The famous Cross Colosseum where The God Eater's Cross Tournament takes place! It features several large screens that broadcast what Miss X is seeing during a fight, as well as a balcony for The God Eater to overlook the events. The Colosseum is connected to the larger building behind it, which includes the Fox Pagoda and Kit'Inn. The Fox Den is to the right of the Pagoda, which is where The God Eater is rumored to slumber...
-- Unknown
Here it is, Cross Coliseum! The place where lives can change in an instant! This round, open-air stadium hosts several entrances encircling the entire structure, for the ease of those spectating. There are four main seating areas, as well as private viewing booths for the wealthier audience members. The God Eater has her own balcony to overlook her beloved tournament, front and center!
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In the off-season, or non-fight days, Miss X loves to take over the Coliseum to host one of her many concerts.