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Hiya! The name's Ember- is that a scone?! Where did you get one? A cart sellin em? I'll fix whatever you need in a minute, I need to go

-- Emberstorm



Damaya, better known as Emberstorm, is a hyperactive mechanic and cambion hero, cheerfully repairing machines and putting away criminals with the robotic companion she built, P3RLH4M, often called Perlham or Perly. She is the main mechanic of a hero agency known as Eastside Heat, a group that focuses on being "hip" and "trendy", harnessing that mid 2000's cool/edgy vibes and energy



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Born and raised up on Earth, Damaya stuck out of the group of neighborhood kids by being the only demonic one. Often getting shunned by everyone, she didn't have too many friends growing up, and due to her father having to constantly move for his job meant no one got to know her long enough until he finally quit when she was seven, and moved to Madison to be with Damaya's demonic mother and her auto shop. spending most of her days at the auto shop, she quickly got into cars and anything with an engine, shifting her school focus from culinary to mechanical with a side of programming. While in school, her father gained a new job, one that allowed his family to finally stay put. INSERT SAD MOMENT HERE. After her father's passing, Damaya changed her robotics' class final project for high school, modifying her caretaker bot project to be her personal robotic companion, uploading all of her recorded memories with her family into the swine-themed machine, giving birth to her iconic pal P3RLH4M. Once school was over, she wandered the town, her mind scrambled after her traumatic moment until she stumbling across an advertisement for parahumans to join the local hero agency. Gaining a moment of clarity, she took the ad, and began to apply at every nearby agency, eventually getting accepted into Eastside Heat, who were in desperate need of an onsite mechanic. Within her first few days, she had taken a F451 mech suit and heavily modifying it until she was caught by a few furious executives. Some of the heroes at Eastside, like their main star Airblade, managed to convinced the angered higher-ups to put Damaya on the hero roster instead of punishing her. The execs oblige, pulling Damaya from the engineering bay and moving her into active service, where she donned the name "Emberstorm" and quickly became a rising star, gaining immense popularity from civilians. She would never let the fame get to her head though, forcing herself to stay mostly humble while faced with her growing popularity, but she is always overjoyed to see toys of herself in stores. Lately, she works as both mechanic and hero, which occasionally messes with her sleep, but she enjoys her job too much to complain about it



Damaya is a hyperactive and friendly gal, though is often distracted by the world around her. She is never still, constantly moving in some way, either by tapping her feet, or by chatting 24/7. This Demoness is almost always cheerful, always having a smile on her face, even while facing up against a dangerous criminal or having a bad day, only ever breaking the constant cheer when someone dare harms her robotic pet pig, where she gets incredibly angry. If enough harm comes to her pet, she will drop both her friendly attitude and her chatty nature, going silent and letting her flaming fists doing the talk for the rest of the conversation. Outside of the rare times she is a furious firestorm, Damaya is always willing to chat, beaming with positivity as often as possible, and always trying to find the good in everyone






That Girl with a Pig

Profile Data




She/Her, Cis Female




172 lbs, 6' 2", Decently Slim

B/W/H Size

Don't you wanna know, weather boy

Hair/Eye/Skin Color

Deep Purple, Amber, Red

Distinguishing Marks

  • Horns
  • Tail
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Creates Portals
  • Improved Strength and Endurance


Immune to fire

More durable than an average human

Surprisingly intelligent which is often underestimated

Agile without her suit, Strong with her suit


Easily Distracted

Flame powers can be temporarily disabled if hit with a fire-retardant

Gets hurt by anything holy

her body is weaker than the mech, and her mech is slow and clunky



  • "Big Lugger" Pipe Wrench
  • Flathead Screwdriver
  • modified F451 Mech Suit


Pigs, Sweets, Anything Mechanical, Jokes, Video Games


Anyone hurting her pig, Holy Water, Her Boss sometimes, 

Malk's Link Goes Here



Due to Damaya's demonic heritage, she is gifted with pyrokinesis, allowing her to create and control fire. She displays incredible control of her flames, able to spark walls of fire within seconds. Damaya can ignite her body as well, causing her flaming abilities to improve drastically. The excess heat and fire is used to power her mech suit if its in working condition

Demonic Strength and Endurance

Damaya's body is compactly built, muscles are condensed and appear small, giving the illusion that she's thin and weak. This is far from the truth. While she is unable to pull off amazing feats like lifting cars up by herself, or run for miles with no breaks, Damaya can still catch someone off by ripping off a car door clean off the rest of the vehicle


A unique power Damaya was born with is the ability to tear open a hole in space with a roar of flames, creating a portal, allowing her to move great distances with ease. Unfortunately she is still learning how to control it fully, leaving her stranded in the crossroads for now, and it's tied to her pyrokinesis, so if Damaya is ever hit with anything like the contents of a fire-extinguisher, she will be unable to escape easily until her powers recharge


From her demonic heritage, Damaya is completely immune to any and all fire attacks if she doesn't decide to manipulate them, adding more fuel to her own flames. She also has increased durability from being a cambion, allowing her to take more punishment from people before giving up. Her slim body is also quite agile and flexible, helpful for getting into tight spaces while fixing intricate machinery as well as dodging flurries of attacks, though her greatest strengths lie within her mech and her mind. Despite radiating complete clueless energy, she is surprisingly smart, to the point where it catches people off guard. While within her mech, her raw physical strength is greatly improved, allowing her to really throw some heavy punches, as well as vehicles, at her opponents


An unfortunate result of Damaya's hyperactive nature is that she is easily distracted by things, her attention often going elsewhere in battle if something even remotely interesting passes by. Damaya herself is like a fire, and with any fires, something sufficiently fire-retardant can stop her in her tracks. When exposed to certain fire-stopping chemicals, her powers will die down, and with constant exposure will cease to function temporarily, length of exposure needed and length of time with powers disabled varies depending on what puts out her flames, with the coolant for her mech needing only a second of contact time to switch her off, but only keeps her off for a second before she's ready to burn. The demonic origin burns strong within her, meaning any holy objects, like crosses and holy water, can cause great harm to her faster than any gun or superpower ever could. On the topic of her body, she is much less durable than her metal mech suit, leaving her as a squishy target whenever she is forced to emergency exit her suit, while the suit itself is pretty slow and clunky, forcing it to tank hits instead of dodging out of the way.

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Author's Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.