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Kiriata Chorral


You'd swear there's some sort of sphere that makes it impossible to make good decisions around her.

-- Theodore Golubac, Politician



The last cleric of a dead religion, Kiri travels the world with her companion, Azta, to restore him to godhood. Quick on her feet and quicker with her wit, she's a firm believer in forfeits being valid wins in tournament settings, opting to exhaust her opponents physically and mentally with an endless string of counters and shenanigans.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



An ancient family of huge nerds, the Chorral household kept records of the old pantheons, from back when their world was a more bog-standard pseudo-medieval fantasy setting; currently, they're fairly well-to-do, using bits of their esoteric magic and divine connections to be conveniently lucky. Their texts and oral histories survived to their version of the mid-aughts, where Kiri's family was very suddenly accosted for being cultists in service of a death god; her parents are currently presumed dead, her sister's fucked off into the aether, and after the proverbial dust had settled, Kiri wound up with the death god that sort of caused the whole ordeal hanging out with her. 


As Azta's detractors, and Kiri for that matter, would learn, Streisanding obscure gods with a national news cycle in fact increases their influence, and Azta, already practically dead, was given the faintest breath of life, a spark flung onto miserable coal, but a spark nonetheless. Ripped from her comfortable life, Kiri now travels with Azta, spreading rumors about Azta's return, and sometimes even going full-tilt into the cleric shtick now that she's strong enough to not fear repercussions. Finding out what happened to her parents is a side goal, and keeps herself occupied with trying to fully restore Azta's divinity and adrenaline-junkieing it up by hunting down the organization that was bent on wiping all traces of Azta's existence out. 


(Also, unfortunately for Azta, his form is decided by Kiri, and she's a massive dork that played too many RPGs in high school. She is aware of this, and thinks it's fuckin' hilarious.)



Charming and eccentric, Kiriata typically makes friends easily in her travels, carousing in bars the world over, all the while seeding rumors of the return of a "dread lord," an old god of the end of all things. This dread lord is actually just her buddy Azta, and rumors of his death were definitely exaggerated; he's an old god, sure, but he's a pretty decent dude, and Kiri's family played the role of lorekeepers all the way up until recently, preserving the history of the old pantheon, of which Azta belongs to. Azta's obscurity and misrepresentation has lead to his faith dwindling to Kiri and her sister, so he's on the verge of whatever passes for death for Grand Cosmic Douchebags. 


Kiri thinks hanging out with a mostly-dead echo of a god is pretty cool, and the ego trip of wearing the pants in the typical cleric-god relationship has definitely resulted in a few episodes of maniacal villain laughter (to play up the bit, she swears). Tempting fate and seeing what she can get away with while rekindling Azta's spark of divinity has lead to shenanigans, hijinks, and definitely a war crime or five. Her sense of morality is both very firm on trying to do the "right" thing, but she's started operating outside of typical human scale. 


In some ways, Kiri sees Azta as the support she lost with her family, but she's too fast to let the feelings catch up.

Kiriata Chorral


Kiri, Priestess

Profile Data




She/Her, Woman, Female




 5'7", Swimmer's Build (lean muscle, more control and stamina than strength)

Hair/Eye/Skin Color


  • Practical Magic
  • Copious Combat Experience


Affable, determined, clever, experienced fighter, good at improvisation and creative problem-solving





  • Halberd
  • Wit


Shenanigans, Traveling, Adrenaline Highs, Challenges


Boredom, Failure


• Salve Stone×4  

• Halberd×1

• Napalm Potion×1

• Assorted Candles×1

• Half a Stick of Incense×2

• Hair Scrunchie×3

• Edgier Gloves×1

• Paradise Lost Jacket×1

• Ennui×3

• Pizza (Concerning)×1  

[Link to Creator's sheet]


Practical Magic

She wasn't as into her family's lore as her sister, and much preferred convenience, party tricks, and pranks. Conjuring basic tools, levitating items around, making sounds or visual illusions, and that kind of generally unassuming thing are what she excels at magically, which is like saying you're a chef that's world-renowned for boiling water. 

Martial Skill/Combat Experience

Kiri's crafty enough to use her party tricks as distractions, red herrings, and to anyone unfamiliar with her reputation, intimidation. Outside of trying to gain the upper hand with dumb tricks, she's very used to fighting in tandem with Azta, her reach with her halberd and his bulk and sheer physical strength making for an obnoxious duo. 

Divine Intervention

As Azta is a being powered by faith, if Kiri feels particularly fervent, she can pull off dumber stunts than usual through him. The power limits are pretty strict, and have to involve his old purview in some way.


Affable, determined, clever, experienced fighter, good at improvisation and creative problem-solving 


Determination and cleverness wind up being pure stubbornness when you're used to being able to figure everything out; brash and brusque, she's the special kind of stupid that knows she's making bad decisions; while a skilled human from a modern fantasy homeworld, she's very much still human.

kirisketch.png outfit.png halberd.png
[Kiriata Chorral] [Front/Back and Outfit] [The Halberd]

Author's Notes

Please feel free to ask over discord for clarification or anything else, really!