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The usual crash spot for traveling competitors for the Cross Tournament. It's rumored to be haunted, although customers swear the voices come from another dimension...




After a long day of fighting, training, and exploring Crossroads, finally it's time to crash on the softest bed in the realm. Pillows are always cool here at the Kit'Inn, and the bathrooms are always stocked with those little tiny shampoo bottles that everyone loves. Though... there always seems to be chatter, well into the night... 


A quaint little Inn where fighters can sleep off their long days and recharge in quiet! The rooms have full amenities--bathrooms, mini fridges, it's the dream. Rumors have circulated about the possible 'haunting', but any ghosts have yet to be actually seen. Rather, voices and movements are often heard, as if someone in another world is in your room...


The lobby is host to a delicious (and complimentary) coffee bar and lounge! Sit down, have a chat, get ready for the day--you might even see Miss X stop by to check in on her beloved fighters!


Warriors' Respite


Main inhabitants

Competitors, and Crossguards. Miss X will pop in from time to time!


Quiet atmosphere, the voices of other inhabitants muffled through the walls. Occasional creaks and footsteps, music can be heard from the streets. And was that... knocking on the window?


Warm, cozy bed and breakfast.



Notable Features

A state-of-the-art coffee bar in the lobby, free of charge!

Kit'Inn Palette.png

Kit'Inn Palette

Author's Notes

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