Vallery "Sugar Glass" Henderson
Table of Contents
On a rebound she wound up dating a boy near the end of high school, an amateur programmer named Robert. He was shy on the surface, but once you got him talking about his dreams he'd go on and on about all the things he wanted to do with his life. However upon her graduation, her worsening relationship with her mother hit its breaking point. The two moved in
Heartbroken, alone, with home to go back too, she turned to a life of crime. She became what is known as a Jobber in her home realm: a villain for hire, working for people with a plan, either as glorified goons, or freelance. She bounced from gig to gig, working for everyone from revolutionaries to cultists, to psychopaths, to well meaning people on the wrong side of the law. Going by the name Sugar Glass she was classified as a non-threat, even as her ability to create and shape barriers grew more and more powerful.
Eventually she received an invitation to the crossroads to compete. Seeing an end to the cycle of misery and poverty that had always tried to grind down her optimistic energy, she put her all into it for the wish that could change her life. Along the way she made a lot of friends. She clawed her way to the final realm where she lost, but not before putting up the biggest fight of her life. When the God Eater informed her that she didn't need to go back to her old life, she chose to stay. Using her newfound connections she opened a cafe, and cut deals with unknown parties to set up the technology to call home so she could tell the few friends she could get back in contact with that she was doing well, and to attempt to rub it in the face of her mother.
She hasn't fought much since opening her cafe, now living the dream. Constantly stressed with the difficulties before her, she still can't stop smiling. Her high energy spirit is finally in control of its own destiny, and she couldn't be happier.
Ability 1Barrier
LoremShe ipsumcomes dolorfrom sita amet,world consecteturwhere adipiscingsuper elit,heroes sedand dovillains eiusmodfight, temporand incididuntsuperpowers utare laborecommon. etThere doloreis magnaa aliqua.complex Utclassification enimsystem, adbut minimthe veniam,most quisaccessible nostrudterm exercitationis ullamco'parahuman'. laborisA nisiterm utfor aliquipany exsuper eapowered commodoindividual consequat.who Duisalways autehas irureaccess dolorto their powers. She is a Type 1 Parahuman (meaning she was born with her powers), and as typical of Type 1 Parahumans, her abilities are simple but can grow in reprehenderitpower like one would train a muscle. In this case she can make simple semi-transparent barriers. They can be any shape or size so long as at least one part remains within 5 feet of her. The 'material' they are made out of is indistinguishable from glass, even shattering under a heavy impact, but it is not made of actual matter and will dissipate when she stops focusing on it. Larger amounts of barrier generated puts a greater strain on her powers, exhausting her, and more complex objects require a lot of focus for her to create. Thus in voluptatebattle velitshe esseusually cillumkeeps dolorethis eusimple, fugiatoften nullagoing pariatur.with Excepteura sintdome occaecator cupidatatbubble nonaround proident,her, suntor ina culpasimple quipane officiaas deserunta mollitshield. animBarriers idshe estmakes laborum.
Abilityeffected 2
by Loremgravity, ipsumand dolorshe sitdid amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Ability 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.learn
Job & Skills
LoremShe ipsumis dolorthe sitOwner amet,and consecteturOperator adipiscingof elit,the sedShatter doSugar eiusmodConnection temporCafe. incididuntShe utdoes laborea etbit doloreof magnaeverything, aliqua.from Utmaintaining enimthe adconnection minimsystems veniam,that quisallow nostrudcompetitors exercitationto ullamcophone laborishome, nisito utmeeting aliquipwith exdistributors, eato commodorunning consequat.the Duisregister, auteto irurecleaning dolorthe tables, and more. Most importantly to her though: She has customized every recipe she sells and makes almost all the pastries herself. It is her passion. The rest of it is mostly an excuse to follow that dream. She is skilled in reprehenderitcombat and first aid from the days where she was a super villain and has a tremendous nearly overriding work ethic. Outside of her singular parahuman ability she is otherwise normal, if a bit on the tall side. No super strength, no super durability, no super brainpower. But she is determined, resourceful and creative enough to turn her singular power into a finals placement in voluptatethe velitcross essetournament. cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
LoremShe ipsumis doloralmost sitalways amet,at consecteturher adipiscingbusiness, elit,the sedShatter doSugar eiusmodConnection temporCafe incididunton utthe laborePhoenix etCoast. doloreYou magnacan aliqua.find Uther enimthere adfrom minimbefore veniam,the quissun nostrudrises, exercitationall ullamcothe laborisway nisitil utthe aliquipsun exsets. eaIts commodorumored consequat.she Duiseven autesleeps irurethere. dolorEvery innow reprehenderitand inthen voluptateher velithandful esseof cillumemployees doloreshove euher fugiatout nullathe pariatur.door Excepteurto sinttake occaecata cupidatatbreak, nonbut proident,often suntshe inuses culpait quito officiameet deseruntwith mollither animsuppliers idinstead. estVery laborum.rarely, if she does take a break, she will often go down to the Fox Den and- Nope, not even then. Her 'break' is often just an excuse to advertise her cafe.
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Author's Notes
LoremFeel ipsumfree dolorto sitshoot amet,me consecteturDM adipiscingif elit,you sedhave dofurther eiusmodcharacter temporquestions. incididuntShe utis laboreprobably etnot dolorelooking magnafor aliqua.a Utrelationship, enimwork adis minimher veniam,life quisafter nostrudall, exercitationbut ullamcoif laborisyou nisiwanna utship aliquipher, exgo eaahead commodoand consequat.ship Duisher. auteMore irurepower dolorto inyou. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.