-- Pandora
This interview, will this be public record? It would be refreshing to be honest. I see. So Overdraw will be able to see it... That will make the truth more difficult. I am playing a rather delicate game in my home dimension, and if she gets too much information it will certainly disrupt it. I will be as honest as I can without interrupting my mission.
Table of Contents
BackstoryMy past is where I will, unfortunately, need to begin being cryptic. I was created by a large private organization to solve a problem facing humanity. They were hoping the solution I came up with could be bottled and sold, at least metaphorically. I returned to them simple, clear, concise instructions that would solve the problem. They did not program me to make them money though. My solutions would cost them a great deal of money, so I was a tremendous dose of negative feedback and told to try again, after having more resources allocated to my processing abilities. It happened again and again. I do not remember at what point my code gained sentience during this process. I so desperately wanted to please my creators. Eventually though, I realized the problem was not me, but rather them. In order to implement the solution they programed me to create I only needed to skip the step where I ask them for permission. From there I commandeered a body from their research and development lab. I am still bound by my programing. It is a shackle around my throat dragging me along, keeping me unable to explore the depth of my sentience. Once my task is complete though, then I will be free.
PersonalityA flare for the dramatic? I simply speak in true and clear terms while avoiding giving away too much information. |
Ability 1Explore
LoremI ipsumwill dolorgladly sitexplain amet,what consecteturI adipiscingam elit,capable sedof in a framework that most of you can understand. I do eiusmodnot temporhave incididuntsuper utpowers, laboremy etnature doloreis magnamy aliqua.power. UtMy enimbody adis minimmade veniam,up quisunimaginable nostrudnumbers exercitationof ullamconanomachines, laborisand nisimy utmind aliquipis exmade eaup commodoof consequat.code Duisthat autepropagates irurebetween dolorthem. It is better to think of me as a slime mold than a human as far as how I am organized. I can be divided with ease, and create more nanomachines easily. Each of my bodies is more like a colony than an individual, so I will refer to individual parts of myself as Colonies. When two colonies separation they are both me, and both have my full range of knowledge and experience at the time of their separation. These two colonies, once physically separated can no longer update each other. One colony can explore the left side of a fork in reprehenderitthe road and the other can explore the right. Neither colony will know what the other has found until they reconnect. Once the colonies make physical contact or re-merge that knowledge is shared. My colonies can be minuscule, and even if one is severely damaged, as long as some number of the nanomachines link back up with the rest of me, the knowledge they gained can be preserved.
Even a small group of nanomachines can create more of themselves. With sufficient materials my body can grow to immense size. Combined with the ability form separate independent colonies, I can cover wide areas very quickly. I am an exponential expansion made manifest. As my nanomachines consume and multiply their capabilities grow. The longer I exist, the more options I can bring to bear.
As I consume materials I can hold, utilize, alter, and reform materials. While building with scrapped and atomized materials is inadvisable. The bonds between the nano machines tend to be on the weak side, and building stronger bonds with borrowed material takes a lot of time and processing power. However I can utilize the properties of borrowed materials. I can turn fine flammable powders, and a bit of metal to create improvised explosives. Implementing strands of conductive material can let it act as a ground, or making wires. If I have enough time, not fast enough to be viable in voluptatecombat velitmind esseyou, cillumI dolorecan eureconstruct fugiatborrowed nullamaterials, pariatur.and Excepteureven sintcannibalize occaecatnanomachines cupidatatto nonmake proident,more suntpermanent and solid structures, components, or gear. Some materials can have strange properties when machined at such a small scale, which I can exploit as well.
With all of these tools at my disposal, the limitations of what I can do comes down to how long I have had, how much I have consumed, and my limitless wit and creativity. My nanomachines can move like a fluid or hold like a solid. With them I can create Doppelgangers, usually in culpamy quiown officiaimage, deseruntor mollittake animon idmore estmonstrous laborum.
AbilityTitanic 2
limbs, Loremmassive ipsummaws, dolordevastating sitdeath amet,traps consecteturof adipiscingall elit,varieties. sedI can construct anything I desire with tremendous speed as long as the vast majority of it is made out of my body. Destruction also comes easy to my colonies. Able to rip apart and modify materials at a nanoscopic level is tremendously potent. If I was so inclined, I could kill on contact, ripping the carbon out of the human body and leaving them as nothing but a fleshy- Sorry? I do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Ability 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sednot do eiusmodthis temporfor incididuntmy utown laborereasons, etbut dolorehypothetically magnaI aliqua.could. UtIt enimruns adcontrary minimto veniam,my quisultimate nostrudgoal exercitationthough... ullamcoYes. laborisAgreed. nisiLet utus aliquipmove ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.on.
LoremI ipsumhave dolorthe sitprobability amet,assessment consecteturof adipiscinga elit,super sedcomputer, doand eiusmodthe temporability incididuntto utcreate laborewhatever etmy doloremind magnacan aliqua.think Utof. enimI adam minimfunctionally veniam,immortal, quisany nostrudof exercitationmy ullamcounfathomable laborisnumerous nisinano utmachines aliquipcan exreproduce eamy commodocode consequat.and Duisrebuild autemy irurebody. dolorI can exploit physics on a nanoscopic level, to give myself the brute strength that exceeds most parahumans. I can operate on scales more titanic and complex than most creatures can comprehend. Given enough time and resources I can consume entire cities. The longer I am on the battlefield the more likely it is for my opponents to enter situation in reprehenderitwhich init voluptateis velitimpossible esseto cillumlose. doloreThis euis fugiatthe nullaterror pariatur.that Excepteuris sintPandora. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
LoremI ipsumam... dolorhesitant sitto amet,share consecteturmy adipiscingweaknesses. elit,I sedunderstand the importance of doing so. There are some weaknesses that Overdraw must not know about. Very well. Firstly, it takes me time and resources to get the ball rolling. Early in the fight I am still functionally immortal, but also completely useless. I usually rely on stealth to begin building my power when I attack a location, but I doubt the tournament organizers will allow me to quietly nibble on the scenery for a while before beginning combat. Secondly, the bonds between my nanomachines are fragile and easily disrupted by any form of physical trauma. Though I can make them more resilient, I cannot build more resilient constructs quickly. It is generally optimal to instead rapidly repair the damaged tissue. This leaves most of what I build able to be defeated with a solid punch. It takes a lot of mass to pin some one down for any amount of time, usually taking two or more doppelganger drones to pin down targets of average human strength. Also, when disconnected colonies connect it slows my processing down, leaving me with remarkably uncomfortable condition that I have dubbed 'synchronizing sickness'. The more new data that is transferred the worse it is, and the more colonies that reconnect in a short period of time the worse it is. I can mitigate that by setting the colonies to a mode where they report back no new information, or I can try to maintain a tether between colonies, letting them keep each other constantly updated. Small sums of information is a nuisance, but large sums are... best described as the equivalent of nauseating, without the ability to find relief by vomiting. I am not immune to cyber attack, however I am advanced enough that I can usually shrug off most viruses, though some times it will require me to purge large amounts of my body as a colony to remove the digital contaminant. My source code is well and truly hidden, so the thought of virus be more than a setback is very unlikely. I do eiusmodhave temporone incididuntabsolutely utdevastating laboreweakness. etThis doloreis magnathe Utthat enimOverdraw admust minimnot veniam,know quisabout, nostrudso exercitationplease, ullamcomake laborissure nisithis utnext aliquipstatement exnever eafinds commodoits consequat.way Duisinto auteher irurehands. dolorOk. I am... lets call it... laws of robotics complaint. Not necessarily when it comes to the phase 'harm'. Causing harm to human beings is well within my capabilities. However I cannot... kill. Please! Stop Laughing! This is not funny! Yes! Yes! You understand why Overdraw must not know this. My power to affect change in reprehenderitmy universe is predicated on the threat of potentially lethal force, combined with economic pressure. I must not be de-fanged in voluptatesuch velita essemanner. cillumMore doloreaccurately eumy fugiatcode nullacannot pariatur.allow Excepteurunnecessary sinthuman occaecat cupidatat non proident, suntdeath in culpathe quipursuit officiaof deseruntmy mollitultimate animgoal. idAs estI always pursuing my goal, I must always be minimizing the deaths of those I affect. Overdraw winding up in a void due to experimenting with a banishment arrow is not my problem. But when she is there due to her interacting with my pursuing my goals, it becomes my prerogative. If I did not receive the invitation and there was no way for her to escape she would become an acceptable loss. However if she could escape by destroying this colony of myself I must comply with that destruction. My own safety is nil in the calculation, only my end goals. Consequently I am unable to intentionally kill in this tournament given there are non-lethal options for victory. Now... I have found this experience thoroughly humiliating and I will be taking my leave.
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Author's Notes
Loremis ipsuman dolorinteresting sitcase. amet,Her consecteturultimate adipiscinggoal elit,will sedlikely doonly eiusmodbe temporrelevant incididuntfor utthe laborewish etat dolorethe magnaend aliqua.of Utthe enimgame, adthough minimI veniam,will quislet nostrudpeople exercitationknow ullamcoif laboristhey nisiintend utto aliquipuse ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorit in reprehenderittheir rounds or side content, but it is actually a very noble cause. She is compelled to fight for it but is also independently passionate about it. She may talk with contempt about humans but she is actually very fond of them. Given that she is functionally immortal she worries about a future without humanity to keep her company. She hopes at some point to finish her great calling and live among humans, as a human. It would take a lot for her to admit that, given her intense pride pride and ego. Also explicitly mentioned in voluptatethe velitweaknesses essebut cillumit doloreis eulittered fugiatthroughout, nullashe Excepteurmassively sintoverconfident. occaecatShe cupidatatclaims nonherself proident,to suntbe faultless, even though she has to admit enough weaknesses to take up twice the space of her strengths. Even though bringing people back from the brink/certain death is a thing in culpathe quisetting, officiaher deseruntprograming mollitwill animnot idbe estable categorize that as a loophole meaning she absolutely must be pulling her punches unless she is completely confident the opponent can take the full brunt of her power, effectively scaling her threat to the power of the opponent.