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Tana Okina


I don't wanna think of how easy things were back then.

-- Tana Okina


A Tanuki from the Okina Family, Tana Okina struggles to find her place in both her family and daily life. She's energetic, peppy, very curious and fairly dedicated to her studies trying to tackle her day to day with her 100% dedication while trying to fit in as best she can. This being the reason she keeps trying to learn new things and gain more and more talents.


Her current form is actually not her true form, as she can't keep it permanently, so she switches back whenever she goes to sleep or when she's alone.


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Job & Skills

  5. Location

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Tanaka was born a part of the Okina clan of tanuki, racoon dogs that eat the leaves of a magical tree to gain intelligence and magical ability. The Okina clan slowly modernized and adapted to current society by disguising as humans and eventually being almost impossible to spot in a crowd.


Tana particularly, while a prodigy at the clan's transformation magic, is currently trying her best to finish her studies. She has a specific desire to make friends her age that she feels would still like her even if they knew her true form.


The Okina clan has always had a good relationship with the Okagami Shrine, so Tana has known Shiori since they were kids, still being best friends to this day.

Tana is mostly known around her hometown due to her father, who is a huge CEO and a heavy traditionalist.


A dedicated worrywart, who finds herself driven to try all she can. She's usually peppy and energetic, but that's mostly a front she puts to fit in with others, she's actually a self aware overthinker who wishes to fit in and be part of something.

She is a pushover and submits easily to social pressure, believing she always has to make herself useful somehow.

Tana Okina

Tana Render.png



Profile Data




She/Her, Female,Female Biologically(Transexual), Male




Light,Lightweight, 5'10''ft(177cm), Average

Hair/Eye/Skin ColourColor

Hazel with dark tips and green highlights, Lime Green, Slight Tan

Distinguishing Marks

  • Leaf-Shaped Hair Pin (Heirloom).
  • Green highlights.


StudentStudent, Unemployed


Social Media Photography, Reading, Personal Writing.




Tana Leaf.png

Tana has the ability to transform an object into an imitation of another object, or herself into an imitation of another living being. It can be anything, but the more mass she has to change, the more energy it spends. She can replenish energy by eating, which has her develop a big appetite just to keep her human form for longer periods of time.

The less parts of an object or herself she changes, the less energy she uses.

It also comes with the limitation of not being able to create liquids.


Job & Skills

LoremA ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorstudent in reprehenderither inlast voluptateyear velitof essehighschool, cillumshe's dolorea euquick fugiatlearner nullaand pariatur.a Excepteurbig sintopportunist. occaecatAs cupidatatshe nonlearns proident,of suntmore inthings, culpashe's quialso officiaable deseruntto mollittransform animmore idobjects estinto laborum.said things. This allows her to support others who approach her by creating something she might know about that the person specifically might need. 


She resides in the Kit'inn, sharing a room with Shiori Okagami as her tag-along.

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SL2_placehold_image_04.pngSLS2 Tana Okina .png

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Author's Notes


  • If doloryou sitwant amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sedto do eiusmodanything temporwith incididunther, utfeel laborefree etto. doloreI'll magnabe aliqua.using Uther enimpersonally adfor minimmy veniam,own quisstory nostrudbeats.
  • exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.