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[Quan Hyun] Round 2: Together, Better

2021 Writer League Quan Huynh

Original doc References: Summer League Round 1: A Dance in Shadows Piano and Forte Ref...

Updated 1 year ago by Tenki

[Quan Hyun] Round 1: Underestimation is a Two-Way Street

2021 Writer League Quan Huynh


Updated 1 year ago by Tenki

[Quan Hyun] Audition: Oh, to compete for a wish

2021 Writer League Quan Huynh

Original doc Chifu. Cheeeeeeeeee- foooooooooooo- Maybe she should spell it with a Q. Or, maybe s...

Updated 1 year ago by Tenki

[Vilivian]: Round 3: The Allegory Between Instances of Aptitude and Practice

2021 Writer League Vilivian

Original doc “No creature found on Britannia is as vile and monstrous as a Matriarch – a devil-s...

Updated 1 year ago by Tenki

[Vilivian]: Audition

2021 Writer League Vilivian

Original doc Vilivian listened intently to the distant sounds of battle. A few dozen men descend...

Updated 1 year ago by Tenki

[Vilivian] Reference

2021 Writer League Vilivian

Original Doc - Vilivian's reference sheet.pdf   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Forte's Epilogue] ChifuxForte Date Night

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc             “You’re in a really good mood today, Mom!”          Miss X was up in t...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano's Epilogue] The Devil Blood and the Angel of Judgement

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc Standing atop one of the many mountain passes of Mt Mei and the surrounding mountai...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano & Forte] Round 3: Black and Purple

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc Settling Ebony “Nah, it’s fine. We were fighting, stuff like that happens, you k...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano & Forte] Round 2: Violet Winds

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc Dance of the Fox and Snake: “And that was our last fight of the day folks!” Miss...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano & Forte] Round 1: A Dance in Shadows

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc Dawn of Conflict: Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock. The ever present t...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano & Forte] Audition

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc “Good ladies and gentleman of this fine establishment this evening, I must humbly t...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

[Piano & Forte] Reference

2021 Writer League Piano & Forte

Original Doc Main Fighter: Piano Aliases: Talent, The Silent Shadow. Age: 23 Race: Devil ...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

2021 Audition List

2021 Recap & Extras

SLOCT 2021 Character List.pdf AUDITIONING LIST Everyone who has completed an entry (DONE) via r...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater


2021 Recap & Extras Side Stories - Literature

by Velvet Room Attendants Oblivia reference sheet - Oblivia Ref.pdf  Oblivia's Story - Oblivia ...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater


2021 Comic League 1

    Senko Reference Sheet Audition Passed Round 1 Won ...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

Fatum's Lilya

2021 Recap & Extras Side Stories - Comics

by Fatum#1636 Lilya  -   Comic

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

Summer Leagues vs Chifu

2021 Recap & Extras Side Stories - Literature

by zacknapattack Original Doc - Summer Leagues vs Chifu.pdf “A-are we really doing this?” Pi...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

Round 3 Match Introductions

2021 Recap & Extras Side Stories - Literature

by zacknapattack Original Doc - Round 3 Match Introductions.pdf Comic League 1: “Welcome bac...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater

To those that Strive for Blood

2021 Recap & Extras Side Stories - Literature

by zacknapattack Original Doc - To those that Strive for Blood.pdf Start “It was my turn to he...

Updated 1 year ago by God Eater