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P3RLH4M & F451 Mech


Oh you are just the CUTEST, Perly! how can anyone not like your adorable face! oh you are just the BEST! did i say you're cute? because you are!

-- Damaya, Perlham's Owner



Perlham is a sentient bot made and maintained by Emberstorm/Damaya, modded to operate Damaya's F451 Mech suit. They were created to be a therapy animal, and soon evolved into a fully fledged combat AI with a more sassy personality. No one can understand his snorts and oinks except Damaya, though he can speak when plugged into a device with text-to-speech or something similar active on it


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Perlham was first created by a 17 year old Damaya after the traumatic passing of her father caused her to shift her caretaker final project for high school in a different direction, repurposing it into an emotional support pet and important memory storage. As the years went by, Damaya constantly modified and improved Perlham, even letting his AI gain sentience and improve upon itself, creating a one-of-a-kind, sassy yet thoughtful personality. Once Damaya joined up with Eastside Heat, Perlham had another drastic upgrade, a massive update to his AI turned him into a fully functional combat AI, with several processors built to calculate the battlefield with quick efficiency, operate intricate mechanical weapons, and keep Damaya safe while fighting. The sudden change of pace fit the swine well, enjoying his new job as much as Damaya enjoyed it, the two of them working very well together, causing "Emberstorm" to be a rising star



Perlham is quite sassy, but very caring to Damaya. While they do occasionally argue, he will often cuddle up to his owner afterwards, snuggling up close to be held. He takes his jobs, being a companion and combat AI for Damaya, VERY seriously, often being quite proud after defeating a tough opponent then plans how to win the next fight faster. He is quite curious about everyone he meets, waddling over to them and greeting them with an oink whenever someone catches his eye






The Cutest Bot

Profile Data


AI/Robotic Swine


He/They, Male




20 lbs, 5'9" from snoot to rear end, Thick

B/W/H Size


Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

None, RBG but usually cyan, Brass

Distinguishing Marks

  • LED screen for the eyes area
  • Pig features like tails and ears
  • "P3RLH4M" written on his side
  • F451 Mech
  • Flight
  • Built in Weapons system


Small Size and Weight

Sturdy Body

Programmed for a variety of fights


Not actually built for fights outside of the mech suit

can't speak without text-to-speech



  • "Shocking Snoot" Twin Barrel Taser
  • "Wiggly Whiptail" Tactical Whip
  • F451 Mech


Damaya, Getting Headpats, the flavor Vanilla, mushrooms


People Harming Damaya, "Improvising", people pulling on his tail
[Link to Creator's sheet]


The F451 Combat Mech

Once Damaya was accepted into Eastside Heat, she immediately got to work modifying both Perlham and one of the agency's mech suits for the two of them to work together perfectly. When installed into the F451 Mech, Perlham is able to control the machine with ease, and operate the weapons built into the suit the instant Damaya needs them. Without his assistance, Damaya would be forced to fight a lot slower, and without Damaya, Perlham would be unable to use most of the mech's systems, which feed off of Damaya's flame, preventing him from flying within the suit, or being able to use 90% of the suit's attacks. He would still be able to punch, run, and throw things, meaning if the two got separated, Perlham would still be a force to be reckoned with


When disconnected from the suit, Perlham has four thrusters built into his feet, allowing him to propel himself quite far, allowing him catch up to people sprinting away, a situation that wouldn't be possible with just his stumpy little legs. It also allows Perlham to fling himself at an opponent, using his metal body to strike hard

Built-in Weapons

When all else fails, Perlham has a few emergency weapons to use when not in the mech and forced to fight. The "Shocking Snoot" Twin Barrel Taser allows Perlham to fire two electrified projectiles before needing to reload, surprisingly accurate for such a short barrel to work with. The "Wiggly Whiptail" can be deployed by extending the length of his tail, and gives Perly access to quite a painful melee hit, as well as use it like a tripwire to knock people over.


Perlham's small body is composed of a dense, yet lightweight metal, allowing him to be quite agile when avoiding dangers, as well as being a perfect lap pet, while keeping the important tech nice and safe during the stress of combat. His combat AI upgrades allow him to scan the battlefield, and compile a list of all things that could be beneficial while detecting attacks and planning ways to block and counterattack. This upgrade also allows him access to piloting the mech, quickly activating certain systems when the time is needed or when Damaya calls out for a certain move to be used


Despite having such a sturdy body, and two different weapon systems built into his main unit, Perlham isn't built for combat while not piloting a mech suit. The Shocking Snoot needs to be reloaded often, and the Wiggly Whiptail, while able to cause some good pain, is more a utility than a super effective weapon. Perlham was also built without a proper voice, only able to oink, snort and use various other pig sounds to communicate. This isn't an issue to Damaya, who understands every single sound he makes, but everyone else is rarely able to understand him without Damaya translating or Perlham being hooked up to something he can write in or text-to-speech

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Author's Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.