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Hikaru Hoshi (Fighter)


SpeedStar here! We are here live on the scene!

-- Hikaru



A crimefighter that streams his showings to boost support and morale. He is a bold entertainer that loves to smile for the camera at every chance he gets. Though it can lead to his chagrin due to his overconfidence.


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Trivia
  7. Gallery

  8. Author's Notes



A former idol that lives in the world literally powered by fame. He chose to quit the lifestyle after a falling out with his leader and after much allegations pinned in his social media. He would later rejoin the content creating scene as a crimefighter and a streamer and combine the two jobs to make a good living. 



Cocky - Unintentionally Rude - Mischevious - Confident - Reckless - Entertainer


Never a dull moment with this guy. While he is bold and captivating and able to brighten the mood, he can be unintentionally rude and a cocky brat at times by propping himself up. He can be a glory seeker especially when it comes to the comparison of feats. And his confidence doesn't always get taken seriously. He's also very blunt with situations and uses it to criticise people of what their doing. Though majority of time it's not for constructive criticism. He's also very aware of the tropes that people can have in his world and uses them to describe a situation.


It's not an unfounded trait though. After losing everything in the idol scene, he has developed a desire for wanting to be noticed in the world again. He used to be a fun child that loved to play tricks on people. But though rare he still does from time to time with other people in good fun. It's a reminder of the good old days when he was with his old friend group in the idol biz.

Hikaru Hoshi

Fighting Render.png


  • SpeedStar
  • Otouto (By Ryujin)
  • Boss (By Parsec)
Profile Data


Japanese Novalian-Human

(Note: Novalians are humanoids formed from stars that have twin tails attached to the back of a neck like a scarf.)


Male (He/Him)




Height: 164.2 cm

Weight: 142 lb

Build: Endomorph

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair/Eye: Green

Skin: Light Pale (Normal) / Green-White (Novalian Form)

Distinguishing Marks

  • Forehead Goggles
  • Chest Camera (Parsec)
  • Lightning Body
  • Super Speed
  • Viralium Artes


  • Agility and Speed
  • Environmental Adaptation
  • Dual Wielding Swordplay 
  • Tenacity


  • Power Tether
  • Recklessness and Overconfident
  • Insecto/Arachnophobia
  • Glass Cannon


  • Novalian Sabers (Limb Blades)


Japanese Food, Sweets, Games, Anime, Art, Music, Theatre, Soccer, Collaborations, Streaming, Superheroes, Sushi, Tempura, Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, Karaage, Cheesecake, Butter, Chocolate Milk


Bitter Foods, Any form of insects, Spiders, Terrible Cooks (For the food they output), Lack of Attention when wanted, Strict General Military-Types



Lightning Body Transformation

Can transform into his Novalian form which basically turns him into an embodiment of lightning/stars. That's not to say you can't touch him since he's still a physical entity, but he can hurt you a lot. The body is somewhat malleable in transformation too since he can conjure sabers through his limbs.

Super Speed

A given for any Novalian or at least Novalian hybrid. He can attain great speeds when in his Novalian form.

Viralium Artes

These are skills that anyone in Hikaru's universe can use help stand them out. They are basically Artes in RPGs such as the Tales Of and Xenoblade series. While by themselves they aren't anything special, stringing them together in combos helps make the attacks stronger. Hikaru's case relies more on pressuring and rushdown and can be used in the air if need be. The amount of supporters dictate what moves can be used. Critical Time Moves are only usable once per fight and after use, the user can't use it again.

People in his world tend to have at max 20 of them, not him just yet.

  • Raining Stabs (A flurry of thrusts with both arms) (Start)
  • Cross-Point (An X-shaped slash) (50)
  • Jugglenaut (An upward slash that pushes a target in the air) (150)
  • Mirror Dance (A dancing move that attacks a target from both sides twice in perfect symmetry.) (250)
  • Rolling Meteor (A rolling attack that hurts the target multiple times. Think any spin dash-type move.) (500)
  • Galvanic Nova (Critical Time Move. It's a Criss-Cross Attack where after every hit is also a picture for the camera to act as a taunt. Ends with a meteor smash.)


Agility and Speed

True to his online name, he is a very fast and agile fighter. Being able to move on his feet and look good doing it may not be the most common trait, but he especially makes it work for adding style in his moves.

Environmental Adaptation

He can work well with any environment. While it does take time for him to get fully used to a current environment, he can get fairly quickly accustomed to it. Rocky terrain? Just use the cracked surfaces as jumping points. Surrounded by a hall? Wall jump to the top. Stuff like that.

Dual Wielding

He can fight with both hands armed to the teeth with his saber limbs. It can also apply to held weapons too since when it comes to combat, he is ambidextrous.


His stubborn to never give up in a fight leads him to be a tenacious opponent. He can pressure you with a chain of attacks and if they miss, can tire out his foes.


Power Tether

While Hikaru can be tremendously powerful as an entity of lightning, he's only this way if the masses support him at the given moment. While in the colosseum battles, that's where he'll shine best, he's helpless and relegated to base power unless someone is out there supporting in the cam.

Recklessness and Overconfident

Due to his cocky and his vanity seeking attitude, he can get too full of himself in a fight. This makes for room for the opponent to strike when Hikaru's not paying attention to the scene.


He HATES bugs and is mortally terrified of them. Especially moreso with spiders since a multitude of them bit him by a result of bullies from back in elementary school.

Glass Cannon

For as volatile as Hikaru can be, he's not really good with tanking hits. He can block sure, but he'll really feel levels of hurt when he isn't careful.

Development Reference

Round 1:

It's a showtime splash as Hikaru shows off in the field. He would easily earn some ire from the opponents declaring in the opening ceremony that he'll win and earns the ire of the other contestants, but proves in the first round he's not all talk. The masses wind up supporting him, but the other contestants hold doubts about him in the tournament.

Round 2:

Hikaru is questioned on why he is fighting for this tournament. He gets questioned in the next round about his fame being reunited by forced isn't any different from running away, but brushes it off as pain that's wanted to go away. While winning or losing with those doubts, he develops another sense of selflessness that lies beyond giving the people of the Regnum Caverns earning a place in life. That being to let them hone on being more considerate of what people think back in his world.

Round 3:

Hikaru decides to give up his wish for the sake of his big brother's. Simply because he realizes that his wishes, while he knows are selfish, are also just a sign of running away from his problems. So upon realizing this, he lets Ryujin take the wish should they win so that he can be able to connect his kingdom's people with the families they've been separated with. And it's a sign that states how far he's come. He'll earn the respect of the rest of the masses much like he has back in his time as captive of the Regnum Caverns in hard work.


  • His voice claim in both Japanese and English is Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX
  • If he had a licensed theme song, it'd be World's Love from Mi.
    • This is the song used in the Japanese opening for Shining Force EXA.
  • Yes, this is my sona OC. 
  • He's very much like typical streamers in the modern day. Playing games, doing artwork, sharing stories, much in the like when he's not doing field work.


(Art By Me)

Hikaru Ref.png

(Art By Me)


(Art By Me)

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Author's Notes

The reasoning for naming Hikaru Hoshi is simple. It's a translation for Shining Star and that's what Hikaru longs to be again.