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Welcome to Crossroads!




 Rules & Entry

Keep up with our events on your Google Calendar! (Or iCal)

Branding- Colors, Fonts, & Logos



Main Site

Currently Judging 2023-24 Auditions 

(expect the roster by March 16th)

See the full list of auditions here!


fox invite.png
Main NPCs
Other ways to participate:
Custom Crossguards
Judge NPCs

2023 Auditions

How to enter 2023's Cross Tournament

Writer's Auditions
Comic Auditions
Animation Auditions
Past Tournaments (Archive)
2021 Tournament

Previous tournament competitors, if able to be recognized by account name when they register an account, will have a 2021 participant role assigned to back-edit their archives.


If you'd like to edit 2021 pages and were a competitor that was not given the role, open a #wiki-support ticket.

See our FAQ for answers to general questions & help with our wiki.