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Not a machine, but certainly a construct! What a fascinating failure of a being!

-- Lens, Machine



A god of cycles, torn from his pantheon and nearly killed because of it, he's been experiencing existence as a mortal, with only the faintest spark of his divinity left. He knows that spark can be reignited, but his priorities have been changing, and he just thinks differently now. The spark fully dying (to his knowledge) would kill him, instead of turning him mundane like other supernatural creatures from his homeworld.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Long ago, when dragons still flew the skies and prowled the depths, there was a terrible war between the races of man and the very land itself. Dragons, thought to be the will of the land manifest, revolted against man, who had begun using magic in excess. Though it ravaged the world, man triumphed after an impossibly long, thousand-year struggle (or so the tales go), and in the process destroyed most of the dragons. 


Aztachronopilas was a god of the end of things. End of seasons, of wars, of reigns, of lives. He needed reverence to sustain himself, and unhappy faithful cease being faithful, for various reasons. They're all attached to living, and fear death, so those two aspects were common and easy enough to address. While he couldn't edge out other gods entirely (he'd have to take their roles and he had enough to handle) he could at least make his an easy faith to follow.


Unfortunately, eventually his lore warped him into a god of death, and the aforementioned great conflict tore the world where he was worshipped asunder. The rebuilding efforts weren't able to salvage much of the Old Cultures, leaving what little lore was left being intentionally disregarded as the people of the world chose to embrace life and new beginnings. 


Azta was of course entirely displeased with this turn of events. Part of his domain had initially included rebirth and new beginnings after endings, but having been relegated to a death god, he lost any sort of sway amongst the pantheon he belonged to, and faded into powerless obscurity. His followers dwindled until there was nothing more than a scholarly family left that had uncovered a shred of the Old Cultures, finding an old tablet depicting Azta as his original self. This family has carried this knowledge through several generations, keeping a small shrine secreted away in their manor, making sure to maintain their social status and not be seen as insane cultists. 


After more expeditions and research, the family came across more ancient documents from the Old Cultures, their line carrying the 'truth' with them through generations afterwards. Eventually, answering a desperate wish from one of his only keepers, he manifested physically, and has absolutely no idea what he's doing as a mortal.



Despite his permanently snarky, grumpy exterior, Azta struggles with his small scope pretty heavily. He describes it like looking at an eclipse through a pinhole. His condescending vibe and intentionally obnoxious speech pattern (a rough approximation of Early Modern English) often wind up being a front for having to process an eternity of tattered memory and newfound mortal emotions destabilizing him mentally at lightspeed. Emotion and doubt and all the other fun mortal experiences are something he feels he'll never adjust to. His memory crumbling away and having to rely on Kiri's family's records to even "prove" he is who he says he is a huge source of anxiety.


He finds it difficult to not be honest in conversations, white lies about his emotional state usually pretty obviously false, part of him always compassionate, even if he didn't feel emotion as a deity. As a keeper of fate/time/death/birth/hope/tragedy, he has knowledge beyond mortal understanding, and part of his downfall was because he was a very chill guy. He tried to make sure mortals couldn't even come close to true understanding of his domain, because it would be too much for a life so brief. He worked through his followers to make life something worth celebration and death somber but not something to fear. Unfortunately, other members of his pantheon and the mortals opposed to his followers knew Peace Was Bad For Business, so they set up a string of events to destroy him a la 4D chess and the worst cosmic smear campaign.


Kiri is a source of comfort for him, though he can't tell if it's a genuine connection or simply self-preservation.



Azta, Forgotten

Profile Data




[He/him, unsure of the rest; he hasn't given it thought]


[As a mortal, 5; as a metaphysical concept that's existed since the dawn of time, uhh, that old]



Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

[Black sclera with red rings for irises, 'skin' is a charcoal color with bright orange cracks]

Distinguishing Marks

  • [Biomechanical shell]
  • [Artificial magma motif]
  • [Divine Magic]
  • [Mental Link]





[Constant Existential Crisis]



  • [Claws/Fists/Leggy]







Divine Domain

Azta's magic pertains to his old purview as a deity, being cycles, broadly. A more concise list is fate, time, death, rebirth, hope, and tragedy, and the powers-what-be of his setting allow for creative usage of magic as long as it's justifiably 'on theme.' Usually this involves a lot of fire, as a simple representation of something transformative and both beneficial and destructive. (Wizards are pretty pretentious in his homeworld.)

Large Lad

His physical form is a direct manifestation of Kiri's imagination, and as such, is mildly malleable. Usually this just translates to becoming taller for intimidation purposes, or when muscle or bulk is needed.

Linked Communication

Kiri and Azta are linked mentally by their cleric-deity relationship, allowing for communication at the speed of thought, emotion and memory sharing, and location tracking via a sort of mental compass. Azta takes great care to not share too much with Kiri, fully believing that mortals shouldn't experience most of what he understands.


Built like a brick shithouse, indestructible as long as Kiri keeps faith in him (indestructible does not mean invulnerable)


His magic is limited by having almost no followers, so between that and having to adjust to existing as a mortal, he's awkwardly inept in fights, opting to support Kiri, and the inadequacy feeds his anxiety pretty heavily. Also not used to conversation with people, he prefers Kiri handle social interactions, all of his snark and grump replaced with a clunky nervousness. 

azta.png aztadeus.png
[Azta Sketch!] [Overdesigned Azta Sketch!]

Author's Notes

Please message me on discord if there's any questions! I'm terrible at sheets!