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Corrin Anna Rose Morgan


We have a saying back in Gaelia, "Some run and hide, pitying and wailing for themselves, Others with grim fatalism say, 'Death or Glory' but evil, terror and darkness rout with triumphant shout, 'Victoria et Gloria!'- ...Victory AND Glory!"

"However history remembers me, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth."

--Corrin A. R. Morgan



[Describe your character briefly.] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Born in 1870 to a peasant family, Corrin grew up in a loving home and had a relatively normal childhood until she was    


Corrin, upon first glance, is an introverted, if somewhat, shy woman; she may even appear cold and aloof, appearing like an isolated, cold lone wolf. However, beneath this first impression of her, lies a deeply caring and sensitive woman, acutely perceptive to other people and their needs. Once you've won her trust, she'll wear heart on her sleeve as much as an introvert can and you've gained a loyal, compassionate, witty and pragmatic friend.

Corrin Anna Rose Morgan


Aliases - Corrin, 2nd Lieutenant Corrin A.R. Morgan, Nadezhda Durova, Untoten Wilhelm, The Pale Rider, Blue Riding Hood

Nicknames - Corri, Cor, Anna, Rosie, Elote, Elotitos

Profile Data






23-24 years old


Weight: 121 Ibs. or 55 Kg 
Height: 5'8" or 170 cm 
Build: Slender, Toned, Hourglass

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: Snow White
Eye: Emerald Green
Skin: Fair, almost Pale  

Distinguishing Marks

  • Well healed, nearly completely faded scars, A small scar on her lower left cheek and a scar on her left eyelid.
  • Enrapturing Emerald Green eyes that seem to glow; either when light hits her eyes just right, in the moonlight or sometimes just on their own.
  • Long, flowing white hair usually wrapped into a high bun or ponytail with two bangs, one each, on both sides of her face and a lock of hair sticking out from beneath her shakos. 
  • Time Manipulation
  • Master Swordsmanship 
  • Observation & Deductions 
  • Horsemanship/ Cavalier 
  • Decent Marksmanship 
  • Devotion 
  • Artifice/Trickery 


  • Can Manipulate Time itself to her will.
  • Keenly Observant 
  • Charmingly Kind 
  • Tenacious 
  • Well Rounded Soldier


  • Merely Human (Glass Cannon) 
  • Momentary Usage of Time Manipulation/Underdeveloped Time Manipulation 
  • Emotional 
  • Soldier's Heart (PTSD)
  • Foolhardily Bold


  • Gold Szabla Husarska: Charlotte or Gniew Wilka
  • Modified M1881 Cavalry Lance
  • Plasma Saber: Yaju No Owari (野獣の終わり) 
  • Martini Henry Mark IV Carbine 
  • Schofield Break Action Revolver 
  • Elemental Lance Tips 
  • Eight Grenades


Dark Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, A Cool mountain breeze in the Summer, Cooking, Her family and friends, Puns and wordplay, Playing music, Poetry, Citron, Oranges and Teas


Spider and Snakes, Being Lonely, Anyone who hurts Citron or her Loved Ones, The Cold, The Brazenly Proud, Androids, Demons, Ghosts

Creator Page - PyrrhaH... | God Eater's Archives (


Time Manipulation

For brief periods of time, Corrin can speed up, stop or slow down time. And for a huge chunk of stamina and health, she can either rewind time itself or see multiple futures. She uses this power offensively by either slowing time to “speed” up her attacks and feints or stopping time and getting in those much-needed hits. Defensively, she uses this power to dodge or escape. Slowing time down or stopping it whilst attacking multiplies the momentum and inertia and therefore power and speed of her attacks. Depending on the weapon and whether she is on horseback or foot, at speed or standing still, it will either double, triple or even quadruple the damage of her attacks. Whenever she uses her abilities, her eyes, particularly her irises, glows a brilliant shade of emerald green. Opponents may notice before or after she uses her time manipulation, that her eyes either begins glow or rapidly dims. 

Quite often, she uses this ability in short bursts in order to not telegraph that she has said abilities and also because it requires a lot of stamina and energy to perform. In order to keep this power of Her's a secret and keep her enemies guessing, Corrin will slow time enough to adjust her hits, stabs, feints and dodges. To everyone else it'll appear as though she has impossibly fast reflexes but of course only Corrin knows. Doing this light "braking" will cost her very little energy or stamina and she can do this countless times. To further not telegraph her ability, Corrin will wear an enchanted pair of round glasses that hides the glow of her eyes. However, if her true ability was revealed/figured out by her opponent or they think they know her power (i.e. they think she's a speedster or teleporter), then she will fully and openly use her powers.

However, she can only use her power for VERY brief amounts of time (3-5 seconds without the pocket watch, 6-8 seconds with the watch). Any more than the five or eight seconds in the time stop, Corrin will be risking injury and likely death. Slowing down time is not as tiring as stopping time outright, creating a time loop or seeing into multiple futures and can be performed many more times than a time stop (e.g., one time stop is equivalent to slowing time thirty times hence four bursts a day).

During these manipulations of time, Corrin can move around and interact with people and objects. But she can only do so to an extent as people and objects are practically heavy, unconscious statues. Only the things/people that she is touching and on her person are not heavy. They are aware of and can move within the time manipulation as long as she keeps her hand on them. But Corrin must be the one to hold on to them or they'll freeze or slow down in time. 

Those who are taken by Corrin into a time manipulation will hear upon her using her power, a loud single peal of a deep-tone bell followed by the sound of a reverberating and simultaneous ticking of a clock and the beating of a heart. When she has stopped using her power, they will hear the bell 'unringing' itself and the sounds of the world will quickly speed back up to normal. Those who are masters of magic and/or very spiritually sensitive may notice the ringing of the bell and faintly hear the simultaneous ticking-heartbeat before and after Corrin uses her ability. To those in the manipulation, if Corrin has only slowed time, the world will be nearly silent and nearly imperceptible still in motion. However, in a time stop, the world will completely fall silent save for the ticking of time and Corrin's heartbeat, and the world rapidly darkens as light photons freeze in place unless one moves around. 

Special Abilities of Time Manipulation
Shadows of the Past Light: Afterimages of Corrin and Citron, usually combined with Whispers of Moments Gone (listed below), it can be used to fool enemies into fighting or following a fleeting image. She often uses SotPL to take the hit for her or distract her opponents. The afterimages will appear solid until hit or dissipates. When not combined with WoMG it appears as though Corrin and Citron are moving silently. This ability can be performed many times with little impact on her stamina. Near Unlimited Uses.

Whispers of Moments Gone: Essentially is the delayed sound(s) of Corrin and Citron, this ability fools opponents with delayed sounds, (i.e. the sound Her and Citron charging, faking the sound of her wounded behind cover). Often paired with SotPL listed above, Whispers of Moments Gone is when Corrin, at will, delays the sounds of herself and whoever she brings into the time manipulation by a few seconds. It certainly requires more effort to perform this ability than Shadows of the Past Light as she is quite literally breaking the laws of physics to delay sound itself. Multiple Uses. 

Khronos' Deja Vu: Easily the second hardest thing for Corrin to perform, Khronos' Deja Vu either traps opponents in a Time Loop where they relive the same 3 seconds on repeat until she gets an upper hand over them, or she escapes the opponent's attack. That being said, it is very hard for to perform this ability as it requires a great deal of stamina and strength. If she does KDV for too long, more than 3 times or 9 seconds, she grows weak and sickly, and her usage of her time manipulation becomes limited. Very Limited Uses. 

Kairos' Deja Reve aka Weaving of Kairos’ Threads: Undoubtedly this is the hardest and most dangerous ability to perform, Kairos' Deja Reve or Weaving of Kairos' Threads enables Corrin to see thirty seconds to a minute into the future or more accurately, futures to determine which steps allow her to win. Whilst very powerful and certainly borderline cheating as far the tournament is concerned, Corrin is extremely reluctant to use this ability as she can't see what steps it'll take to get the best outcome, she CAN see what MIGHT lead to the best outcome but is left to the mercy of time to figure it out. Using this ability renders her greatly weakened and very sickly after use, often making her violently cough up blood and leaving her disorientedly nauseated. She must be careful and very selective on how she uses her time manipulation from here on out as she has a very limited number of stamina left to use if she has any left at all. Depending on if she used KDV or used up most of her stamina beforehand, she may even pass out from the sheer amount of exhaustion, and she'll take one to two days to recover. One Time Use for the Entire Tournament.

After Corrin performs any these abilities for an extended period of time, she’ll grow tired as her stamina and energy take a big hit and she’ll require a quick nap or a big hearty meal to recover… After the fight that is!


Raised by a family of devout Lutherans, Corrin’s faith and devotion have seen her through thick and thin, being a woman of faith in a time of great and terrible crisis. In her sojourns across countless worlds, Corrin has come to appreciate her faith more as it has protected her, her first family and her newfound family from countless terrors and mysterious eldritch beings scattered across the weave of existence itself. This trait of Her’s protected her mind and soul from inhuman and otherworldly attacks on her, giving her an edge over more esoteric, spiritual and/or mind-bending opponents. However, her faith can waiver and thus lower her ability to resist said attacks though not completely. That being said she’s not completely immune to said attacks, as she is a normal, fallible person not a saint.

Expert Cavalryman and Master Swordsmanship- Lancer and Mounted Grenadier

Despite her being the army for a short period of time, Corrin is an expert, if not, a master of mounted combat. Since she was young girl, Corrin learned to ride and fight from horseback, playing then training with a wooden saber from her friend, broken guns her uncle provided, and finally her father's hunting spear in place of the lance. Following the outbreak of war, Corrin's mounted combat skills were further refined and honed into the expert lancer she is today. 

   Polish Uhlan Lance and Saber: This is how most, if not almost all, shall see Corrin’s fighting skills as and they’re not completely wrong as a majority of the time Corrin and Citron shall fight with this style. Compared to other lancer tactics and fighting styles, which are relatively simplistic point and parry systems, the Polish uhlan fighting styles are more complicated, involving slashing, moulinets, and lunges with the lance and as a result a more ferocious cavalryman. She does this to conserve what stamina/strength she has for Time Manipulation, and to not telegraph to her opponents that she has time manipulation powers and thus gain an edge over her, but it's mostly done because this is what she feels the most comfortable doing. Carrying into battle, she has specially crafted lance tips from her adventurer/monster hunting days that can change the effect and damage of an attack with her lance. These tips fit around the point and closest blade edges to the lance tip. These are made with elemental crystals and gunpowder that upon contact with an opponent, ignites and triggers the elemental crystals properties, creating various different attack effects.  

   Mounted Grenadier: Despite being a Lancer formerly in a lancer regiment, Corrin carries grenades. Thanks to the marriage of a mounted grenadier regiment and a famous uhlan regiment, Corrin’s regiment carried grenades and was taught grenadier tactics. As a result, she carries six grenades in the saddle and two on her person, eight in total. These are powerful grenades that can easily blow apart lightly armored tanks and vehicles (if they existed in her time) and can easily blast away cover (trees, small boulders, walls etc.) for opponents and the opponents themselves. Like the lance, Corrin carries elemental dust that changes the effect and damage of the grenade's attack. Although, she does not carry specially made tips for the grenades and the tips she does carry are not to varied to the same degree as the lance. (As side note, think of the cavalry class from Battlefield 1, it was the main inspiration for this).  

   Master Swordmanship: 
   Decent Marksmanship:

   Good Horsemanship:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Merely Human (Glass Cannon):

Underdeveloped/Momentary Usage of Time Manipulation:

Emotionally Vulnerable:

Soldier's Heart (PTSD):

Slightly Cocky and Foolhardily Bold:

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Author's Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.