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Scythe's Reference


They couldn't find 'em after he fried himself - like he never even had 'em.  Don't know if someone took 'em or they just left themselves, but ain't nobody thinks they got destroyed. I don't envy who has or gets those wretched things next - or anyone around them to be honest. "

-- [A friend of a previous Host of the Chaos Dice]


You sure about this? Not looking down on you, sweetie – just a little warning since I don’t get to cut loose so often anymore. Hope you’re feeling lucky~"

-- [Scythe, in response to a past challenger]


[ShortA Descriptionflirtatious Here]and playful soul capable of causing havoc in pursuit of good times if tempted enough. Her height draws attention as she walks into a room. Her crimson mane drapes over her, reaching halfway down her back. When the wind blows through her hair, it can reveal ears that are more human-like than demon-like. Her bubblegum pink tail is often seen twirling as it sticks out from under her little black dress – though it’s hard to tell it’s out of amusement, plotting or both. This and her behavior can often distract from the dagger in a black and purple sheath strapped to her right thigh – but that’s one of the more minor things she hides. 



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Oh, I have plenty of stories to tell. But that one is a bit of a buzzkill…”


LoremScythe ipsumwas doloraround sitthirteen amet,years consecteturold adipiscingwhen elit,the sedcursed doChaos eiusmodDice temporfound incididunttheir utway laboreto ether. doloreShe, magnaa aliqua.bit Utof eniman adoutcast minimamongst veniam,her quisvillage nostrudand exercitationa ullamcomagical laborislate nisibloomer, utrelished aliquiphaving exa easkill commodobeyond consequat.her Duislevitation, autebut irureher dolorloving family knew better. They were aware of the rumors of how ruinous an existence and how often short the life of a host of the Chaos Dice was and tried to figure out how to free her of the curse – eventually wondering if there was any way that didn't involve killing her and if doing so would end up being best in reprehenderitthe end – but a roll from young Scythe, overbearingly tempted by her new curse, would obliterate her family before they could “save” her, scarring her in voluptatemore velitways essethan cillumone. doloreWith euit fugiathelping nullaform pariatur.her ExcepteurTrigger, sintsuch occaecatscenes cupidatathad nonbecome proident,her suntgreatest inpain culpaand quiher officiagreatest deserunthappiness mollitall animat id est laborum.once.


AtScythe verowould eosthen etend accusamusup etwandering iustoacross odioher dignissimosworld ducimus,and quilater blanditiisinto praesentiumothers voluptatum delenitiusually atqueby corrupti,accident. quosShe doloreswould etthrow quasherself molestiasinto excepturivarious sint,jobs obcaecatiand cupiditateadventures, nonworking provident,for similiqueforces suntboth good, evil, and in culpa,between, quiembracing officia“the deseruntlevel mollitiaof animi,chaos” idshe estwas laborumthen eton. dolorumBut fuga.if Etshe harumwas quidemhonest rerum facilisand estshe etnever expeditawill Namfully liberohonest tempore,about cumit solutato nobisjust estabout eligendianyone optio, cumqueshe nihilwas impedit,coping quowith minusher id,tragedy quodwith maximeanything placeat,she facerecould possimus,reach, omnislosing voluptasherself assumendain est,the omniseuphoria dolorin repellendus.her Temporibusblood autemthat quibusdamwas etnow autunlocked officiisby debitisthe autsame rerumkind necessitatibusof saepedestruction eveniet,and utviolence etshe voluptateswas repudiandaefirst sintexposed etto. molestiaeAnd nonof recusandae.course, Itaqueshe earumwas rerumfine hicusing teneturthe aDice, sapienteknowing delectus,it utcould autbe reiciendisher voluptatibusend maioreswith aliaseach consequaturroll, autbut perferendisalso doloribusadding asperioresto repellat…the then comforting thrill.


But along the way – between a few friends, a couple of lovers and lots of years, screwups and fallen enemies – she regained a conscience as well as getting empathy, a sense of responsibility, some wisdom and a better grip on her worst impulses. The Dice would likely remain a temptation for as long as she lived, but it would no longer fully steer her life.


One extra dimensional tourney going horribly wrong later, Scythe fell into a timeless void while escaping it and was eventually spat out into a new land. She attempted to lay down some roots for the first time in many years – while this was moderately successful and she has people who care for her and she cares for, she couldn’t help but think about her past wild freedom at times when she feels a bit…restricted. Then a letter arrives…


LoremDon't ipsumthreaten dolorme sitwith amet,a consecteturfun adipiscingtime, elit,sweetie~"


Scythe, in short, is a Chaotic Good being tempted into going back to being Chaotic Neutral; while she's happy with her current life, she does sometimes think about her past fun despite knowing the consequences tied to it and what a danger she was back then. She can’t help it with how long she’s spent as a free spirit and the tragedy that made such events enjoyable. Still, while she wants to cut loose a bit, she's careful about not crossing lines despite what thoughts may come to mind. This also leads into her recent habit of making sure an opponent is sure before fighting her and offering chances to surrender.


Scythe unabashedly adores children – the more innocent, the better. With her own childhood a shambles, she will take the chance to dote on or treat ones she meets if it won’t cause further problems, helping their childhoods be a tiny bit more enjoyable.


While capable of having normal, pleasant conversations with just about anyone, Scythe is frequently a playful flirt and tease and will do eiusmodso temporif incididuntthey utintrigue laboreher etenough dolore magnathough aliqua.even Utshe enimknows adsome minimtargets veniam,aren’t quisa nostrudgood exercitationidea ullamcoand laborisrefrains. nisiQuite uta aliquipbit exof eait commodois consequat.for Duisthe autethrill, irureto dolorsee intheir reprehenderitreaction inor voluptateboost velittheir esseego cilluma dolorebit; eushe fugiatisn’t nullagoing Excepteurpursue sinta occaecatrelationship cupidatatwith nonjust proident,anyone. suntThis inamusement culpacan quirandomly officiadip deseruntwhen mollitshe’s animreminded idtoo estmuch laborum.of a bad or bittersweet memory and she’ll end up slowly disengaging. 

She doesn’t seek to enrage with her teasing (unless they are already an enemy of hers), but if it ends up bringing a better fight out of someone, then it’s a happy accident.


Scythe is the type to usually be smiling unless something has truly enraged her. She only addresses people by their name about a third of the time, usually calling them “sweetie” instead. She gives more personalized nicknames when they’ve become her friend or at least someone whose behavior or quirks amuse her/stays on her good side long enough. Such honors are not above being revoked though.

Scythe Bloodwrek


The Scythe of Chaos

Profile Data


Chaos Demon


Female [She\her]


224; appearance is mid 20’s so she can say she’s just 24 sometimes instead


[entry/entry/entry]Weight: 165 lbs./74.8 kg
Height: 5’11” (6’1” in the ankle boots she came with)
Build: Hourglass

B/W/H Size

[entry]"You want to come measure?~"

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

[entry/entry/entry]Hair: Crimson Red
Eyes: Wine Red
Skin Color: Fair

Distinguishing Marks

  • Bubblegum Pink [entry#FFC1CC] 1]tail
  • [entryHuman-like 2]


High Conflict Peacekeeper, Bounty Hunter

  • [entryChaos 1]Demon Physiology
  • [entryChaos 2]Dice
  • Trauma Dagger
  • Levitation


[entry]Highly skilled with melee weapons, increased strength, cleverness, mathematical affinity, combat experience


[entry]Not great with martial arts, terrible with guns/blasters, doubts her own larger strategies, is just as vulnerable to her own Chaos Dice, fear of ghosts, adrenaline-induced recklessness.



  • [entryTrauma 1]Dagger
  • [entryAny 2]
    object in reach to be an improvised melee weapon


[entry]Fighting, flirting, watching either of the first two, spoiling kids, having fun, good food and (especially) drink, gambling games, nice chats, cats/felines, dragons


[entry]Bad memories, boredom, “overly meddlesome” deities, ghosts and the undead, being called a succubus, beings who wear way too much purple, being ordered around/controlled too much, feeling trapped


Appearance And Fashion

Armor? Proper combat gear? Pfft. My travels have made me more of an ‘anywhere, anytime’ kind of lady~”

She arrived wearing (what she hopes to be) her main outfit for the Cross Tournament: a black single-shoulder knee-length dress with the strap on her left side and the skirt being a bit off-kilter – a bit longer over her left leg – as well there being three clean tears across the chest. The dress is paired with matching ankle boots with two-inch heels. Her dagger's sheath, black with purple along the edges, is always strapped to her right thigh.

She also packed another outfit as backup: a black criss-cross halter crop top and matching short shorts as well as a pair of pink and white sneakers.

She’s very open to trying out some new fashions via Crossroads’ shops, even to walk into battle with; she has never gotten to choose an ideal combat outfit and lost armor pieces in the past so she will fight in absolutely anything if it comes down to it.

Her tag, a golden fox head because she liked the little familiar, is usually either around her neck or tied to her tail.


AbilityChaos 1Demon Physiology 

LoremThe…rush ipsumas doloryou sitcall amet,'s consecteturbeyond adipiscingincredible. elit,I sedguess. But that's probably also why my kind usually die young.”

Scythe’s body is harder to cut and damage, though her pain receptors still behave normally. In addition, a Chaos Demon’s adrenaline is more potent than with most humanoids, giving a sense of euphoria when in high enough levels. Getting to such levels is different for each Chaos Demon; what activity that will consistently start that rise and get them to that level is referred to as their Trigger and it’s something usually made in their formative years or after a major event; currently for Scythe, her Trigger is intense destruction or combat – seeing it or taking part.

Chaos Dice

I do eiusmodnot temporknow incididunthow utI laborekeep etsurviving doloreand magnakeep aliqua.holding Utthis enimback, adbut minimI veniam,can quisfigure nostrudout exercitationwhat ullamcoyour laborisodds nisiare uta aliquiplot exeasier.”


Scythe consequat.was Duiscursed auteto irurebe dolorthe latest host to the Chaos Dice – a fractal of the natural chaotic energies of the universe currently taking the form of ten-sided dice with sides numbered 0-9. Each symbolizes a particular element or power; Red for Fire, Blue for Water, Green for Wind, Yellow for Lightning, Black for Explosion, Pink for Shield/Barrier and Purple for Warp/Teleportation. The numbers on the dice default to a silver engraving and glow on a rolled number. She usually summons them via her hands, but has managed it on her tongue or her tail on rare occasions. She can temporarily allow a summoned die to be rolled by another, but it would have to be handed off carefully to avoid counting as a roll (she has only ever done this once before so the odds of doing so again are incredibly low). They can also be unsummoned if they haven’t been rolled yet.

When summoned and thrown, the number it finally comes to rest on is the level of power manifested that Scythe can then manipulate. Even when it rolls outside of her eyesight, she innately knows what numbers have been rolled once they triggered, but not where it physically is. For most of the dice, this effect starts from the area the dice physically stopped and manipulated from there on by who rolled it. For Barrier and Warp, the number means the strength of said shield or the max distance/how specific the teleportation can go respectively, and the effects don't have to manifest from the die location. Even at its highest roll, a single Warp die can't send anyone outside of the dimension it was rolled in.
For all dice besides Warp and Shield, Scythe has trouble fully controlling an 8 result and can just barely manipulate a 9 at all despite her practice. 

A 0 result can be thought of as a “backfire” or “critical fail” and its effect are meant to target Scythe herself in reprehenderita way she can't control and usually in voluptatea velitdetrimental esseway cillumat doloreleast eutangentially fugiatrelated nullato pariatur.the Excepteurelement sintof occaecatthe cupidatatdie non proident,though sunther turning it to her advantage in culpasome quiway officiaafterwards deseruntisn’t mollitcompletely animimpossible. idThis estand laborum.the aforementioned risks of 8 or 9 results is why she usually only throws one or two at any time with a self-imposed maximum of four.

No energy or mana is needed to summon and throw a die, but there's a background temptation for a host to use the dice Scythe has trained herself to ignore under normal circumstances. And the more one uses the dice within a certain time period, the greater a mental and magical compulsion to continue using them – this addiction is one of the bigger reasons all of the previous hosts are no more. That is something Scythe can't fully ignore at the best of times and can only resist until the urges pass. She also cannot use any other magic or power she didn't already have before she got the dice beyond workarounds like special kinds of enchanted objects. There is no currently known way to be free of the Dice that doesn’t involve the death of the holder.

Ability 2Levitation

LoremLook ipsumat doloryou sit amet,trying consecteturto adipiscingsweep elit,me sedoff domy eiusmodfeet~”


A utpower laboreScythe's ethad doloresince magnashe aliqua.was Uttwo enim(and adthe minimonly veniam,power quisshe nostrudwas exercitationable ullamcoto laborisgain nisibefore utthe aliquipdice), exshe eacan commododefy consequat.gravity Duisand autefloat/fly irureabout. dolorIt's just a bit faster than her typical running speed, but it won't be able to help her outmaneuver those with true flight in reprehenderitthe air.

Trauma Dagger

It’s not the weapon I started this long road with, but I don’t hate it…”

An enchanted double-edged dagger made of steel and silver with a lime green pentagon-shaped gem in voluptateits velithilt essethat cillumScythe dolorehas eugotten fugiatrelatively nullarecently. pariatur.The Excepteurdagger sinthas occaecatundergone cupidatata nonlot proident,of suntdifferent names, but the name Trauma Dagger has stuck for many because it seemed to respond most to those who have experienced a lot of trauma over their lifetime. Scythe has a long life of such trouble; this has managed to bind it to Scythe as a result despite the Chaos Dice blocking her from knowing other powers – perhaps because the powers aren't truly hers or maybe because it is the cause of most of the trauma that lets it react to Scythe in culpathe quifirst officia deserunt mollit anim id est


Scythe 3

is able to shift the dagger into other blade forms as well as create blade constructs of various sizes to attack opponents from a distance or to simply have a dual-wield option. Unlike the Dice, this does cost mana/energy to use; the bigger the moves, the more it'll cost her and risk tiring her out – something she’s been getting used to. And since it’s been bound to her, while anyone can use or take the dagger, activating its powers would require Scythe temporarily or permanently giving permission.


LoremI'm ipsumused dolorto sitpacking amet,light. consecteturWhat adipiscingcan elit,I sedsay?”


Bracelets: temporA incididuntstrange, utbelieved laboreto etbe doloreenchanted, magnametal aliqua.formed Uther enimtough adbracelets minimthat veniam,she quisrarely nostrudtakes exercitationoff ullamcoas laborisan nisiemergency utdefense aliquipagainst exattacks. eaWhile commodousually consequat.polished Duisto autea iruremirror dolorshine, ina reprehenderitkeen ineye voluptatewill velitnotice essea cillumbit doloreof euwear fugiatand nullatear pariatur. Excepteura sintclue occaecatthat cupidatatthey nonaren’t proident,indestructible. suntEither inthe culpaenchantment quihas officiastarted deseruntto mollitwear animoff idor estthe laborum.metal is finally nearing its limit.

Communicator: Shaped like a compact mirror but just slightly larger, this dull silver piece of RuneTech is for making video contact with others with a similar device or those able to match its particular magical frequency to communicate with it. Scythe will mostly use it to contact and receive calls from her roommates as long as the God Eater allows these extra-dimensional chats…and if Scythe feels like chatting at all.


LoremScythe ipsumhas dolorbeen sitheavily amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolortrained in reprehenderitswordplay and with almost all known melee weapons, so she doesn't need just her dagger and dice to fight as she can grab almost anything to hit others with. This was something she was very insistent on learning to decrease her reliance on her curse. Scythe is also a bit stronger than most humanoids her size due to her demonic nature and the aforementioned extensive melee weapon training. She has a surprisingly clever mind, but it’s especially noticeable in voluptatea velitmathematical esseaffinity cillum dolorehelping euher fugiatcalculate nullathe pariatur.odds Excepteurof sintcertain occaecatdecisions cupidatatworking nonout. proident,It's suntusually for any tactics involving the Chaos Dice or gambling reasons, but she can apply it to other areas like standard battle.

She also has plenty of combat experience in culpageneral quidue officiato deseruntbeing mollitalive animfor idso estlong laborum.and all the trouble she's gotten into and gotten out of in various degrees.


LoremScythe ipsumisn't dolorgreat sitfighting amet,barehanded; consecteturwhile adipiscingknowing elit,the sedbasics, she was never that great in martial arts compared to her extensive weapons training, so her efficiency slightly dips if temporarily disarmed of her weapon and can't grab another in that moment. She is even worse with firearms/blasters due to it being something she has rarely had to ever use (and a lot of realms she’s visited not having them at all). So grabbing one from an enemy isn't going to do eiusmodas tempormuch incididuntfor uther laboreas etmuch doloredespite magnaher aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure doloraccuracy in reprehenderitother uses not being terrible.

As mentioned previously, Scythe cannot cast magic that isn’t her Dice or the loophole of her dagger – even magic that even children could do is beyond her while she’s cursed.

While having a bit of a brain and capable of making tactics, she has little confidence in voluptateany velitlong-term esseplans cillumor dolorebattle eustrategies fugiatshe nullacomes pariatur.up Excepteurwith sintfor occaecatherself cupidatator noninvolving proident,herself. suntAt most, Scythe is barely thinking half a step ahead when it comes to acting on her own (¾ of a step on her best day) and just avoids doing things with a low chance of working out. And she doubts many plans will even work due to her bad luck, her past track record or just the Dice getting in culpaher quiway.


Scythe deseruntis mollitjust animas idvulnerable estto laborum.collateral damage from her Chaos Dice as anyone else even without rolling a 0; it's a curse after all and it could care less if she couldn't manage to escape the manifestation and will do her no favors. This can be from a massive blast from a high roll or the dice being knocked away before it settles and activates too close to Scythe before she can react or manipulate it away.

Others can roll the dice if carefully taken from her before the roll officially starts. To add to this, a 0 roll would still only affect Scythe even if someone else is rolling it.

While the Chaos Dice cannot be sealed and she can always summon them at will, if they land and attempt to activate in some kind of anti-magic zone, they’ll evaporate into smoke instead of activating.

When Scythe's adrenaline gets too high, usually via her Trigger, the euphoria is paired with a further lack of impulse control. She will gradually become more reckless with her tactics and make more mistakes the more intense a fight gets if she can't calm herself down.

Scythe also has moderately intense phasmophobia that she tries to conceal and work past over the years; she's unsettled being too close to (or god forbid, touched by) ghosts and spirits or at least those she believes are that. Zombies and the undead are included to a lesser extent, but in general, she tries to deal with each encounter on an individual basis, usually focusing on other aspects of the situation or convincing herself otherwise.

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Author's NotesNotes/Extras

LoremScythe ipsumhaving dolorhuman sitshaped amet,ears consecteturis adipiscingconsidered elit,a sedgenetic mutation; she’s not part human in any part of her bloodline. Also, what separates Chaos Demons from regular demons has nothing to do eiusmodwith temporthe incididuntDice utthemselves.


The etChaos doloreDice magnahas aliqua.jumped Utfrom enimindividuals adof minimmany veniam,different quisspecies, nostrudincluding exercitationhumans. ullamcoThey laborishave nisichanged utshape aliquipand exnumber eaof commodosides consequat.over Duisthe auteeons iruremirroring dolorthe evolution of regular dice, but they have never gone past their current ten-sided forms for some reason.

While some may consider Scythe young for standard demons, not many Chaos Demons nor any previous Chaos Dice holders haven’t lived to be even close to her age.

I tend to actually roll dice/use RNG as I write any use of the Chaos Dice in reprehenderitScythe’s instories. voluptateIt’s velitnot essea cillumrequirement dolorefor euanyone, fugiatespecially nullaif pariatur.that’ll Excepteurcomplicate sintanyone’s occaecatwriting/creative cupidatatprocess.


Some proident,songs suntto inhelp culpayou quithink officiaabout deseruntScythe:
"Infinity" mollit- animAgainst idThe estCurrent
"The laborum.Enemy You Need" - Blameshift
"Courtesy Call" (w/ intro) - Thousand Foot Krutch
Cupidz – “Sheet”

Feel free to reach out if there are any questions or things left unaddressed.