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Varila Na'tara


No Mira, I'm not going to 'give you an insightful quote'. If you really want my input, just write down whatever comes to mind and slap my name on it. Otherwise, just- hey, what the Hells are you writing?!

-- excerpt from Mira's Fantastical Words of Wisdom, Vol. III



Varila, often dubbed 'Vari' by those she has grown close to, is a tall, bunny-eared woman of the Leporian race from her homeworld of Merydia. In combat, she tends to brandish a very unique fighting style which combines her skill with a katana along with her visor's ability to teleport its wearer - both to locations within the user's current dimension and outside the immediate realm. This has served Vari greatly when it comes to prevailing in a fight, but ironically enough, the device she relies on in combat also serves as the root source of what is perhaps her greatest pain.


In many regards, Vari is indeed unusually strong when compared to other members of her race. A lifetime of training, spelunking, and mercenary work has ensured this to be true, though despite her durable exterior, those who have met her will oftentimes recall the ardent persistence with which she searches for her lost wife - Mira. Even when examining her from a mere surface-level perspective, Vari's love for Mira is most certainly an obvious soft-spot for her; and it is that very same love which has served as an opportunity for those around her to catch a glance at the undeniable warmth which lies deeply buried underneath multiple layers of emotional armor. Unfortunately, it is also a soft-spot which many of her foes have attempted to exploit in days past with varying degrees of success. However, it has always been a stern will and a keen ability to adapt that has allowed Vari to survive as long as she has - despite the scars she has sustained along the way.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Named after the village from which she hails, Varila of the Na'tara has always yearned for a life of love and freedom. Like most Leporian girls her age, she was a huntress for her home village. She provided food for her family, protected her younger sisters, and dispatched threats to her people's safety whenever her assistance was called for. She was gifted - a true prodigy with a spear, not to mention quick on her feet. Still, despite the accolades she accrued from her deeds, the commendations she received for her skill in battle, or the praise that was given in honor of her dedication, Vari had always bore reservations about spending her life as a mere sentinel for her village. Even as a child, she desired a life of freedom. A life that she could truly call her own without being subdued by the demands of her parents, her village elders, or the Goddess that her people believed in.


It was the very same people who honored her, however, that never would have allowed her to decide such a fate. Members of her race are oftentimes confined to the forests they were born in for life - their highly religious culture only ever allowing Leporians the chance to visit the outside world on sacred pilgrimages on one or two occasions. Needless to say, it was difficult for her to stand by and simply allow cultural norms to dictate the rest of her days for her. After all, how could her life be one well-lived if she remained stuck in place against her wishes? Despite her protests, however, it was the thought of leaving her sisters that had urged her to stay put. She loved them with all of her heart, and, for a while, Vari was fully prepared to reserve her days as a protector for both her friends and her family if it meant ensuring their happiness.


Until, one day, her parents arranged Vari's marriage for her.


Vari is certainly not the only girl to have ever thought of running away from home. Many within her culture have tried and often succeeded in escaping the confines of their respective homes, willing to risk complete and total exile in order to receive a chance at living a more fulfilling life. For the longest time, Vari rejected such a path. It was upon learning that she was to be married to someone whom she did not love, however, that Vari finally decided to take up the mantle of one of these outliers. She packed what she could fit in her knapsack, quickly said her goodbyes, and caught the first boat she could find to freedom... all without the faintest idea of where she would be headed.


Hence, she was brought to the continent of Zircodia. For a while, life in Zircodia was the life she had always wanted. She made new acquaintances, took up the art of the sword, and happily performed whatever odd jobs were available for reckless runaways such as herself. Perhaps more notably, Vari even had a knack for finding treasure - allowing her to rack up quite the fortune while she honed the skills she'd need in order to protect it. It was difficult work, but for perhaps the first time in her life, she was living out her days just as she had always dreamt them. Even in a foreign land far away from home, Vari was gifted... but she was still a stranger. Cultural differences and language barriers aside, Vari's abrasive attitude largely prevented her from making many friends. This, in a way, left Vari feeling just as isolated from the world as she did back home - and it was a feeling that would stick with her for many of those days she spent wandering freely in the cities of Alak'an.


That is, until she met Mira. 


Everything changed once she met Mira. The two were opposite from each other in nearly every single way, and yet there was an undeniable connection between the two of them which nevertheless persisted as the pair spent more time with one another. Mira, a girl of the Felynian race, often kept to herself along with most of her people. She was a bookworm who spent most of her days reading in shops and libraries, and while Vari preferred to spend her time sparring in the sun or exploring old tombs, she preferred the quiet company that a good story could keep her. They were an odd couple, perhaps - and one brought together moreso by circumstance rather than mutual interest. And yet, they complemented each other quite well. Mira was the calm and sense of security that Vari desperately needed in her life, while Vari was the danger and sense of excitement that Mira had long-since yearned for. It was not even one year before they were wed.


Unfortunately, the consequences of Vari's reckless nature would eventually catch up to her. Amidst the ruins of a particularly ancient tomb lied the secrets of a people long-since deceased... a people that Vari had taken a rather keen interest in during the months leading up to her 'greatest and final' expedition. Within those ruins lied technological wonders beyond Vari's wildest dreams: holographic weaponry that felt just as real as any blade, androids that felt just as alive as any other being, and gear which granted its users various arrays of interdimensional abilities. The third amongst these wonders was what piqued Vari's curiosity the most, however - the All Dimensional Travel-visor (ADT-v).


It was exactly what it sounded like, really; a simple visor along with its glove-like counterpart which allowed the user to input dimensional 'coordinates' and hop between realities. Smitten with the technological marvel she had obtained, Vari  swiftly brought the device home to Mira as a mild way to boast her findings. She quickly explained the purpose of the device, all the while enamoring her wife with the prospect of multiversal vacations, interstellar trips, and adventure unending. It was a great idea, she thought; she could spend the rest of her days travelling the universe with her wife and granting her the very same fulfillment that Vari herself once desired. Unbeknownst to Vari, however, the visor that she had taken home with her was, in fact, a mere prototype. Operational, but still very much unfinished. This led to a rare malfunction which no amount of prior knowledge could have prepared them for...


Mira, in all her curiosity and in a bid to impress her wife with how quickly she could discern the visor's technological workings, was transported out of her own reality and sent straight into another at complete random.


All without the visor itself.


Ever since then, Vari has searched for Mira with desperation in her heart and guilt in her soul. Though the database within the ADT-v bore no trace of where Mira had gone, Vari figured the device to work almost exclusively with alternate versions of universes which mirrored her own. Though the hope was small, Vari could feasibly find her wife if given enough time... but by the end of her first year of searching, Vari had already done the math.


Time was not on her side.


Fate, probability - both had turned against her.


It was only when she received an invitation to the Crossroads that a new spark of hope found its way into Vari's heart...


In her earlier days, Vari was known to have a rather harsh exterior that she frequently presented towards strangers. She was brash, abrasive, even crude to a degree. This has changed, however, ever since the loss of her wife. Though she is much calmer than she might have been a year ago, she is in turn much more emotionally distant. She is cold, reticent, and even somewhat unforgiving to those who wrong her... but within her damaged heart still remains a fragment of the warm and loving person she was once capable of being.

Varila Na'tara
Better days.




Lady Nightsworn

"That Purple Rabbit Chick"

Profile Data




She/Her, Woman, Female




176 lbs, 6'0", Lean

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Blue and Pink / Lavender / Tan

Distinguishing Marks

  • Tribal Tattoos
  • "Nicked" Left Ear
  • Short-Range Teleportation
  • Interdimensional Travel
  • Heightened Speed
  • Heightened Strength
  • Hyper Reflexes


  • Proficient with Martial Weaponry
  • Unpredictable Fighting Style
  • Strong-Willed


  • Reliance on Technology
  • Low Stamina
  • Emotionally Fragile


  • Katana
  • ADT-v (All Dimensional Travel-visor)


  • Swordplay
  • Literature
  • Her wife
  • Pudding


  • Injustice
  • Cruelty
  • Isolation
  • Herself


Ability 1 - Short Range Teleportation

Due to the ADT-v's interdimensional capabilities, the device also allows Vari to travel within the same dimension via teleportation - albeit at short distances. However, it should be noted that this particular function of the ADT-v had not yet been perfected by the ones who devised it, meaning that attempting to teleport any distance further than 20 meters will likely result in the device malfunctioning. That being said, Vari has already incorporated this element of the visor into her fighting style and uses it quite liberally to her advantage.

Ability 2 - Interdimensional Travel

As mentioned previously, the ADT-v allows Vari to physically traverse between dimensions. While it is possible for her to use this capability to her advantage in battle, interdimensional travel requires a significantly longer amount of time and preparation to initiate compared to simply teleporting 10 or 20 meters in front of her. Thus, Vari would only use this ability as a last resort - particularly if her life were in danger...

Ability 3 - Heightened Speed

Unlike the abilities granted to her via the ADT-v, Vari's speed is a feat she worked to obtain herself. The magic of her world is vast in its abundance, exponentially increasing the rate at which her body's strength increases whenever she hones her skills. That is not to say she is faster than the naked eye or that her attacks are unavoidable, but one could argue that Vari is indeed close to such a level. She is much faster than the average person - even by her world's standards.

Ability 4 - Heightened Strength

Vari's strength and prowess in combat are attributes she has trained tirelessly to earn. Years of hunting and mercenary work along with the benefits she has obtained from the magic of Merydia have all coalesced into a truly substantial display of power. One should not expect to see her ripping trees from their roots or casually tossing boulders around, but with enough force, Vari could render both to mere twigs and pebbles in a flurry of strikes.

Ability 5 - Hyper Reflexes

Vari's nature as a Leporian combined with her experience as a mercenary ensures that she is rarely caught off-guard. Her rabbit ears are particularly sensitive as well, allowing her to detect the faintest sounds at much longer distances than one might expect. Her eyesight is particularly sharp as well; and, when taking into account the informational capabilities that her visor also grants her, Vari is able to use her senses to adapt to new environments and situations with ease. This is especially true whenever adrenaline happens to be coursing through her veins...


  • Proficient with Martial Weaponry: Vari's mercenary work has allowed her to accrue experience with many different weapons and fighting styles. Swords, axes, clubs, maces, daggers, and even her fists are all weapons she can utilize with notable proficiency. The majority of Vari's expertise, however, still lies in her skill with a katana.
  • Unpredictable Fighting Style: Due to Vari's ability to teleport in the midst of combat, one may find it considerably difficult to predict her next course of action in a fight. Whether she strikes from the flank, the rear, above, or even head-on entirely boils down to whatever happens to be her whim at that point in time.
  • Strong-Willed: Vari is stubborn to a fault. Even at her lowest point, Vari will not stop chasing something once she sets her sights on it. This is reflected in her rather aggressive fighting style, as she will oftentimes continue to engage her quarry until she has been pushed well beyond her limits. She will downright refuse to give up until either her opponent is beaten, or she is persuaded otherwise.


  • Reliance on Technology: Nonstop use of the ADT-v in combat has changed Vari's fighting style in recent days. While it is true that Vari is quick to adapt to various situations, one might be surprised to find that she would be considerably disoriented without the use of her visor - both physically and psychologically. This is because Vari views the ADT-v as her only lifeline, as well as the only chance she has of saving her wife.
  • Low Stamina: Vari's reliance on the ADT-v for both travel and combat has also lowered her overall stamina. Whenever placed into physically strenuous situations over prolonged periods of time, Vari can quickly become out of breath - especially when considering the fact that Vari is not surrounded by the magic of her world while in the Crossroads. This can not only lead to lessened stamina reserves, slower movement speeds, and weakened strikes, but Vari may become an overall weaker fighter overall if she is absent from Merydia for too long.
  • Emotionally Fragile: Everyone has off days, but the loss of Vari's wife has affected her greatly. While Vari is indeed a fearsome fighter and unusually persistent in obtaining her goals, excessive displays of cruelty or reminders of her loss and isolation can severely affect her performance in combat.

Author's Notes

Given Vari's experience as a dungeon-crawler, the opponents she faces can expect (or not expect) her to carry various tools and survival gear with her. This gear includes a knapsack, light leather armor, a survival knife, water canisters, flashlights, bandages, and smoke bombs. Also among her belongings is an unfinished book written by her wife, which Vari has used as a makeshift notebook while she searches for her. This book is not only important for sentimental reasons, but also contains a list of dimensional 'coordinates' she can use to bring herself back home or to other dimensions she has visited.


Do not be afraid to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding her strengths, weaknesses, or character!