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Yuri Sokoloff

If they say you die, you die.

-- [Yuri, before ripping a man in half under orders to do so]



Yuri Sokoloff is a Russian super-soldier born of the minds and efforts of the best Russian scientists and engineers. His mind is made to process and perform orders without question.

In the past he was a regular man, a single father, he worked in the military for a long time but retired early after being widowed to spend time with his son. Unfortunately, circumstances led him to a path of self-destruction and now his past self is barely alive anymore



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Yuri spent his whole childhood idolizing his father, who worked in the military, he spent his whole life wishing to be just like him, even as he got older and realized that serving his country was not what he thought of as a child. He was revered by his superiors for his quick thinking, excellent physique and flawless obedience, he never failed to perform his duties. Despite his near addiction to working and raising ranks he managed to get married and even have a kid named Mikhail. Unfortunately, after a few years of never talking to his wife she got in a car accident, Yuri was heartbroken, but he still had his son.


After this shocking even he decided he’d served his country enough, his efforts had been recognized enough and, despite being a bit young, he decided to retire and spend time with his son, he might go back to work sometime in the future. And so, years passed and he grew to love his son more than he’d ever loved his job. But once again, tragedy struck.


His son was about 6, Yuri had taken him to a park. He walked away from Mikhail for a second to buy both of them an ice cream, and when he looked back, his son wasn’t there, in his place was a white van speeding away. Yuri had never felt a surge of adrenaline such, he gave chase on foot, but despite his incredible physique, he eventually collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.


Years passed as he remained obsessed with finding that vehicle, but it didn’t seem to matter what he did, nothing led him anywhere. He asked favors from every one of his contacts in the military and government, large scale searches where made, his son’s disappearance became national news, but despite all that, all he gained was unwanted attention and pity.


Eventually the government began a very particular program, but they couldn’t find a candidate that was both suitable and willing, lucky for them Yuri was not going to say no to any help at all he could find. He signed every single document they gave him barely reading them, and accepted to basically relinquish his body and humanity to the government.


They spent years on various surgeries and injecting him with all sorts of drugs, Yuri endured in the false hope that they’d put even more resources into finding his son. After many years he was “complete”. Yuri Sokoloff, the perfect Russian soldier. The scientists had managed to nearly erase his every memory, his mind was left in a vegetative state and only certain areas where functioning, leaving him uncapable of disobeying orders. To keep him loyal they feed him suppressants as a way of keeping his mind asleep.


Today, Yuri is not aware of the life he used to live, or that his humanity was stolen.



Yuri is very laconic in both his speech and mannerisms, he never seems to do any more movements or speak more words than he needs. Yuri is quiet and reserved, he only speaks if spoken to or if he believes it is necessary to speak. He has a broad vocabulary, but his English is very crude and he sometimes makes mistakes.


He never displays any strong emotions, maybe he’ll get kind of happy when something nice happens or slightly annoyed when something bad does, but he never displays anything with too much passion.


He doesn’t have many opinions on many things (he is not allowed) but he finds the Russian government to be great, and if anything is even slightly different than in Russia he doesn’t like it a lot. Even though he lacks an opinion on most things, he dislikes it when people criticize the Russian government, although his only defense when he gets in an argument is “the Russian government always knows best” or variations of such (arguing with him is like talking to a wall).


His past self, before turning into a super-soldier, was a whole different person. He was extroverted and loud, he was fun, he made jokes and he had problems understanding personal space. He was always looking out for the people bellow him, be it his underlings while working in the military, people directly under his command or even simply random people.


Despite all the years he spent being a super-soldier and having his brain vegetative, sometimes you can see a faint glimmer of his past self slip through the thick shell he has become. Especially if he spends some time without memory suppressants.


Yuri Sokoloff



Profile Data


Human (barely)


He/Him, Male


Confidential (but over 16)

Height: 5m (16ft)

Weight: 835kg (1840lbs)

Build: bodybuilder level of muscle

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: White

Eye: Transparent light blue

Skin: #232b2b

Distinguishing Marks

  • Spikey hair
  • Oddly deep eyes


  • Superhuman strenght
  • Hyper resistant skin
  • Accuracy
  • Agility
  • Flexibility


Insane loyalty and determination


Has no autonomy and relies on orders.

His head (both physically and mentally)



  • Large metal spear
  • He prefers fireguns but for reasons of his story they're unavailable to him during the tournament


Following orders

His medicine



Ice cream

His son



Failing a mission



Traffic jams

Mean children




Superhuman Strength

He has passive super strength, many times greater than even the strongest human. He can lift many times his weight without much effort but he can lift more if he tries harder

He is very skilled at using his strength and weight to his advantage, being able to punch through concrete and cause severe damage even to armored vehicles such as tanks

With his strenght he has no trouble lifting his 1,5 ton spear.

Great agility and flexibility

Yuri has a great flexibility; the strength of his joints allows him to even dislocate many different bones without much trouble. His flexibility is on par with a professional gymnast. He is capable of jumping and climbing with great dexterity and incredible speed for someone of his size

Pain tolerance

Even if he suffers great damage, Yuri barely feels pain.

Physical resistance

Yuri’s body is built to be capable of resist and absorb as much damage as possible. His skin is similar to a bulletproof best, very good at stopping piercing damage. Small to medium caliber weapons can’t even damage his skin, higher caliber weapons can damage and penetrate his muscle.

Even if the skin is pierced, his muscle is incredibly resistant as well, shaped to protect his vital organs (which he has few since his body is very optimized and compact). Yuri’s bones are very resistant but also flexible enough to be very hard to break.

Despite all of the optimization he’s gone through, his head still remains to be a weak point. While it may be even more bulletproof tan the rest of his body, blunt damage can concuss the brain.

Improved survivavility

Yuri’s constitution and metabolism allow him to survive incredibly harrowing injuries which would otherwise prove fatal. He can survive extreme blood loss, organ failure, dangerous poisons (although if it’s a poison unknown to modern medicine it might be more effective) and even minor brain damage.

 If death is absolutely imminent his body goes into absolute shutdown and he enters a vegetative state until he is given assistance


Yuri can spend a month without any food of any kind. He is usually fed intravenously with supplements of vitamins and proteins (once a week). His body is very good at healing, however since he is very large it evens out so he heals just a little faster than a normal human.

Needless to say his body is one of his greatest strengths, he can absorb great amounts of damage as well as avoid danger thanks to his mobility.

One of Yuri’s strenghts is certainly his determination and loyalty (even if it’s for a bad cause). He is so incredibly loyal that it’s quite difficult to brainwash him, let alone convince him by talking to defy orders. Although if he spends some time without memory suppressants the task might become easier.


He completely lacks loyalty and autonomy, he can barely do anything unless directly told to do so. At least that is usually the case, but without memory suppressants he starts to slowly become a little more independent.

Physically and mentally speaking, his head is his biggest weakness. Despite being far more bulletproof that the rest of his body, it is way more susceptible to blunt force damage, making it easy to concuss him and cause him to lose balance. However, to make him lose consciousness it’ll take far more than just making him a little nauseous. To truly win against him it’d take strong damage to the joints and brain.

Despite his loyalty and determination to complete an objective, his brain is completely unprotected to mental attacks. Despite the memory suppressants, it might be possible to bring back faint memories from his past, which might confuse him enough to give you an opening and defeating him.


Progression during the story

During the tournament Yuri will begin recovering his memories and slightly changing his behaviour

These are all suggestions of how he will sort of behave, nothing too concrete or serious

Round 1

He will begin having faint blurry flashbacks of his past life, he might even hesitate to follow through with an order (but he will anyways). At this stage be might slightly question Boris or speak out of line (state his own opinion) but nothing too revelious. He will not tell Boris about the flashbacks


Round 2

He will have clearer visions of the past and will remember he had a son, he might even question Boris about who he was before being a soldier. At this point he might even talk back to Boris, act unpredictably or even avoid following an order by technically doing what he asked (grey area sort of thing) but overall, he still won't dissobey a direct order.


Round 3

He will fully regain his memories and question Boris about them. He will fully revel and claim that his wish upon winning will be to get his son back. Despite this, he no longer follows any sort of order given and might even attack Boris as revenge

clotheless.png militar clothes.png yuris moves.png
Naked Yuri :O Yuri on his casual clothes for missions Yuri Moving and fighting (with his usual coloring)



Yuri's general anatomy

Author's Notes

I only draw in black and white and so to paint Yuri I make all this lines all over his body, you don't need to do that if you want to draw him, you can just paint him black. This is just the way I do it, you don't need to do the same if you don't want to