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Nalagrom - Death's Apprentice


My Apprentice. I have given you all the power in the world for the express purpose of you never using it. Go forth and cause terror untold in my name.

-- Baladeth Tieren



ToThe putApprentice itof plainly,Death, simply, and...something else. Nalagromhe is a littlemystery gremlinwrapped bastardin whointrigue, enjoysdevilry, causingand peoplekiller miserydance onmoves. He has not been a part of The Dark Lord's army for very long but he has already made waves in his ownhomeland, terms.having Abeen badthe guy,collapse of entire nations with nothing but a villain,carton of eggs and athe prankster,better hepart isof herean to ruin your day and not feel bad about it.afternoon.


He'sNone alsohave aseen veryhis goodface, dancer.but Shouldmany youhave beheard interested.his name. 

But recently, people seem to have forgotten.


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Not much is known about TheNalagrom's Apprentice.past before adolescence. He had simply arrivedbarged oneinto daythe entrance exams of the College of Necromancy and demanded to the fanfare of a chorus of undead having been claimed by The King of The Hollow Crown. He serves his dark master by doing his bidding acrossfight the country,school's spreading terror and fear through blights he has inflicted that none would see coming. Few know the terror of him, but all know his work on the world.headmaster.


SomeIt saywent theyabout mightas well as to be ableexpected.


A doctorate in pyromancy and a minor in dance later he swiftly became Baladeth's top agent of chaos, working with him on a dark crusade to finddestroy himevery workingkingdom atin the college of necromancy, but none have survivedrealm to tella thesurprising tale.portfolio.


Now he's inflicting his presence on The Crossroads for reasons known only to him.



ToNalagrom's putpersonality itshifts plainly,depending Nalagromon isthe ascenario littlehe gremlinfinds bastardhimself that likes to cause trouble and piss people When he's goton a horribleperformance littlehe schemeis flashy, bombastic, and reveling in the utter terror he is causing. It's his head he'll run around making like terrible for everyone, saving no one,world and makingeveryone lifeelse allis aroundjust hell for the peopleliving in


It'sThen whatyou hefind do.him off stage to meet a horrid little bastard who loves to stir the pot, pick fights, and sometimes just straight up commit a crime to piss off the nearest authority.


PastThen that, however, if you manage to just sit and have a conversation with himwhen he's relativelyfeeling Hehaving mightfun behe workingbecomes fora vile little cat, causing mischief and woe upon the villains,land he might even beto a dick, but he's not unreasonable. Y'all just gotta learn how to walk to the beatchorus of hischeering drum.ghosts.


It'Depending on who you talk to he can come off as the most confident man, or the prissiest of diva's, a true villain, or a wretched little gremlin.


He is a man of many faces, but ultimately he's hisa worldman y'allwho justknows livingwhat init's to be at rock bottom.


He does not care about your backstory though. He's here to win and will absolutely throw hands regardless of foe.




Summer Leagues Nalagrom Ref 1.png


Death's Apprentice


Profile Data








180 lbs/5'6"/Lithe

B/W/H Size

Slaps you

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • Red Eyes
  • Sharp Teeth
  • Deathsight
  • Pyromancy
  • Dance-o-mancy
  • Heat immunity






Punch to the gut

Tough Crowds





  • Obsidian Pearl



Getting High


Picking fights




Small talk





Nalagrom is a necromancer bymostly trade,in thoughname insteadonly. He is capable of talking to and summoning skeletonsthe dead, but it usually has to be fire related in some manner. Not that Nalagrom was a traditional caster, anyway. His usage of magic can usually be boiled down into two vastly different categories:

Casting by Glyph or drainingCasting lifeby essenceDancing

When using Glyph's Nalagrom has a handful of pre-prepared spells that he justkeeps straighton uphis person. The upper limits of his strength haven't been fully seen, but he uses them to deadly effect. From manifesting explosions to breathing fire and flight, Nalagrom finds himself to be very versatile with a wide range of spells usually limited only by his creativity. When he is casting his eyes glow a deep red color.

When he is using glyphs he can channel magic through the souls of the deadrecently deceased, the undead, or his very soul. When using his soul, however, he drains his own life-force by forcing himself into the afterlife. So if a fight breaks out Nalagrom will become much more brutal with his tactics to burnend a fight as quickly as possible. 

When dancing Nalagrom is calling out to the crap out of whatever'soul's in front of him. He's quite skilled at it too, having been trained by an elemental god for over fifteen years.

His spells generate their energy by taking the souls of the dead nearfor him,them seento orlend unseen,him their strength. What that means for the undead and usingany themambient asdead the area is that they can allow him usage of their souls to generate a continuous spell. The more dead around him the more powerful the spells. This also applies to undead, be it ghosts, skeletons, zombies, etc. 

He is capable of using his own soul as a fuel source, but this is dangerous and will only work for around 3-5 minutes. After that he dies.


Nalagrom is capable of tapping into magic itself via something he calls dance-o-mancy. With the helpnature of the deadspell generatingdepends energyon the style of dance Nalagrom is taking, and when he createsdoes spellsthis the dead begin to play music that follow a song that only he can hearbe (othersheard canas hearthe ifdance theycontinues.


The reachlimitations intoof his mind.) This is by far his most powerfulthis form of casting butare comesunknown as it seems to be solely tied to how the dead are feeling at thethat drawbackmoment in time. Which means that sometimes it will be of needinga significantpower chargeto be written down in legend, or 'they just won't be feeling it' that day and nothing will happen but embarrassment. However it does take time to pullcharge anythingup, useful.
So Nalagrom can be pummeled before he gets going.

OnceIf ithe gets started,going, though, itthere hasare tovery befew metthings withthat equalcan forcestop to stop. It is best to be careful.him.


If Immunity


Nalagrom is immune to all forms of heat, seeing as how he is constantly generating fire. It is a boon granted tosee him by his god, Baladeth. It is something that he uses frequently too, making areas uninhabitable throughusing the sheerobsidian forcepearl, of the fire he has generated.


Underneath a lot of the layers of idiocy, bullcrap, and utter nonsense, Nalagrom is fiercly intelligent. He often uses the guise of a strategist,buffoon incrediblyto patient,let people underestimate him, but this allows him to approach things from the outside at a different perspective. 

He is frighteningly patient and morededicated thanwhen willinghe gets an idea. As an example: he once meticulously sawed through three hundred ladders in a single night to stickemphasize throughhow problematic a war would be with wood shortages in sight.

The unfortunate part is that his idiot schemes usually work. 

He's also confident to the endpoint ifwhere he findswill angenuinely avenue of agitation that he thinks is hilarious. He is creative with his usage of fire, having learned the secrets of it via his boss, and weaponizes underestimation. As an opponent you should expect him to have already scoped out his competition and come up with an idea of how to make their lives as miserable as possible forbelieve his own enjoyment.
hype, and often times makes it through on sheer audacity alone.

He will cheat, he will fight dirty, he will resort to any underhanded tactic to win, and he will be merciless.


 Nalagrom hasis somenot chinksthe intype hisof armorperson to punch down. He is bound by a rule that Baladeth set to never escalate a fight. As such he meets force with force, and if you're better than him then you simply win. It's an unfortunate handicap that causes him to lose much smaller stake fights quite frequently.

He is also confident to the point that he tries to hide. The first being thatthinks he will neverwin punchany downchallenge withput forcein front of him, despite the fact that most confrontations can be ended if someone stops caring about his opponenttheatrics can'tand fightsimply backsocks against.him Hein wantsthe togut. proveMost beyondof his spells have a shadowcharge ofup atime, doubtor are very obviously being cast, that heif is the best. So he will meet his foes on their ground. Heyou can alsoget beyour moved by the affections of pretty women, it is something that can lead to him being easily duped. Orbearings you can just straight up bribebully him withby somethingbeing that'll make him high.bigger.

Otherwise to defeat him you usually need to let him power himself out. 3-5 minutes and he'll become helpless, or if he is charging himself up a quick suckerpunch to the gut will usually set him straight. Nalagrom's strategies usually work out to "Just keep them baffled until you're charged" And then attacking. Disregarding his showmanship is usually his greatest weakness.

He's agile, but not actuallyvery thatstrong complex,or hardy. He'll fight to avoid, dance to be away, if you get close he will do everything he can to get away.

He will also turn tail and run the moment he's just a dick.lost.

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Author's Notes

Nalagrom may be a bastarde, but I try not to be. I am an open book and perfectly willing to spill all the tea for my opponents. I wish you all luck in the audition, hope I can get in too!