to tell which potions she has are good or bad and what specific effects they have, resulting in either aiding her enemy or hindering her team.

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[itemItem description]Ref [item description]Turnaround [itemWith description]Ronin

Author's Notes

Eliza's ears aren't usually drawn (Mostly because i forgot about that) However it is up for the opponent weather or not the ears are drawn in. Just know that her left ear has an earpiece in it (Think of a singular Powerbeat earphone)