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Vallery "Sugar Glass" Henderson


Calling home? Need something to wake you up? Have a sweet tooth craving? Just want to see me? Oh, you're so sweet~ Don't expect flattery to get you a discount though.

-- Sugar Glass



Vallery Henderson is a tall, plus sized woman, with an affinity for a white and purple color scheme. Her hair is brunette naturally, but she usually dyes it; frequently purple, though she has been known to mix it up now and then, often for holidays. She almost always has glossy white highlights dyed into it and prefers to have it tied up or braided. She has a mind for fashion and takes a lot of care in her appearance. This rarely lasts as she is constantly putting out metaphorical (and sometimes literal) fires, trying to keep her business, the "Shatter Sugar Connection Cafe" up and running. Even then, she always seems highly energized, and has a bad habit of cutting people off when they are speaking. She often accessorizes with a purple necklace and a pocket watch.  



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Job & Skills

  5. Location

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Sugar Glass was born Vallery Henderson to a lower-middle class family. Her childhood was messy, in a way that's not uncommon. Stress related to finances often plagued her family. She adapted to it by developing an aggressive optimism. There was a lot of pressure on her. She was the eldest daughter, and had been born with Parahuman abilities: the ability to make barriers. Her father pressed her to improve this naturally gifted supernatural talent, imagining her becoming the next big super hero, and when she was very little she entertained the idea. On her 7th birthday, this changed, when her mother decided to bake a birthday cake from scratch. It was magic to little Vallery: she knew how they were made in a vague sense, but she hadn't internalized that she could make delicious treats herself. She stopped practicing to be a super hero and started learning everything she could about making her own pastries.  


As she grew up, the financial strain on her family only grew, and her father eventually left. She picked up the slack by grabbing a job as soon as she was able to. The stress of it would shorten her temper and she became a social outcast. Most people were afraid to interact with her, afraid that her cheerful optimism would crack into a violent outburst. Her grades also suffered, and she found herself just barely scraping by with Ds. Making the situation further fraught for the sweetest delinquent, she discovered she liked both men and women; a simple truth to the friends she had cultivated, but devastating to her mother, who found the very concept sinful.  


On a rebound she wound up dating a boy near the end of her high school career, an amateur programmer named Robert. He was shy on the surface, but once you got him talking about his dreams he'd go on and on about all the things he wanted to do with his life. However upon her graduation, her worsening relationship with her mother hit its breaking point. The two moved in together, both pursuing their own goals, and their relationship struggled under that pressure. She left for a walk to cool down after a fight, and when she returned, the apartment was destroyed, taking Robert and everything she owned with it.  


Heartbroken, alone, with no home to go back to, she turned to a life of crime. She became what is known as a Jobber in her home realm: a villain for hire, working for people with a plan, either as glorified goons, or freelance. She bounced from gig to gig, working for everyone from revolutionaries, to cultists, to psychopaths, to well meaning people on the wrong side of the law. Going by the name Sugar Glass she was classified as a non-threat, even as her ability to create and shape barriers grew more and more powerful.  


Eventually she received an invitation to the Crossroads to compete. Seeing an end to the cycle of misery and poverty that was always grinding down her optimistic energy, she put her all into it for the wish that could change her life. Along the way she made a lot of friends. She clawed her way to the final round. where she lost, but not before putting up the biggest fight of her life. When the God Eater informed her that she didn't need to go back to her old life, she chose to stay. Using her newfound connections she opened a cafe, and cut deals with unknown parties to set up the technology to call home, so she could tell the few friends that she was doing well, and to attempt to rub it in the face of her mother.  


She hasn't fought much since opening her cafe. She's now living the dream. Constantly stressed with the difficulties before her, she still can't stop smiling. Her high energy spirit is finally in control of its own destiny, and she couldn't be happier.



She is a high energy optimist that casually bowls over more passive people. Not with malice, just by her nature. She has a habit of cutting people off once she realizes what the end of their sentence will be. Vallery still has a bit of a temper, and has been known to choose violence when sufficiently angered or annoyed. She cares a lot about the people around her, be they friends, enemies, or strangers. All the same, she is no push over. If you have the gall to try to take advantage of her good nature, you will find Vallery has boundaries that she will not allow anyone to cross lightly. She may choose to give some one a deal, but it's always on her terms. Attempts to haggle will, at best, fail. At worst they will backfire. The price is the price she set, and you cannot convince her to change it. She has no tolerance for those who violate her personal space, or press her with questions. She will only repeat herself to clarify if you didn't hear her. If you need a second warning, you will likely be removed from her premises.  

In short, a high energy, firm but fair, optimist.  

Sugar Glass


Vallery Henderson

Profile Data


Human (Parahuman Type 1)


She/Her, Cis Female





Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


Distinguishing Marks

  • Signature 2 tone braid


Shatter Sugar Owner/Operator


She could use a few.




She comes from a world where super heroes and villains fight, and superpowers are common. There is a complex classification system, but the most accessible term is 'parahuman'; a term for any super powered individual who always has access to their powers. She is a Type 1 Parahuman (meaning she was born with her powers), and as typical of Type 1 Parahumans, her abilities are simple but can grow in power like one would train a muscle. In this case she can make simple semi-transparent barriers. They can be any shape or size so long as at least one part remains within 5 feet of her. The 'material' they are made out of is indistinguishable from, and has the same properties of glass, even shattering under a heavy impact, but it is not made of actual matter and will dissipate when she stops focusing on it. Larger barriers puts a greater strain on her powers, exhausting her, and more complex objects require a lot of focus for her to create and maintain. Thus in battle she usually keeps this simple, often going with a dome or bubble around her, or a simple pane as a shield. Barriers are affected by gravity, and she did learn that their weight can be a potential crushing hazard.  

Job & Skills

She is the owner and operator of the Shatter Sugar Connection Cafe. She does a bit of everything, from maintaining the connection systems that allow competitors to phone home, to meeting with distributors, to running the register, to cleaning the tables, and more. Most importantly, she has customized every recipe she sells, and makes almost all the pastries herself. It is her passion. The rest of it is mostly an excuse to follow that dream. She is skilled in combat and first aid from the days when she was a super villain and has a tremendous, nearly overriding, work ethic. Outside of her singular parahuman ability she is otherwise normal, if a bit on the tall side. No super strength, no super durability, no super brainpower. But she is determined, resourceful, and creative enough to turn her singular power into a finals placement in the Cross Tournament.  


She is almost always at her business, the Shatter Sugar Connection Cafe on the Phoenix Coast. You can find her there from before the sun rises, all the way til the sun sets. It's rumored she even sleeps there. Every now and then, her handful of employees shove her out the door to take a break, but often she uses this as an opportunity to meet with her suppliers instead. Very rarely, if she does take a break, she will go down to the Fox Den and- Nope, not even then. Her 'break' is often just an excuse to advertise her cafe.  

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Author's Notes

Feel free to shoot me a DM if you have further character questions. She is probably not looking for a relationship, work is her life after all, but if you wanna ship her, go ahead and ship her. More power to you.