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Pudelle Ellsgood


I swear, our daughter is like a wild tornado in a young girl’s body! Why just last week she scared off the son of that wealthy merchant from Taiko during our spaghetti banquet! It’s like she doesn’t even care about the potential repercussions!!!

-- [Pressatra Ellsgood]



Pudelle Rovington Ellsgood is a half-human half-rat girl from Pirate Port who’s known for her thievery, despite her being a part of an aristocratic family. Pudelle grew up to be much like her biological father, a rascally, rebellious, and thieving Pirate of a girl. She enjoys tinkering and making all manner of gadgets to terrorize her opponents, though they have a bad habit of blowing up due to their shoddy construction. She grew up believing she’d never find her soul-mate, until she came face to face with Theo. The pair are an almost inseparable duo, with a habit of falling into misadventures by complete accident or by Pudelle’s reckless sense of fun.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Pudelle is the daughter of the illustrious aristocrat, Pressatra Ellsgood, and the devilish pirate, Skumm Blackwitch. Though she was raised believing she was the daughter of Raloran (her mother’s fiancé at the time). She is nothing like Pressatra (save for her snarky attitude) or her “father”, which has lead them to try and train her to act more ladylike. Those attempts failed, as she has scared of every suitor her parents have thrown her way, disappointing her mother to no ends. She has a chip on her shoulder for Captain Skreech, as he killed her biological father right in front of her. She ended up giving him his comeuppance, by robbing him of his riches alongside Theo. It was Theo’s kindness and willingness to help her that made her fall in love with him.



Pudelle is a chaotic gremlin of a girl with a lively personality that’s almost too big for her 4’ body. She almost never runs out of energy, especially when battling alongside her friends. She is also quite a master of street-smart tactics, having lived most of her life as a mischievous thief and adventurer, she is no stranger to thinking up plans on the fly to save herself or her pals. Though, she can be a bit headstrong at times, leading her to make hasty and even reckless decisions.

Pudelle Ellsgood



Pudelle Putswallop

”Peg-Leg” Pudelle

“Bilge-Rat Girl!”

Profile Data


Hybrid (Half-Human / Half-Rat)






109lbs, 4’8”, Lithe

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Orange, Yellow, Pale

Distinguishing Marks

  • Rat Tail
  • False Leg
  • Scrap-Crafting
  • Thunder Cannon
  • Wildeboost Locket


Street-Smarts, Craftiness,  


Impulsiveness, Easy to Anger



  • Can-Grenades
  • Thunder Bazooka
  • Wrenchcalibur
  • Rat Dagger


Cheese-Apples, Stealing from the rich, Theo.


Wearing frilly dresses, her mother nagging her, and being mocked for her height.




Pudelle has a knack for making her own weapons from random bits, bobs and junk she has gathered from hers and Theo’s adventures. While most of her weapons can be described as “clunky”, most of them have proven to be rather useful tools in combat, especially when she tinkers on them with her Wrenchcalibur. The only downside is that her weapons have a bad habit of… EXPLODING.

Thunder Cannon

Pudelle has learned to harness a ton of her tech-y energy into one of her signature weapons, The Thunder Bazooka. The product of a giant Tesla coil, the old shell of a bazooka, and a ton of stolen Cyheln circuitry, Puds’ cannon is a powerful (albeit dangerous) weapon.  

Wildeboost Locket

A gift given to her by Theo on Valentine's Day, Pudelle’s locket allows her to use the same Wildeboosts as Theo, though she only has access to two per day.


Pudelle is really good at distracting enemies, and even getting on their nerves if it means giving an open for a friend. Though when push comes to shove, Pudelle can easily hold her own with her quick speed, and her ratty tech weapons. She’s also good with dismantling tech, or finding a weak spot in machinery.


Pudelle unfortunately has a bad habit of underestimating her enemies, which can give her enemies an opening to knock her unconscious. And while her scrap-tech is powerful, it’s highly unpredictable and can have dangerously volatile side-effects if her scrap-crafting is just a little off in execution. She can also go ballistic if she sees someone close to her, like Theo, in life-threatening danger.


  • If this was an animated series or radio show, I imagine Pudelle would be voiced by either Kimlinh Tran or Ashleigh Ball.
  • Pudelle has a Texan accent.
  • Pudelle has a deep-seated fear of snakes.
  • Pudelle was able to convince her parents that Theo is the son of a military soldier, which earned her father’s blessing (as he’s a part of the Symphony Navy).

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Author's Notes