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Character Reference



Loremhave ipsuma dolortheory sitthat amet,movies consecteturoperate adipiscingon elit,the sedlevel doof eiusmoddreams, temporwhere incididuntyou utdream labore et dolore magna aliqua...


-- [QuoteMeryl source]Streep



[DescribeA yoursoft-spoken characterwoman briefly.]that Loremalready ipsumprefers dolorto say as little as possible, Vivian has always been on the fringes, watching other people play out their roles as protagonist of their life. She was content for a long time to simply sit amet,back consecteturand adipiscingwatch, elit,but seda docertain eiusmodencounter temporhas incididuntlead uther laborefrom etHong doloreKong magnato aliqua.the UtGhost enimRealm adand minimnow veniam,the quisCrossroads nostrudto exercitationfind ullamcowhere laborisshe nisitruly ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.belongs.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



LoremParentage ipsumunknown, dolorbut sitit's amet,generally consecteturassumed adipiscingthat elit,her sedmother was a prostitute, seeing as Vivian grew up in a brothel from a young age. She was cared for by employees of various rank and went to nearby schools, but never fit in due to her environment being vastly different from her classmates. After graduating high school, it was only natural that she worked in the place that she grew up. Whether this is out of a sense of filial duty or a lack of inspiration to do eiusmodanything temporelse incididuntwith uther laborelife, etno doloreone magnaever aliqua.asked. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


AtIn verothe eosearly etdays accusamusshe etmostly iustoassisted odiowith dignissimoshousekeeping ducimus,and quibookkeeping, blanditiisbut praesentiumher voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique suntpresence in culpa,the quibrothel officiaeventually deseruntshifted mollitiaher animi,into idthe estrole laborumof etmerchandise. dolorumMost fuga.of Ether harumwork quidemwas rerumas facilisan estescort, etproviding expeditaclients distinctio.with Namconversation liberoor tempore,joining cumthem soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic teneturas a sapientebeautiful delectus,and utintelligent autside reiciendispiece, voluptatibuswith maioresbedroom aliasactivities consequaturbeing autpart perferendisof doloribusthe asperiorespackage repellat…deal. 


Work kept her busy, but no matter how intimate she acted or how close she was to the clients, she never fully felt in the moment, simply that a scene was playing out in front of her. This sense of detachment had existed since childhood and as she grew older, she fully distanced herself from others, assigning herself as a humble witness to their plays. This lack of belonging led to her pursuing various stories to see whether they were true or not, and one such story was of a shop that could grant wishes. 


Upon finding it, she wished to know where it was that she belonged, only to hear that her parents were possibly still alive, conducting business in the Ghost Realm, a separate plane of existence overlaying the Mortal Realm, where ghosts, monsters, and other terrible things reside. Consequently, she asked to be sent there. 


Arriving in the Ghost Realm she quickly discovered that all manner of beings around her saw her as one of them, despite still being alive and very much human. Despite this, she struggled to get by, never encountering a hint of her parents again, and with no knowledge or desire to return home.


She went from surviving to thriving upon meeting with a swordbreaker ghost, who recognized her as part of her parents' lineage and has thus taken her under its wing, where she proved to be an apt study.


After transitioning from a brothel to the Ghost Realm, the Crossroads will be quite the relief.


LoremDistant ipsumand dolordetached, sitVivian amet,is consecteturnevertheless adipiscingpolite elit,and sedconsiderate doof eiusmodthose temporaround incididunther. utHer laborelack etof dolorepresence magnatends Utleave enimher adignored, minimbut veniam,she quisdoesn't nostrudmind, exercitationcontent ullamcoto laborisbe nisia utvoyeur. aliquipEver exsince eashe commodowas consequat.little, Duisshe autefeels irurelike dolorthere is a thick screen of glass separating her from the world around her, and no matter what happens, even if she is personally or physically involved, she watches. 


While she is curious, she usually sates any questions she has about other people by eavesdropping or snooping. While she does not consciously avoid human interaction, she is so used to being disregarded that she usually does not take initiative to talk to others. Despite this distance, she is a good conversationalist due to her work, and is good at figuring out a client's wants so that she may provide better service. 


This distance also means that no matter what she witnesses, she is able to take it calmly and proceed carefully. Even pain is not enough to shatter the glass. Violence is not a first or last resort for her, but after her time in reprehenderitthe inGhost voluptateRealm, velitit esseis cillumdefinitely dolorean euoption. fugiatShe nullaprefers Excepteurtake sintcare occaecatof cupidatatthings nonquietly proident,and suntavoid inopen culpaconflict, qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.though.

NAMEVivian Huang


[entry]The Watcher

Profile Data









[entry/entry/entry]65kg/172cm (145lbs/5'8'')

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • [entry50% 1]
  • of
  • [entrytorso 2]is transparent
  • [entrySpectral 1]State
  • [entryMartial 2]Arts
  • Ghost Communication
  • Taoist Arts



Perceptive, Unobtrusive, Socially Savvy, Mentally Resilient


[entry]Disassociates, Indifferent, Physically Average



  • [entrySwordbreaker: 1]Er'Ziu (Little Pepper)
  • [entryHand 2]Axe
  • Warding and barrier talismans


[entry]People-watching, pumpkin seeds, high places.



Popcorn, interventionists, personal involvement, conflict
[Link to Creator's sheet]


AbilityJian: 1Er'Ziu

LoremAccompanying ipsumVivian doloris sita amet,jian, consectetura adipiscingweapon elit,made sedto break enemy blades. The "blade" part is a four-cornered steel rod with a pointed end that acts as an effective blunt weapon; if necessary, it can be flipped around to use the handle as a heavier club. Affectionately referred to as Er'Ziu, it/he has taken Vivian as a protege, and when situations arise that violence is necessary, will take control of her body, relishing in the feeling of a fight. His own personality is a fair bit more vicious than hers, and believes that there is no such thing as overkill, but will honor an enemy's surrender. Er'Ziu is a seasoned warrior who can use even Vivian's body to wield any of eighteen traditional Chinese weapons, ranging from the dao to spear.

 Vivian, being a normal person, only carries him and and a hand axe on her person. She also camouflages Er'Ziu by walking with him as a cane, allowing him an element of surprise.

A cord is wrapped around the handle and Vivian's wrist to secure their connection, but control of the body is relinquished if they were to lose contact. He can also only use her body for brief periods of time, since her stamina is average at best.

Occasionally he is allowed possession to sample good alcohol and tea.

Self-Defense & Taoist Arts

Vivian has been trained in basic self-defense techniques, and has a hand axe on her person to act as a backup weapon or if the situation calls for it. She has also learned various in Taoist practices for repelling ghosts and monsters, and is capable of warding areas to be unnoticed by those she does not want to see and protecting herself from a few instances of mortal harm. She is also capable of using talismans to attract ghosts, create small explosions, put mortals to sleep, and may ask for advice on new talismans from Er'Ziu.

Ghost Communication

For some reason or another, ghosts and the undead perceive Vivian as one of their own. She is able to clearly communicate with them with ease, and can even enlist their help if they are willing. However, this does mean that hungry ghosts that prey on weaker ones may try to consume her, which is when the Taoist arts come in handy. It is entirely possible for her to ask them to target a person, with effects ranging from horrible nightmares to an overwhelming sense of dread to feeling like their every movement is weighed by lead or trauma.

Spectral State

Her time in the Ghost Realm has not been kind to her. Roughly 40% of Vivian's body is intangible at any given time, but is concealed by clothing. While this would have more negative impact if she was still a sex worker, Vivian is mostly unbothered by this. If she concentrates, she can focus her condition to a single part of her body, and by controlling the location and intervals, this allows her to pass through physical obstacles. However, the concentration and focus required means that she cannot do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorthis in reprehenderitcombat inunless voluptateshe velitis esseanticipating cilluman doloreattack eu(i.e. fugiata nullabullet Excepteurthe sinthead occaecatafter cupidatata nonmonologue). proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


This 2


Loremmean ipsumthat dolorattempting sitto amet,attack consecteturVivi adipiscinganywhere elit,that seddoesn't dohave eiusmodskin temporshowing incididunthas uta laboreroughly et40% dolorechance magnaof aliqua.hitting Utnothing enimbut adher minimclothes. veniam,She quisavoids nostrudcontrolling exercitationthis ullamcoattribute laborisof nisihers utas aliquipmuch exas eapossible commodosince consequat.her Duisand auteEr'Ziu irurehave dolornoted inthat reprehenderitthe incondition voluptatespreads velitthe essemore cillumshe dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Ability 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.does.


LoremTrue ipsumto dolorher sitbeing amet,an consecteturescort, adipiscingVivian elit,is sedquick doto eiusmodfigure temporout incididunta utperson's laborewants etand doloredesires magnaand Utto enimcapitalize adon minimthem. veniam,She's quisvery nostrudpatient, exercitationand ullamcoher laborislack nisiof utpresence aliquipmakes exstalking eato commodogather consequat.information Duiseasy, auteeven irurewithout dolorher inspectral reprehenderitform. inEven voluptateif velitshe esseis cillumtaken doloreby eusurprise, fugiatEr'Ziu nullais pariatur.quick Excepteurto sintrespond, occaecatand cupidatatVivian noncan proident,quickly suntkeep inher culpacomposure quiafter officiathat. deseruntShe mollitis animalso idnot estabove laborum.seeking the help of others, with no regard for pride. Once she has set her mind to something, she will see it through as far as she can.


LoremAs ipsummuch doloras sitshe amet,has consecteturtrained, adipiscingmost elit,of sedwhat doVivian eiusmodis temporused incididuntto utis laboresocial etsituations, doloreghosts, magnaand aliqua.demons. UtHer enimSpectral adState minimmeans veniam,that quisshe nostrudhas exercitationlimited ullamcocontrol laborisof nisiher utability aliquipto expass eathrough commodothings, consequat.and Duisover autetime irureher dolorbody inis reprehenderitdegrading inand voluptateshe velitis essebecoming cilluma doloreghost. euUltimately, fugiatshe nullais pariatur.not Excepteura sintcombatant, occaecatrelying cupidataton nonEr'Ziu proident,to sunttake incare culpaof quisuch officiamatters. deseruntEven mollitso, animher idbody estis laborum.only so strong, meaning that she either must end things quickly or stay on the back foot, playing passive to lure her opponents into their end credits. 

SL2_placehold_image_04.pngchangeling.png SL2_placehold_image_04.pngSword_Truncheon,_Northern_Song,_Heirloom_(33549743291).jpg SL2_placehold_image_04.png 
[item description]ref [itemJian description]Er'Ziu
[item description]

Author's Notes


  • Er'Ziu dolorroughly sittranslates amet,to consectetur"Little adipiscingPepper". elit,Vivian sedcalls dohim eiusmodthis temporsince incididunthe uthas laborea et"spicy dolorepersonality". magna
  • aliqua.
  • Taoist Utarts enimare adalso minimused veniam,for quissmaller nostrudthings exercitationsuch ullamcoas laborishygiene nisiand utmending aliquipher exclothes. ea
  • commodo
  • She Duis aute irure dolorfluent in reprehenderitEnglish, inMandarin, voluptateCantonese, velitand esseKorean. cillumNone doloreof euthese fugiathelped nullawhen pariatur.trying Excepteurto sintunderstand occaecatEr'Ziu's cupidatatarchaic nonmanner proident,of suntspeaking. in
  • culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.