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LoremNot ipsuma dolormachine, sitbut amet,certainly consectetura adipiscingconstruct! elit,What seda dofascinating eiusmodfailure temporof incididunta ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...being!

-- [QuoteLens, source]Machine



[DescribeA yourgod characterof briefly.]cycles, Loremtorn ipsumfrom dolorhis sitpantheon amet,and consecteturnearly adipiscingkilled elit,because sedof doit, eiusmodhe's temporbeen incididuntexperiencing utexistence laboreas eta doloremortal, magnawith aliqua.only Utthe enimfaintest adspark minimof veniam,his quisdivinity nostrudleft. exercitationHe ullamcoknows laboristhat nisispark utcan aliquipbe exreignited, eabut commodohis consequat.priorities Duishave autebeen irurechanging, dolorand inhe reprehenderitjust inthinks voluptatedifferently velitnow. esseThe cillumspark dolorefully eudying fugiat(to nullahis pariatur.knowledge) Excepteurwould sintkill occaecathim, cupidatatinstead nonof proident,turning sunthim inmundane culpalike quiother officiasupernatural deseruntcreatures mollitfrom animhis id est laborum.homeworld.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



LoremLong ipsumago, dolorwhen sitdragons amet,still consecteturflew adipiscingthe elit,skies sedand doprowled eiusmodthe tempordepths, incididuntthere utwas laborea etterrible dolorewar magnabetween aliqua.the Utraces enimof adman minimand veniam,the quisvery nostrudland exercitationitself. ullamcoDragons, laboristhought nisito utbe aliquipthe exwill eaof commodothe Duismanifest, auterevolted irureagainst dolorman, who had begun using magic in reprehenderitexcess. Though it ravaged the world, man triumphed after an impossibly long, thousand-year struggle (or so the tales go), and in voluptatethe velitprocess essedestroyed cillummost doloreof euthe fugiatdragons. nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


AtAztachronopilas verowas eosa etgod accusamusof etthe iustoend odioof dignissimosthings. ducimus,End quiof blanditiisseasons, praesentiumof voluptatumwars, delenitiof atquereigns, corrupti,of quoslives. doloresHe etneeded quasreverence molestiasto excepturisustain sint,himself, obcaecatiand cupiditateunhappy nonfaithful provident,cease similiquebeing suntfaithful, for various reasons. They're all attached to living, and fear death, so those two aspects were common and easy enough to address. While he couldn't edge out other gods entirely (he'd have to take their roles and he had enough to handle) he could at least make his an easy faith to follow.


Unfortunately, eventually his lore warped him into a god of death, and the aforementioned great conflict tore the world where he was worshipped asunder. The rebuilding efforts weren't able to salvage much of the Old Cultures, leaving what little lore was left being intentionally disregarded as the people of the world chose to embrace life and new beginnings. 


Azta was of course entirely displeased with this turn of events. Part of his domain had initially included rebirth and new beginnings after endings, but having been relegated to a death god, he lost any sort of sway amongst the pantheon he belonged to, and faded into powerless obscurity. His followers dwindled until there was nothing more than a scholarly family left that had uncovered a shred of the Old Cultures, finding an old tablet depicting Azta as his original self. This family has carried this knowledge through several generations, keeping a small shrine secreted away in culpa,their quimanor, officiamaking deseruntsure mollitiato animi,maintain idtheir estsocial laborumstatus etand dolorumnot Etseen harumas quideminsane rerumcultists. facilis




After distinctio.more Namexpeditions liberoand tempore,research, cumthe solutafamily nobiscame estacross eligendimore optio,ancient cumquedocuments nihilfrom impedit,the quoOld minusCultures, id,their quodline maximecarrying placeat,the facere'truth' possimus,with omnisthem voluptasthrough assumendagenerations est,afterwards. omnisEventually, dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic teneturanswering a sapientedesperate delectus,wish utfrom autone reiciendisof voluptatibushis maioresonly aliaskeepers, consequaturhe autmanifested perferendisphysically, doloribusand asperioreshas repellat…absolutely no idea what he's doing as a mortal.



LoremDespite ipsumhis dolorpermanently sitsnarky, amet,grumpy consecteturexterior, adipiscingAzta elit,struggles sedwith dohis eiusmodsmall temporscope incididuntpretty utheavily. laboreHe etdescribes doloreit magnalike aliqua.looking Utat eniman adeclipse minimthrough veniam,a quispinhole. nostrudHis exercitationcondescending ullamcovibe laborisand nisiintentionally utobnoxious aliquipspeech expattern ea(a commodorough consequat.approximation Duisof auteEarly irureModern dolorEnglish) often wind up being a front for having to process an eternity of tattered memory and newfound mortal emotions destabilizing him mentally at lightspeed. Emotion and doubt and all the other fun mortal experiences are something he feels he'll never adjust to. His memory crumbling away and having to rely on Kiri's family's records to even "prove" he is who he says he is a huge source of anxiety.


He finds it difficult to not be honest in reprehenderitconversations, inwhite voluptatelies velitabout essehis cillumemotional dolorestate euusually fugiatpretty nullaobviously pariatur.false, Excepteurpart sintof occaecathim cupidatatalways noncompassionate, proident,even suntif inhe culpadidn't quifeel officiaemotion deseruntas mollita animdeity. idAs esta laborum.keeper of fate/time/death/birth/hope/tragedy, he has knowledge beyond mortal understanding, and part of his downfall was because he was a very chill guy. He tried to make sure mortals couldn't even come close to true understanding of his domain, because it would be too much for a life so brief. He worked through his followers to make life something worth celebration and death somber but not something to fear. Unfortunately, other members of his pantheon and the mortals opposed to his followers knew Peace Was Bad For Business, so they set up a string of events to destroy him a la 4D chess and the worst cosmic smear campaign.


Kiri is a source of comfort for him, though he can't tell if it's a genuine connection or simply self-preservation.



[entry]Azta, Forgotten

Profile Data




[entry/entry/entry]He/him, unsure of the rest; he hasn't given it thought]


[entry]As a mortal, 5; as a metaphysical concept that's existed since the dawn of time, uhh, that old]



B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

[entry/entry/entry]Black sclera with red rings for irises, 'skin' is a charcoal color with bright orange cracks]

Distinguishing Marks

  • [entryBiomechanical 1]shell]
  • [entryArtificial 2]magma motif]
  • [entryDivine 1]Magic]
  • [entryMental 2]Link]





[Constant Existential Crisis]



  • [entry 1]
  • [entry 2]Claws/Fists/Leggy]





[Link to Creator's sheet]



AbilityDivine 1Domain

LoremAzta's ipsummagic dolorpertains sitto amet,his consecteturold adipiscingpurview elit,as seda dodeity, eiusmodbeing temporcycles, incididuntbroadly. utA laboremore etconcise dolorelist magnais aliqua.fate, Uttime, enimdeath, adrebirth, minimhope, veniam,and quistragedy, nostrudand exercitationthe ullamcopowers-what-be laborisof nisihis utsetting aliquipallow exfor eacreative commodousage consequat.of Duismagic auteas irurelong doloras it's justifiably 'on theme.' Usually this involves a lot of fire, as a simple representation of something transformative and both beneficial and destructive. (Wizards are pretty pretentious in reprehenderithis in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.homeworld.)

AbilityLarge 2Lad

LoremHis ipsumphysical dolorform sitis amet,a consecteturdirect adipiscingmanifestation elit,of sedKiri's doimagination, eiusmodand temporas incididuntsuch, utis laboremildly etmalleable. doloreUsually magnathis aliqua.just Uttranslates enimto adbecoming minimtaller veniam,for quisintimidation nostrudpurposes, exercitationor ullamcowhen laborismuscle nisior utbulk aliquipis ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.needed.

AbilityLinked 3Communication

LoremKiri ipsumand dolorAzta sitare amet,linked consecteturmentally adipiscingby elit,their sedcleric-deity dorelationship, eiusmodallowing temporfor incididuntcommunication utat laborethe etspeed doloreof magnathought, aliqua.emotion Utand enimmemory adsharing, minimand veniam,location quistracking nostrudvia exercitationa ullamcosort laborisof nisimental utcompass. aliquipAzta extakes eagreat commodocare Duisnot auteshare iruretoo dolormuch inwith reprehenderitKiri, infully voluptatebelieving velitthat essemortals cillumshouldn't doloreexperience eumost fugiatof nullawhat pariatur.he Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.understands.


LoremBuilt ipsumlike dolora sitbrick amet,shithouse, consecteturindestructible adipiscingas elit,long sedas doKiri eiusmodkeeps tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorfaith in reprehenderithim in(indestructible voluptatedoes velitnot essemean cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.invulnerable)


LoremHis ipsummagic doloris sitlimited amet,by consecteturhaving adipiscingalmost elit,no sedfollowers, doso eiusmodbetween temporthat incididuntand uthaving laboreto etadjust doloreto magnaexisting Uta enimmortal, adhe's minimawkwardly veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorinept in reprehenderitfights, inopting voluptateto velitsupport esseKiri, cillumand dolorethe euinadequacy fugiatfeeds nullahis pariatur.anxiety Excepteurpretty sintheavily. occaecatAlso cupidatatnot nonused proident,to suntconversation inwith culpapeople, quihe officiaprefers deseruntKiri mollithandle animsocial idinteractions, estall laborum.of his snark and grump replaced with a clunky nervousness. 

SL2_placehold_image_04.pngazta.png SL2_placehold_image_04.pngaztadeus.png SL2_placehold_image_04.png
[itemAzta description]Sketch!] [itemOverdesigned description]Azta Sketch!] [item description]

Author's Notes

LoremPlease ipsummessage dolorme siton amet,discord consecteturif adipiscingthere's elit,any sedquestions! doI'm eiusmodterrible temporat incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.sheets!