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R1 Writer Sakura Results (2024)

Round 1 Results

Writer CamelliaSakura League

Final Deadline: May 18th 2024

Judged by: Minty & Sketch

Feedback released ~11:30pm12:30am EST

Match 1

Zeke vs OverdrawCorrin & PandoraCitron vs. Simon Keyes
ZekeCorrin & Citron
OverdrawSimon & PandoraKeyes
Unfortunately due to life circumstances ZekeCorrin had& toCitron forfeitforfeited this round. We hope shethey can enjoy hertheir time in Crossroads!
AUnfortunately thrilling read that crafted a rich and vivid world! Wonderful focus on details that help everything comedue to Amazingcircumstances characterSimon developmentKeyes andforfeited usethis ofround. yourWe opponent,hope youhe reallycan gaveenjoy Zekehis atime chancein to shine and stand her own against Pandora and Overdraw.Crossroads!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
N/A N/A N/A 26.5N/A 54N/A 6N/A
OverallVerdict: Winner:Second OverdrawWind & PandoraSlot

Total Knock-out!

Match 2

Toffee BrownScythe vs Nerassa & Quinton SalzarRaviaki
Toffee BrownScythe
Nerassa & Quinton SalzarRaviaki
YouWelcome hitback theMs. groundScythe! runningFun withto settingsee upScythe's theWisayumei-Tizuka twoflavored PTSD as foils--the dichotomyone of the two'sreturning morningscharacters wasfrom aour fantasticprevious tone-setter to the entire entry.OCT. You put a lot of effortwork into usingfleshing out the environment and people for Scythe to interact with, however I found Scythe's flirting pushed into OOC bounds and wasn't comfortable to read. Overall you did a good job with your opponentsopponent, notforeshadowing, justand asthe characters to beat, but as actual characters. Character dialogue can be improved to be more natural, but overall a strong entry.
You had a lot going onweaved in thisall roundof the characters in well- I was never overwhelmed by kickingthe it off with a murder mystery! There were a lotamount of characters toused, keepand trackit ofreally fleshed out Ravi's outsider experience in thisCrossroads! entry,The whichillustrations were great too-- satisfying read that was progressivelyhighly moredetailed difficultand as the round went on. Overall the entry would have benefitted from more editing. It was a unique fun read!fun.
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
2416 466.524.532.539 427547
Overall Winner: Toffee BrownRaviaki

Match 3

NalagromAndrea & BaladethOctavia vs QuinVivian Huang & Jian Er'Ziu
NalagromAndrea & BaladethOctavia
QuinVivian Huang & Jian Er'Ziu
You put so muchI love Andrea and detailOctavia's intodynamic-- everythe characterdrama usedand intension the two have throughout your round!round helps Youkeep incorporatedthe Quinmomentum going, and hercreates character,a backstory,lot of intrigue between them. Vivian had a good dynamic with the girls and lorethe seamlesslyfight intowas Nalagrom's own story. Her presence felt naturaldynamic and important--she shared the spotlight and had some really touching moments with Ms. X and Baladeth.interesting.
QuinUnfortunately is such a lovable character and impossible notdue to rootlife for!circumstances HerVivian interactionsHuang with& Ms.Jian XEr'Ziu throughoutforfeited arethis amazinground. andWe adorable. Having to work together with Nalagrom was amazing to see ashope they begrudginglycan helpedenjoy onetheir another.time in Crossroads!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
2817 55.56.5265338 6N/AN/AN/A
Overall Winner: NalagromAndrea & BaladethOctavia

Super tough! Really close fight!

Match 4

RedKiriata Hood& Azta vs Myrelle & PhariaVarila
RedKiriata Hood& Azta
Myrelle & PhariaVarila
RedWhat Hood's dialogue flows like poetry; it's reallya fun toread! readIt herkept interactionsthe withmomentum differentall characters.the Greatway use of Red Riding Hood's cultural figure status as a backdrop to provide imageryup to the piece!end. OverallI felt that Varila could've gotten a stronglittle entry.more screen time pre-fight, but you did a fantastic job with her as an opponent. You tied up the fight in a way that keeps the story going for both teams-- "No one goes home sad" is a great goal for these two!
MyrelleWhat &an Phariaaction-packed haveand suchemotional round 1! The world was crafted beautifully and the opponents were used as great foils. Try to keep important moments within the scored round-- other than that, the prologue was a complexgreat and deep relationship that quickly endears the readerlead-up to the characters.round. ThematicGreat elementsjob of Red Riding Hood were used well! We would have loved to see Red Hood appear earlier inwith the entry to interact more.writing!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
25.521 5354 5 22.524 3956 57
Overall Winner: Red HoodVarila
Second Wind: Kiriata & Azta

A note for second winds & the possibility of being matched up in the third and final round-- canon should follow the creator's own version of events throughout the tournament, so both Kiriata & Azta and Varila will continue with their R1 canonicity. Discrepancies later on can be regarded as the God Eater manipulating dimensions and character interactions to force more situations-- if it is alternate world versions or not is at your discretion. Canon conflicts should not be much of a problem for the second round-- if there will be a canon conflict concern after R2 results are released, we can discuss it further then.

This decision only affects the R2 opponent and side of the bracket (Kiriata & Azta will be fighting the other bracket half opponent, Raviaki).